- Warriors win opening game of University Cup
- Efficiency ideas sought
- St. Paul's kicks off 50th anniversary celebration
- Campus wi-fi upgrade update
- Watch for falling props and other notes
- Editor:
- Brandon Sweet
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca
Warriors win opening game of University Cup
The Warriors men's hockey team defeated the top-ranked University of Alberta Golden Bears in the opening game of the University Cup yesterday, with a final score of 2-1. The Warriors handed the Golden Bears their first loss since December 2012.
Athletics has the summary of the thrilling upset on its website.
The men's hockey team will now face the St. Mary's Huskies on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. EDT, with the game being televised live on Sportsnet. The game will also be streamed live. A victory there will earn them a spot in Sunday's gold medal game.
Efficiency ideas sought
The Efficiency Working Group, created to "optimize the use of human, financial and capital resources," is seeking ideas from the campus community on how to improve administrative efficiency at the university.
A website and survey tool has been developed to help collect ideas. WatIAM authentication is required to make submissions, however the working group will review suggestions without personal attribution.
The campus community is encouraged to provide input by Friday, March 29.

St. Paul's kicks off 50th anniversary celebration
St. Paul’s University College kicked off its 50th Anniversary celebrations on Thursday, March 14 with a reception to honor alumni and friends who contributed to the renovation of one of the most important student and community spaces on the St. Paul’s campus – MacKirdy Hall.
To mark the critically important role that St. Paul’s alumni have played in the past few years to the College’s ability to develop a distinctive academic role at the University of Waterloo, the hall, named for Kenneth MacKirdy, founding Waterloo history department professor, member of St. Paul's board of governors and Honorary Fellow of St. Paul's, was officially renamed Alumni Hall.
As part of the renovations, The Edward Jackman Reading Room was created for students. Reverend Jackman has been a longtime supporter of both the university and St. Paul's through the Jackman Foundation, and contributed to the former St. Paul's library, supporting the construction of a reading room during renovations in the area that at one time held the book stacks.
The celebrations on the 14th included the unveiling of the new Dr. Kenneth A. MacKirdy History Wall that captures the spirit of the past 50 years. (Pictured above, St. Paul’s and uWaterloo alumni gather to celebrate the unveiling of the Dr. Kenneth A. MacKirdy History and Donor Recognition wall.)
50th anniversary celebrations will include a spring BBQ, a fall Blackforest coffee house Reunion and a spring 2014 special dinner to honor distinguished alumni of St. Paul’s and Waterloo.
Campus wi-fi upgrade update
Information Systems & Technology (IST) is in the final year of a 3-year, $1.2M upgrade to wi-fi in all academic and administrative buildings across campus. Existing access points (APs) are being upgraded, new access points are being added to nearly double the total number in order to enhance coverage, and special attention is being given to classrooms and common areas that tend to have a high density of users.
IST has provided an update of the current state of the upgrade project, available on its website. Some highlights that will assist campus wifi users in making the most of their online experience include:
Recommended WiFi adapters
"To take full advantage of the upgraded WiFi environment, a dual band 2.4GHz/5GHz WiFi adapter is recommended. This is because the 2.4GHz b/g/n band only has 3 useable channels, and suffers from interference from other equipment using the same frequency (e.g. microwave ovens, cordless phones, Bluetooth). 2.4GHz b/g/n is suitable in a home environment where there are only a few users, but in a classroom with 120 people, and with only 3 channels available (no matter how many APs are installed) performance will be limited. The 5GHz a/n band, in contrast, has 23 channels available."
"When buying a laptop, make sure it supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz. This is usually shown as a/b/g/n; if it says b/g/n (without ‘a’), it is probably not dual band. All Macs made in the last 3 years are dual band. Laptops bought through UW’s agreement with Dell are dual band. Many of the PC laptop models at campustech are dual band. Most PC laptops available at stores off campus or online are not dual band. If you aren’t sure you will need to look up the laptop and WiFi adapter model online to confirm."
Have you setup your own router or AP?
"Anyone who has installed a WiFi router or AP in their office or residence room should disconnect this device and use the campus provided service. If the campus service does not meet your needs, please follow the process. Unauthorized private APs may be disconnected without warning to ensure a dependable service is available to the campus community. For additional information, please see the university's wireless guidelines."
The full update, with more detailed information about Access Points and wi-fi usage guidelines, is available in the text of the update from Network Services.
Watch for falling props and other notes
There will be a lot of things up in the air this weekend as the 21st annual Waterloo Juggling Festival takes place in the Student Life Centre on Saturday and Sunday. Workshops and competitions will be running all day, there will be a unicycle ride at 1:00 p.m., and the big show is set for Saturday night at 7:00 p.m. in Hagey Hall, with tickets going for $10.
The festival is the largest juggling event of its kind in Ontario, and the third largest in Canada.
Event details are available on the UW Juggling Club's festival Facebook page.
The Waterloo Warriors badminton team has won its fourth straight medal in as many years at the recent OUA championship tournament held at Ryerson University. The Athletics department has the team's highlights on its website. Congratulations!
Here's the latest nutrition "myth vs. fact" from Health Services dietician Sandra Ace:
"Myth:" Drinking tea and coffee causes dehydration.
