- Children's Christmas project spreads cheer
- Weiner named Interim Registrar
- Computer Science remembers Sher DiCiccio
- Piecemeal closings and holiday due dates
- Editor:
- Brandon Sweet
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca
Happy Holidays from the President: Feridun Hamdullahpur, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Waterloo, celebrates Waterloo’s 2013 achievements and thanks the University of Waterloo community for their contributions throughout the year.
The video can also be viewed on the President's website.

Children's Christmas project spreads cheer
Two hundred children in our community will experience the magic of the holiday season this year thanks to the University of Waterloo campus community.
Staff, faculty and students from across campus donate gifts to more than 100 families through the University’s Children’s Christmas project.
Janet Metz, a student advisor with Co-operative Education and Career Action (CECA), initiated the project when she reached out to a single family in need 26 years ago. CECA continues to be actively involved with this project, holding various events and fundraisers throughout the year.
Metz works directly with the Region of Waterloo to identify children through Region-run Home Child Care programs. The children receiving gifts come from families who work in low-income jobs and do not qualify for social assistance.
Metz was honoured recently by University of Waterloo President Feridun Hamdullahpur for her commitment to ensuring the success of the Children’s Christmas Project every year.
She has also involved her friends and family, both on and off campus, in this project. Her nephew and his friends help complete gift-wrapping for nearly 100 children.
Metz has also shopped for gifts herself and works tirelessly with Region of Waterloo staff to coordinate a seamless pick-up and delivery for the families.
Weiner named Interim Registrar
"I am delighted to inform you that Nancy Weiner has agreed to act as Interim Registrar from the date of Ken’s retirement until a new Registrar arrives on campus," wrote Vice-President, Academic & Provost Geoff McBoyle in a memo circulated yesterday.
Weiner (right) is a 1993 uW graduate who started working at the University in 2001 as assistant registrar in charge of Arts, Environment, and Independent Studies. She has been the associate registrar, admissions since February 2006.
"I am sure that all of you will support Nancy during this time of change," McBoyle concludes.
Ken Lavigne, the university's Registrar, is retiring in the New Year.
Computer Science remembers Sher DiCiccio
On Sunday, November 24, the David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science suffered a great loss with the passing of Sherryl (Sher) Anne DiCiccio, Administrative Officer, at the age of 58 after a long battle with cancer.
Sher is remembered by faculty and staff as an enthusiastic, caring, and hardworking individual with a passion for life and the people around her. Even as she faced the challenges of her cancer and its treatment, Sher was dedicated to her role at the university providing mentorship and guidance to her team of staff. As an enduring leader within the school, her presence and impact have been greatly missed and will not be forgotten.
In 1977, Sher began her career at Waterloo working in admissions at the School of Optometry in the Faculty of Science. Later, she joined Waterloo’s Community Arts Centre (WCAC) at the Button Factory where she worked as the Executive Director for 15 years. With a strong commitment to the arts, Sher served on countless organizations to help support local artists in the Waterloo region. In 2009, she returned to the university to take on the role of Administrative Officer in the School of Computer Science, where she was a member of the School executive, oversaw staff HR, and participated in strategic planning.
“Sher was a compassionate and very professional colleague/supervisor who fulfilled her role as an advisor, advocate, and mentor to staff. In her role, she was energetic, enthusiastic, and creative, even during her long struggle with cancer. Her five years with the School left her visible creative touch: in the new school lounge, the newly created seminar and colloquium rooms, and the newly restructured Graduate Office. We won't forget her because she contributed so much in a short span of time and left her mark clearly on the School and its people,” says Margaret Towell, Graduate Coordinator for Computer Science.
Sher will be sorely missed by her three children Jess, Laura, and Paul and his wife Randelle, as well as by her friends and staff at the university.
A memorial service was held in Waterloo on Saturday, November 30. Sher’s family, colleagues, and friends attended to express their sympathies and celebrate her life.
Piecemeal closings and holiday due dates
The examination period winds down today, so today is your last chance to hum the Song of the Volga Boatmen as you watch students trudge into the Physical Activities Complex (come on, I can't be the only one!). Spare a moment for those poor souls who have had to wait until the last day of exams to write their final.
Today is also payday for those employees on the monthly payroll. Those employees who are paid biweekly will see their next paycheques deposited on December 27. The pay dates for 2014 are available on the Human Resources website.
Remember that the Office of Research is closed today from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for their annual holiday lunch.
According to the annual notice posted on the Safety Office's website, today is the last day for hazardous waste drop-off at the Environmental Safety Facility. The university requires that lab operations be suspended by Monday, December 23 at 5:00 p.m. until Thursday, January 2, 2014. For more information call extension 35755.
Information Systems and Technology (IST) has announced that the DC Library helpdesk will close for the holidays today at 8:30 p.m. Regular hours will resume on Monday, January 6.
Housing and Residences has announced that Waterloo's residences will be closed for the term as of noon on Saturday, December 21, except for Columbia Lake Village-North, where residents live year-round. Housing and Residences has resources available for students looking for short-term accommodations during the holiday break.
