- 24 Hours of Waterloo is back for its third year
- Student experience the talk of the town hall
- Media coaching workshops on offer
- Value System discussed today; other notes
- Editor:
- Brandon Sweet
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca
24 Hours of Waterloo is back for its third year
What will your day look like on October 1? The 24 Hours of Waterloo project is returning to capture a day in the life at UWaterloo through photos and videos on social media. Whether it’s taking a snapshot of what your trek to campus looks like, the classes you attend or teach, or your favourite place to study on campus, we want you to share everything about your Waterloo experience. Your photos will be curated into a visual timeline to showcase UWaterloo life.
A selection of top 15 photos will also be shared on the Waterloo Facebook page and voting will open up to the Waterloo community from October 6 to 9. The top photo will be awarded a $500 shopping spree at Retail Services (sorry – just for students!). Contests will also be happening throughout the day, and the UWaterloo Life Instagram will feature the ultimate takeover – 24 students in 24 hours, including students who are currently abroad or taking co-ops outside of Canada.
You can submit your photos on Wednesday, October 1 through any of these channels:
- Twitter #UWaterlooLife
- Instagram #UWaterlooLife
- Vine #UWaterlooLife
- Email success@uwaterloo.ca
As we gear up for the day, help us spread the word and think about what must-have photos you want to include in the timeline of the day. It can be a great chance to connect with other students, faculty, staff and alumni. Share photos of a meeting you’re in, an event you’re attending, or a class you love.
Contact Ryan Connell with any questions.
Student experience the talk of the town hall
The Vibrant Student Experience Mini Town Hall session took place on Tuesday, September 16 in the Great Hall of the Student Life Centre.
Vice-President, Academic & Provost Ian Orchard provided introductory comments.
Chris Read, associate provost, students, spoke alongside Federation of Students President Danielle Burt and Maryam Shahtaheri, president of the Graduate Student Association.
Read outlined how the “small but determined steering committee” that includes Professor Jeff Casello, associate dean undergraduate studies in Environment, GSA executive Robbie Henderson, and former Feds Vice-President, Internal Devin Drury consulted with many groups on campus and sought input to understand students’ needs and their thoughts on what would improve the overall student experience at Waterloo.
The overarching goal, said Read, was to ensure that Waterloo students have an engaging, purposeful, and relevant experience.
“We know that we attract a unique group of students to this university. We know that our students are academically very strong, we know that our students are highly motivated to embrace an environment of imagination, innovation and interdisciplinary endeavours that will leave them uniquely equipped to contribute to society and lead change, and we know that they are driven to use their experiences here as a launching pad for their career,” Read said. It was important to the steering committee and continues to be important to those of us that continue to guide the work in this theme, that our efforts to evolve the student experience are designed for unique student needs and our distinct campus culture.”
The theme’s objectives included the delivery of excellent student services, the provision of enabling experiences, programs and support to develop student potential, the development of strong partnerships between academic and non-academic units, the creation of a “community of communities” with an environment where students, faculty and staff can connect, and the deepening of connections between students and the off-campus community.”
The theme working group’s priorities include a thorough examination of student space on campus, an increased understanding of how to better integrate student support systems and manage student relationships, and improvements to communications and community.
Following the theme leads’ presentation, the floor was opened up for questions.
The panel took questions on a variety of subjects, including increased space for graduate students, the concept of school spirit, the student portal (currently in beta testing), the importance of the student experience as a recruiting tool, the proposed fall reading week break that will be heading to a student referendum, schoolwork-life balance, healthy food options on campus, and the need for more student space, both for studying and relaxing.
The archived Town Hall can be watched online. Check the Storify for more information.
Media coaching workshops on offer
The media relations team in Marketing and Strategic Communications has partnered with Special Advisor to the President for Women's and Gender Issues Diana Parry to facilitate the dialogue between media and University of Waterloo expertise by offering two half-day interactive workshops as a beginner’s introduction to engaging with the media.
"Making the most of media interviews" will take place on the morning and afternoon of Tuesday, October 7, builds on participants’ own previous experiences with the media to provide attendees with practical tools to enhance their capacity to turn media interview requests into education or advocacy opportunities.