"Fact:" Hydration, or having enough fluid in your body, is important for controlling blood pressure and temperature, waste removal, alertness and physical performance. It’s a widely-held belief that tea and coffee are dehydrating because they contain caffeine. However, most well-designed experimental trials found that consuming caffeine-containing drinks did not lead to negative fluid balance, or dehydration, when consumed in normal amounts (about 3 cups of coffee or 6 cups of tea per day). Tea and coffee are mostly water so they count towards your fluid intake for the day and can help keep you hydrated. In spite of this good news, satisfying your thirst most often with water is still recommended. A sign that you are well-hydrated is if you produce plenty of urine that is clear to light yellow, like pale lemonade. If your urine is darker than this you need to drink more fluids.
Link of the day
When and where
UW Drama presents Top Girls, Wednesday, March 13 to Saturday, March 16, 8:00 p.m., Theatre of the Arts. Details.
The Departments of Classical Studies and Religious Studies present Professor Jeffrey Wickes, Saint Louis University, "The Scriptural Poetics of Syriac Hymnody," Friday, March 15, 4:30 p.m. EV3 4412.
21st Annual Juggling Festival, Saturday, March 16 and Sunday, March 17, Student Life Centre, with performances at 7:00 p.m. in Hagey Hall. Note the new time.
Public Consultation Centre for proposed 2013 Grand River Transit Service Improvement Plan, Monday, March 18, 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Student Life Centre Great Hall.
Fourth Year Design Symposium for Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Monday, March 18, 1:00 p.m., DC foyer. Details.
Chemistry Department Seminar Series featuring Prof. Claude Spino, Department of Chemistry, Sherbrooke University, “Making Chiral Quaternary Carbons”, Monday, March 18, 2:30 p.m., C2-361. Details.
UWSA "Let's Talk" event, Tuesday, March 19, 12:00 p.m., Brubakers, Student Life Centre. Details.
Vincent Lam reads at St. Jerome's University, Tuesday, March 19, 8:00 p.m., STJ 3014. Details.
Fourth Year Design Symposium for Electrical and Computer Engineering, Wednesday, March 20, 9:30 a.m., DC foyer. Details.
UWRC Book Club meeting, featuring "The Sense of an Ending" by Julian Barnes, Wednesday, March 20, 12:00 p.m., LIB 407.
Kitchener Public Library Ideas and Issues Lecture Series featuring Christine Perdon, Department of Psychology, "Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts ...d'oh!" Wednesday, March 20, 12:00 p.m., Forest Heights Community Library.
Int'l Spouses, Book Club featuring "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett, Wednesday, March 20, 7:00 p.m., St. Paul grad apartments, 3rd floor. Details. Note the new time.
Weight Watchers At Work registration session, Thursday, March 21, 12:15 p.m., PAS 2438, info ext. 32218.
Observations and Free Inquiries seminar featuring Hamid Tizhoosh, Systems Design Engineering, "Educating Free Humans - a conversation with serious educators," Thursday, March 21, 5:30 p.m., E5 6004. Details.
Master of Public Service Annual Talk and Dinner Social featuring the Honourable Kevin G. Lynch, Thursday, March 21, 6:00 p.m., University Club.
Philosophy Graduate Student Association's 20th annual conference, Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23. Details.
Vision Science Research Seminar Series featuring Professor William (Bill) K. Stell, University of Calgary, “Myopia – The Long and Short of It”, Friday March 22, 3:30 p.m. OPT 1129. Details.
Int'l Spouses, "Anne of Green Gables," Saturday, March 23, 2:30 p.m., Conrad Centre for the Performing Arts. Group details. Event details.
Yellow Day Coffee Break, Tuesday, March 26, 10:00 a.m., Office of Research board room, NH 1021.
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (I.B.M.B.) Seminar Series featuring Prof. Gerald Audette, Centre for Research on Biomolecular Interactions, York University, “Structural and Functional Studies of Protein Nanotubes and F-Plasmid Conjugation”, Tuesday, March 26 at 3:30 p.m., C2-361. Details.
Retirement Open House for Cathy Mitchell, UW Police. Wednesday, March 27, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Commissary Building, Meeting Room 1112D. RSVP by March 22 to Sharon Rumpel, ext 33510. Details (PDF).
TravelWise Lunch and Learn featuring Kim Moser, Rapid Transit Community Relations, Wednesday, March 27, 12:00 p.m., Arts Lecture Hall 124. Details.
PhD Oral Defences
Biology. Shimaila Ali, "Plant Growth-Promoting Bacterial Endophytes That Contain ACC Deaminase: Isolation, Characterization, and Use." Supervisors, Bernard Glick, Trevor Charles. On deposit in the Faculty of Science graduate office, ESC-254A. Oral defence Thursday, April 4, 2:00 p.m., EIT 1014.
Biology. Navdeep Sandhu, "Impact of Cadmium on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Interrenal Axis Function in Rainbow Trout." Supervisor, Matt Vijayan. On deposit in the Faculty of Science graduate office, ESC-254A. Oral defence Friday, April 5, 11:00 a.m., PHY 352.
Chemistry. Ruifen Jiang, "Strategies to Improve Solid Phase Microextraction Sensitivity: Temperature, Geometry, and Sorbent Effects." Supervisor, Janusz Pawliszyn. On deposit in the Faculty of Science graduate office, ESC-254A. Oral defence Friday, April 5, 12:00 p.m., C2 361.
Chemical Engineering. Prashant Prakash Mutyala, "Preparation of Thermoplastic Vulcanizates from Devulcanized Rubber and Polypropylene." Supervisor, Costas Tzoganakis. This thesis is restricted but on display in the Engineering Graduate Studies Office, PHY 3004. Oral defence Friday, April 5, 1:30 p.m., E6 2022.