- International Education Week begins
- Making change and building community
- Monday's notes for the week ahead
- Editor:
- Brandon Sweet
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca

International Education Week begins
International Education Week runs from Monday, November 12 to Friday, November 16. During this week there are a range of events open to students, staff, and faculty to help you learn more about international education at Waterloo. Here are just a few of the events in store for Waterloo’s seventh annual International Education Week:
‘The Intouchables’ film screening – Monday, November 12, Princess Cinema at 6:30 p.m.
A film screening based on the true story and unlikely friendship of a wealthy quadriplegic and his live-in caregiver, a young offender from the rough streets of Paris.
‘Where in the World’ – Thursday, November 15, TC Lobby starting at 10:00 a.m.
Co-op and the Centre for Career Action have organized a photo contest for students who have spent a work term abroad. The winning submissions will be on display during International Education Week.
International Study Abroad Fair – Thursday, November 15, SLC from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Incoming and outgoing exchange students will share their international experiences.
Country presentations: Iceland and China – throughout the week
Learn more about these countries and what life is like during these one hour presentations.
Exchange information sessions – throughout the week
Learn about the exchange opportunities offered by different faculties. Check out the complete listing of events to see other events being held throughout the week.
International students studying at the University of Waterloo and current Waterloo students interested in an exchange abroad can visit the International Student Experience and Waterloo International to learn more.
International Education Week is brought to you by the Centre for Teaching Excellence, Co-operative Education and the Centre for Career Action, the Faculties of Applied Health Sciences, Arts, Engineering and Math, Renison University College, St Paul’s University, the Student Success Office and Waterloo International.
Making change and building community
As Waterloo region lends to the growth and success of the University, the University also lends to the growth and success of Waterloo region.
A great opportunity to contribute to the community is by donating to the University of Waterloo’s United Way Campaign. Now, more than ever, your help and the United Way are needed.
Vulnerable children throughout the city aren’t receiving enough support because of recent cuts to Family and Children’s Services. According to executive director, Alison Scott, the agency is facing a $2.5 million deficit as a result of provincial underfunding.
“We can’t continue to meet all our mandated responsibilities with less dollars and increased need,” Scott recently told The Record. “It may mean that programs will not run as frequently as they have, or will run with less staff and some programs may need to be cancelled.”
The United Way is the largest funder of social service programs, second only to the government. In 2011, United Way KW invested over $459,000 in programs for children.
“Every donation, large or small, will make a difference. The campaign goal is $230,000 and we’ve reached 95 percent of that,” said the campaign co-chair Alex Lippert. “This is a chance for people to be a part of the 5 percent that helps close the gap.”
There are a number of ways for people to donate including a one-time gift or monthly payroll deductions. More information is available on the campaign webpage.
Monday's notes for the week ahead
Several events tied to International Education Week are taking place across campus this week. Here's a selection:
Renison University College's Fiesta Fundraiser is being held tomorrow from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Renison's Great Hall cafeteria. Information about Renison's Canada-Mexico International Learning Experience will be available, as well as Mexican food and drink.
"There's more to Iceland than Björk, Sigur Rós, elves and fairies," reads the promotional material for "Iceland: Alive and Addictive," a session hosted by the International Student Experience and featuring Guðmundur Kristján Jónsson. The event takes place tomorrow from noon to 1:00 p.m. in room 1116 of Needles Hall.
A panel on International Research Opportunities featuring university faculty members is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in TC 2218.
An information session for Math International Exchange programs will be held on Thursday, November 15 starting at 4:00 p.m. in MC 5158. Refreshments will be served, and answers to questions about finances, language skills, jobs, scholarships, residence, and transfer credits will be given. Exchange students will also share their experiences as part of the discussion. For more information, contact Wendy Zehr at ext. 38443 or wazehr@uwaterloo.ca.
The International Student Experience presents "A Taste of China: An Ancient Civilization Poised for the Future" by Shuningbo Ye on Friday, November 16 in NH 1116.