Shari Graydon of Informed Opinions will facilitate the workshops.
This half-day workshop will be offered in the morning and afternoon of October 7 with the same content.
Attendees will get tips on how to:
- Understand how reporters, columnists and talk show hosts operate;
- Prepare for and feel comfortable in interviews (print and broadcast, friendly or hostile, long or short, live and taped);
- Exercise more control in interviews by bridging from asked questions to important issues, and by introducing more nuanced context;
- Translate abstract issues into concrete examples, memorable messages and compelling stories;
- Practice the above techniques in the safe and supportive environment of taped mock interviews; and
- Adapt their approach after viewing and discussing their own and others’ practice interviews.
The media relations team provides campus with media coaching designed to assist faculty and staff in becoming more effective in their interactions with journalists on a per issue basis.
Value System discussed today; other notes
The Strategic Plan Mini Town Hall on the Sound Value System theme will take place on this afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Student Life Centre's multipurpose room.
Theme leaders Beth Jewkes, Waterloo's associate provost, resources, Mahajabeen Ebrahim, Waterloo's director of equity, and Amanda McKenzie, manager of the Office of Academic Integrity will be present to discuss the progress made on the theme thus far and to take questions from the floor, from email and Twitter. The interactive dialogue can be watched live, and questions will be taken from the floor, via email, and via tweets to the @UWaterlooLive account. The hashtag to follow is #uwth.
The Office of Research is hosting its United Way Bake Sale on Thursday, September 25 from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in front of NH 1043. The annual bake sale supports the United Way's 2014 campaign. Goodies will be on offer for a goodwill donation while supplies last.
On Sunday, September 14, five St. Paul's University College students and Residence and Community Life Manager Steve Prentice traveled to Niagara-On-The-Lake to participate in the annual Terry Fox Run. They were joined by Principal Graham Brown and alumnus Bill Pristanski (BMath '78).
"All the runners had a great time," writes Stephen Loo. "but more importantly, in just six days, the team raised more than $1,000 for cancer research!"
"Bill Pristanski, who serves as Chairman of the Terry Fox Foundation Board, has participated in every single Terry Fox run, raising more than $400,000 along the way. He was thrilled with the involvement of St. Paul's staff and students and hopes the event will become an annual St. Paul's tradition."
The hot zone in the hot seat: The faculties of Science, Engineering and Applied Health Sciences have partnered for a public lecture entitled "The Science Behind Ebola: Evolution, Epidemiology, and Experimental Treatments" that will be taking place in the Humanities Theatre on Wednesday, September 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Lecturer Christine Dupont, PhD of the Department of Biology will give an opening talk examining where the Ebola virus came from and how it affects the human body.
Professor Shannon Majowicz of the School of Public Health and Health Systems will discuss Ebola’s epidemiology, exploring how it spreads and mechanisms to prevent infection.
Professor Marc Aucoin of the Department of Chemical Engineering will explain the science behind ZMapp and VSV-EBOV, the Canadian experimental drug and vaccine used against the Ebola virus.
The audience will have the opportunity to ask the speakers questions in a panel discussion following the lectures.
The event is sold out, but people interested in attending are welcome to join attendees at the theatre and once those with tickets are seated, the organizers will fill any remaining seats. The lecture will be recorded and posted on the University of Waterloo YouTube channel.
Link of the day
Friends turns 20...could I be any more nostalgic?
When and where
Sunshine Summit privacy information session, Tuesday, September 23, 9:15 a.m., DC 1302. Details.
Sound Value System Mini Town Hall, Tuesday, September 23, 2:00 p.m., SLC Multipurpose Room. Details.
Velocity Science Talk featuring Moufeed Kaddoura; Co-Founder, ExVivo Labs & Rachel Pautler; Co-Founder & CEO, Suncayr, Tuesday, September 23, 7:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., EV3 4412. Register for free pizza.
CECA presents Career Fair 2014, Wednesday, September 24, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., RIM Park, Waterloo. Details.
Employee Assistance Program September Brown Bag Lunch & Learn, “All Stressed Out? Strategies that Help!” Wednesday, September 24, 12:00 p.m., DC 1302. Details.
