- Cryptography camp a cracking good time
- New campus web search coming soon
- Editor:
- Brandon Sweet
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca

Cryptography camp a cracking good time
More than 40 exceptional young people from around the world are at the Institute for Quantum Computing this week for an immersive experience in quantum technologies.
The fifth annual Quantum Cryptography School for Young Students (QCSYS) kicked off Monday, welcoming top high school students from around North America, South America, Europe and Asia. (Pictured above are three participants from last year's camp)
The unique summer program aims to give teenagers an unprecedented look at quantum information science — particularly the ways quantum mechanics can be used to create unbreakable cryptography.
"The QCSYS program exposes the students to the next generation to quantum information science and technology, and prepares them for a career in cutting-edge science," said Martin Laforest, IQC's Manager of Scientific Outreach and director of the summer school.
Students in the program (above, this year's participants are pictured) will attend lectures by IQC researchers, build their own quantum cryptography prototype by the end of the week. Along the way, they build friendships and connections that will last throughout their academic careers and beyond.
Here's what last year's QCSYS students had to say about the program:
Photographs by Peter Kovacs, Institute for Quantum Computing.
New campus web search coming soon
Hold onto your Boolean operators, folks: "In order to improve the quality of web content searches on campus, the University is acquiring a Google Search Appliance (GSA)," wrote WCMS team technical lead Kris Olafson in an announcement posted to the University of Waterloo Web Resources page last Wednesday. "The search appliance will be located on campus and will index the uWaterloo web space by crawling public facing pages. After the search appliance is deployed, it will eventually replace the current search at search.uwaterloo.ca."
The search appliance is a hardware/software device that integrates document indexing and search functionality into existing websites or document management systems.
Deployment has been pegged for early fall, and more communications will be made closer to the rollout date.
Link of the day
India celebrates 65 years of independence
When and where
UWRC Book Club, "The Sentimentalists" by Johanna Skibsrud, Wednesday, August 15, 12:00 p.m., LIB 407.
Retirement celebration for Judy Richardson, Thursday, August 16, 3:00 p.m., Gage Ave. RSVP to Janet Moser, ext. 32025 or jmoser@ uwaterloo.ca by noon Monday, August 13.
Two Weeks at WATERLOO: A Summer School for Women in Math public lecture featuring Charmaine Dean, Dean of Science, Western University, Historical Trends in Forest Fires: Assessing Insurance and Health Effects," Thursday, August 16, reception from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in DC 1301, lecture from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in DC 1302.
Mathematics Faculty Honeybun Reunion, Saturday, August 18. Details.
CTE656 Getting Started in LEARN, session 0039, Tuesday, August 21, 10:00 a.m., FLEX Lab, LIB 329. Register through myHRinfo.
International Spouses event: "Singin' in the Rain" (with Gene Kelly) Sunday, August 26 at 1:00 p.m. Must pre-register. See website for details.
Fall 2012 Promissory Notes and payments are due August 27.
CTE656 Getting Started in LEARN, session 0040, Wednesday, August 29, 1:00 p.m., FLEX Lab, LIB 329. Register through myHRinfo.
Perspectives on Academic Freedom conference, Thursday, September 6, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Waterloo Inn. Details.
Weight Watchers At Work registration session Thursday, September 6, 12:15, PAS 2438, info at ext. 32218.
UWRC Book Club, "Lakeland" by Allan Casey (Region of Waterloo One Book, One Community selection), Wednesday, September 19, 12:00 p.m., LIB 407.
Positions available
On this week's list from the human resources department, viewable through myHRinfo:
• ITC (International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation) Finance & Grant Administrator – Psychology, USG 7
• Department Scheduler & Special Projects Assistant – Management Sciences, USG 4
• Graduate Studies Coordinator – School of Accounting & Finance, USG 5
• Research Finance Manager – Office of Research, USG 12
• Administrator Coordinator, Undergraduate Studies – School of Public Health and Health Systems, USG 6
• Marketing Coordinator, Campus Life – Federation of Students, USG 6
• Manager, Graduate International Agreements, Recruitment and Admissions – Graduate Studies Office, USG 9
• LMS/QA Specialist – Centre for Extended Learning, USG 7/8-2 positions
• LMS/QA Specialist – Centre for Extended Learning, USG 7/8
• Instructional Digital Media Developer – Centre for Extended Learning, USG 8
• Lead LMS/QA Specialist – Centre for Extended Learning, USG 9
• Lead Instructional Developer - Centre for Extended Learning, USG 10
• Assistant to the Associate Vice President, Development – Office of Development, ODAA, USG 7
Internal Secondment Opportunity:
• Receptionist – Counselling and Psychological Services and Health Services, USG 4 – 1 year