Looking ahead to the weekend, electrical power, heating, ventilation, and A/C will all be shut down in the Energy Research Centre on Saturday, November 17 between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. as work is done on the building's exhaust system. Computers should be shut down on Friday, particularly UNIX systems. I will post another reminder on Friday.
Now that Remembrance Day is behind us, I feel like I can get away with mentioning that the Hildegard Marsden Nursery's annual holiday shopping fundraiser, which will be held November 26, 27, and 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Student Life Centre's multipurpose room. Vendors will be selling books, jewelry, scarves, leather goods, hand-painted porcelain, handmade wooden items, clocks, chocolates, and much more. 15 per cent of total sales will go toward the purchase of new toys, equipment, and furnishings for the nursery.
The Hildegard Marsden Co-operative Day Nursery has been providing childcare to university faculty, staff, students and other parents in the region since 1989, and is named for Hildegard Marsden, who became Dean of Women at the university in 1967.
Link of the day
When and where
International Education Week, November 12 to 16.
Senate Graduate & Research Council meeting, Monday, November 12, 10:30 a.m., NH 3004.
My World Abroad (Formerly The Big Guide to Working and Living Overseas), Monday, November 12, 11:00 a.m., LIB 329. Details.
Undergraduate Council meeting, Tuesday, November 13, 12:00 p.m., NH 3004. Note: this meeting has been cancelled.
International Experience, Advising and Support Team of Student Success Office presents Guðmundur Kristján Jónsson, "Iceland: Alive and Addictive," Tuesday, November 13, 12:00 p.m., NH1116.
University flu clinics, November 14 to 16, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., SLC Multipurpose Room.
GIS Day 2012, Wednesday, November 14, 12:00 p.m., EV1 221. Details.
Chemistry Department Seminar Series featuring Prof. Edward Lyman, Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Delaware, "Simulating Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation and Lipid Transport on the Anton Special Purpose Machine," Wednesday, November 14, 2:30 p.m., C2-361.
Quantitative Biology Seminar featuring Quaid Morris, The Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, Departments of Molecular Genetics and Computer Science, University of Toronto, "The systems biology of post-transcriptional regulation," Wednesday, November 14, 3:30 p.m. B2 350.
UW Retirees Association Fall Luncheon Thursday, November 15, 11:30 a.m. (cash bar), 12:00 (lunch), tickets $27; presentation by Chris Redmond on "Writing at Waterloo: Memorable Moments from my Career as a Communicator." Call 519-888-0334 for information.
Cheriton School of Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series featuring Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft, "The Power of Locality for Network Algorithms," Thursday, November 15, 3:30 p.m., DC 1302.
Chemistry Department Seminar Series featuring Prof. Daniel Armstrong, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas Arlington," Testing for Performance Enhancing Drugs: The Case of a Chiral Stimulant," Thursday, November 15, 5:00 p.m., C2-361.
2012 Stanley Knowles Lecture featuring The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, "Indigenous Peoples and the Search for Human Security," Thursday, November 15, 7:30 p.m., Hagey Hall of the Humanities. Details.
Pension & Benefits Committee meeting, Friday, November 16, 8:30 a.m., NH 3004.
International Experience, Advising and Support Team of Student Success Office presents Shuningbo Ye, "A taste of China: an ancient civilization poised for the future," Friday, November 16, 12:00 p.m., NH1116.
Chemistry Department Seminar Series featuring Prof. Daniel Armstrong, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas Arlington, "Ionic Liquids in Separations & Mass Spectrometry, a New Frontier," Friday, November 16, 2:00 p.m., C2-361.
Town Hall Meeting, Tuesday, November 20, 3:00 p.m., Humanities Theatre.
Retirement Celebration for Carol Smith after 33 years of service at the University of Waterloo and 32 of those years in the Management Sciences department, Wednesday, November 21, 3:30 p.m., University Club. Please RSVP to Bev Rodgers, ext. 38814 or brodgers@uwaterloo.ca.