On Knowledge and Education: Is Knowledge Constructive? Wednesday, September 24, 5:00 p.m., E5 6008. Details.
Public Lecture: The Science Behind Ebola: Evolution, Epidemiology, and Experimental Treatments, Wednesday, September 24, 7:00 p.m., Humanities Theatre. Details.
Velocity Alpha presents “Find Your Kicka** Idea” with Waterloo student Tom Price, who's also the Chief Science Officer at Practicure, Wednesday, September 24, 7:30 p.m., EV3 4412. Register for free pizza.
Office of Research United Way Bake Sale, Thursday, September 25, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., NH 1043.
UW Farm Market, Thursday, September 25, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Student Life Centre Lower Atrium. Details.
Lunch and Learn Pension session, Thursday, September 25, "Forms of Pension and Other Considerations," Thursday, September 25, 12:00 p.m., RCH 103.
University of Waterloo Retirees Association Annual Fall Reception, Thursday, September 25, 3:00 p.m. University Club.
Public Lecture featuring Lisa Schirch, "Celebrating International Day of Peace: Taking Peace to the Pentagon," Thursday, September 25, 7:00 p.m., Conrad Grebel University College Great Hall. Details.
David Sprott Distinguished Lecture featuring Eduardo Schwartz, UCLA School of Management, "The Real Options Approach to Valuation: Challenges and Opportunities," Thursday, September 25, 2:30 p.m., MC 4061. Details.
Quantitative biology seminar featuring Ben Bolker, McMaster University, "Generalized linear mixed models". Friday, September 26, 2:30 p.m., QNC 1501.
Reunion 2014, Saturday, September 27. Details.
29th Annual AHS Fun Run, Saturday, September 27, 9:00 a.m., BMH. Details.
20th Annual East Asian Festival, Saturday, September 27, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Renison University College. Details.
Interactive Learning Open Houses, Saturday, September 27, 11:00 a.m., Sedra Student Design Centre, Earth Sciences Museum.
11th Annual Traditional Pow Wow, Saturday, September 27, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., St. Paul's University College. Details.
Waterloo Warriors vs. Western Mustangs, Saturday, September 27, 1:00 p.m. kickoff, Warrior Field.
Reunion keynote lecture featuring Heather Moyse, Saturday, September 27, 3:00 p.m., Humanities Theatre.
University of Waterloo Staff Association Information Session, Tuesday, September 30, 12:00 p.m., DC 1304. Details.
Bookstore Author Event featuring Pam Fluttert, author of "Until Today," Tuesday, September 30, 4:30 p.m., Bookstore, South Campus Hall.
6th International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, Wednesday, October 1 to Friday, October 3, Institute for Quantum Computing. Details.
UW Farm Market, Wednesday, October 1, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Student Life Centre Lower Atrium. Details.
Biological Conservation Research Opportunities for Students, OpWall Info Session, Wednesday, October 1, 10:00 a.m., Needles Hall, 3043. Details.
Velocity Alpha, “What’s Your Problem?” with Larry Smith, Wednesday, October 1, 7:30 p.m., EV3 4412. Register for free pizza.
WPIRG presents “They Came in Ships: Settler Colonialism from Turtle Island to Palestine,” Thursday, October 2, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., RCH 301. Details.
Faculty of Arts Graduate Studies Info Reception, Thursday, October 2, 7:00 p.m., School of Accounting and Finance Don Craig Atrium. Details.
Arriscraft Fall Lecture Series featuring Jenny Sabin, “Elasticity and Networks: Computing BioMatters,” Thursday, October 2, 7:00 p.m., Cummings Lecture Theatre, School of Architecture. Details.
Biology seminar featuring
John Brumell, University of Toronto, "Mechanisms of cell-to-cell spread by Listeria monocytogenes " Friday, October 3, 2:30 p.m., QNC 1501.
Centre for Teaching Excellence’s Teaching Week, Monday, October 6 to Friday, October 10.
Arriscraft Fall Lecture Series featuring Nader Tehrani, “Pedagogical Constructs,” Thursday, October 9, 7:00 p.m., Cummings Lecture Theatre, School of Architecture. Details.
Thanksgiving Holiday, Monday, October 13, most university buildings and services closed.