Finally, if you're looking for some last-minute stocking stuffers, the Turnkey Desk in the Student Life Centre has movie passes available for theatre chains including Cineplex, Landmark (formerly Empire) and the Princess Cinemas at reduced priced. There are still a number of Empire passes that are valid at the new Landmark theatres until April 30, 2014 for only $7.50.
Be aware: NetApp upgrade to take place December 27
Information Systems & Technology (IST) has announced that two NetApp servers (netapp1 and netapp2) will be taken offline to cluster the devices and upgrade the operating systems on Friday, December 27.
Details about the impact of this upgrade are available online.
Links of the day
This weekend: Yalda, Yule, and winter begins
When and where
Feds Used Books extended hours for December: • Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Saturday, December 21, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Last day open in December is Saturday, December 21.
Examination period, Thursday, December 5 to Friday, December 20.
Examination period ends, Friday, December 20.
Suggested end date for Fall 2013 work term, Friday, December 20.
Christmas holidays, Tuesday, December 24 to Wednesday, January 1, 2014. most university buildings and services closed.
St. Paul's Soup and Bannock Days, Wednesday, January 1, 11:30 a.m., STP 228. Details.
Lectures begin, Monday, January 6, 2014.
Co-operative work term begins, Monday, January 6, 2014.
WIN Distinguished Lecture featuring Ian Manners, Professor and Chair of Inorganic, Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry and European Union Marie Curie Chair, University of Bristol, UK, "Functional Nanomaterials via Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly", Tuesday, January 7, 2:30 p.m., QNC 1502. Details.
St. Paul's Soup and Bannock Days, Wednesday, January 8, 11:30 a.m., STP 228. Details.
Ken Lavigne retirement party, Thursday, January 9, 2014, 3:30 p.m., University Club.
Add period for online courses ends, Friday, January 10, 2014.
Philosophy Colloquium featuring Jennifer Nagel, University of Toronto, “The Value of Reasoning in Epistemic Justification”, Friday, January 10, 2014 at 3:30 p.m., HH 334. Details.
Renison Alumni College dinner, Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 4:15 p.m., Renison Great Hall. Details.
Using the Grades Tool in Waterloo LEARN, Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 10:00 a.m., EV1 241. Details.
Centre for Career Action presents Information Session for Graduating Students, Wednesday, January 15, 4:30 p.m., location TBD.
Grade 10 Family Night, Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 7:00 p.m., Modern Languages. Details.
Centre for Career Action presents Exploring Your Personality Type
(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Part I, Thursday, January 16, 10:30 a.m., TC 1214.
Centre for Career Action presents Work Search Strategies, Thursday, January 16, 2:30 p.m., TC 1208.
Centre for Career Action presents Information Session for Graduating Students, Thursday, January 16, 4:30 p.m., Location TBD.
Course add period ends, Friday, January 17, 2014.
Timesaving Tips in LEARN, Friday, January 17, 1:00 p.m., EV1 242. Details.
Centre for Career Action presents Exploring Your Personality Type
(Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Part II, Thursday, January 23, 2014, 10:30 a.m., TC 1214.
Centre for Career Action presents Career Exploration and Decision Making, Thursday, January 23, 2014, 1:30 p.m., TC 1112.
CIGI Junior Fellowship Program: How to Write a Policy Brief," Friday, January 24, 2014, 1:00 p.m., BSIA 1-43. Details.
Gabe Foreman reads at St. Jerome's University, Friday, January 24, 2014, 8:00 p.m. Details.
Leadership Starts Here 2014, Saturday, January 25, 2014, 8:00 a.m., Student Success Office. Details.
Centre for Career Action presents Make Networking Count, Monday, January 27, 4:30 p.m., TC 1208.
PhD Oral Defences
Computer Science. Mehdi Mirzazadeh, "Efficient Evaluation of Set Expression." Supervisor, Alex Lopez-Ortiz. On display in the Mathematics graduate office, MC 5090. Oral defence Friday, January 10, 2014, 10:00 a.m., DC 1331.
Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering. Alireza Rezvanigilkolaee, "Experimental and Numerical Study of the Mechanical Aspects of the Stitch Binding Process in Microelectronic Wire Bonding." Supervisor, Michael Mayer. On display in the Engineering graduate office, PHY 3004. Oral defence Monday, January 13, 2014, 9:30 a.m., E5 3006.
Electrical & Computer Engineering. Milad Shahrestani, "Nanowire Quantum Dots as Sources of Single and Entangled Photons." Supervisor, Amir Majedi. On deposit in the Engineering graduate office, PHY 3004. Oral defence Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 1:00 p.m., EIT 3142.
Electrical & Computer Engineering. Daniel Olivares, "An Energy Management System for Isolated Microgrids Considering Uncertainty." Supervisors, Claudio Canizares, Mehrdad Kazerani. This thesis is restricted but on display in the Engineering graduate office, PHY 3004. Oral defence Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 9:00 a.m., EIT 3142.