- Expert to speak on work-life balance
- First Global Experience certificates awarded
- Notes before the long weekend
- Editor:
- Brandon Sweet
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca

Expert to speak on work-life balance
On Tuesday, April 10, the Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo's Status of Women and Equity Committee (SWEC) and Wilfrid Laurier University's Women's Faculty Colleague are bringing work-life balance expert Dr. Linda Duxbury to both universities for complementary talks on her extensive research on work-life balance and the importance of creating a supportive work environment.
“Work/life balance is a timely and socially relevant issue on campus," says Diana Parry, SWEC chair. "The importance of this issue is reflected in the recent establishment of the work/life balance working group, which was struck to address concerns expressed by faculty about a lack of balance in their lives due to work. Indeed, the need for balance, and the health implications of not achieving work/life balance, is an issue that impacts upon everyone on campus."
Consequently, Parry says, the Status of Women and Equity Committee (SWEC) and the Wilfrid Laurier Women’s Faculty Colleague are excited to bring Dr. Duxbury to campus to speak to these issues.
The presentations are:
- Work-Life Balance: Rhetoric Versus Reality
University of Waterloo, 1:30-2:30 p.m. in LHI 1621
In this talk, Dr. Duxbury synthesizes her research in the area of work-life balance so as to provide policy makers and researchers with a more objective “big picture” view of what has happened in this area in Canada in the last decade. Specifically, this talk uses survey and interview data from two national studies to dispel a number of key myths related to identifying and addressing the problem of work-life conflict.
- Work-Life Balance 101: Creating a Supportive Work Environment
Wilfrid Laurier University 4:00-5:00 p.m., Senate & Board Chamber
In order to answer the question of “why do organizations need to make it easier for employees to balance work and life?” Dr. Duxbury discusses key reasons and identifies specific recommendations for how companies can increase balance. She argues that for any significant changes to occur in this area, the organization needs to change its culture and concludes with a discussion of how cultural change can be achieved. More information about this talk is available on the Laurier website.
Dr. Duxbury is internationally recognized for her expertise in work/life balance and is one of Canada’s leading experts on organizational health. "We are confident she will provide an engaging and educational talk that will have everyone thinking about ways to achieve work/life balance in their own lives," says Parry.
Linda Duxbury is a Professor at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University. She received an M.A.Sc. in Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from the University of Waterloo. Professor Duxbury has published widely in both the academic and practitioner literatures in the area of work-family conflict, change management, supportive work environments, stress, telework, the use and impact of office technology, managing the new workforce and supportive management. She has also given over 300 plenary talks on these issues to public and private sector audiences in Canada and internationally.
All members of the WLU and uW communities are invited to attend both lectures. A registration form for both talks are available on the FAUW website.
First Global Experience certificates awarded
The University of Waterloo’s first cohort of students who have earned a Global Experience Certificate (GEC) will graduate this spring.
Among the group is Leah Marshall (pictured at right at the recent March Break Open House), an Environment and Resource Studies student who spent 10 months studying and working in Australia. Leah is passionate about her experience abroad and encourages all students to consider international exchanges or international co-op work terms…
“The 10 months spent abroad was unbelievable! I studied at Murdoch University for the first 5 months and then completed 3 co-op placements – one at a research and development lab, looking at converting algae into biofuel. My second placement was working on a boat monitoring water quality in the Fremantle Harbour and Indian Ocean, and my third placement was creating wetland educational pieces for the Chelodina Wetland on Murdoch’s campus. I even had the opportunity to do some travelling while on the opposite side of the world! I visited Malaysia, Indonesia and all over Australia. It was such an eye opening experience and I highly recommend it as part of your Global Experience Certificate!”
There are 188 GEC candidates at the moment. Undergraduate students interested in internationalizing their degree may submit a GEC application plan form, any time before the end of their 2A term (the deadline for this term is April 27th). Students agree to complete a language/course component, an international experience and a cross-cultural volunteer experience.
Says Leo Rothenburg, Associate Vice-President, International, “We are very pleased that more and more students are recognizing the importance of internationalizing their undergraduate degree. The international experience, obviously the highlight of the GEC components, has a tremendous impact on students. This certificate helps prepare our students to be globally engaged citizens. It is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate cultural sensitivity and global perspectives to potential employers.”
Leah and the other graduating GEC students will receive a separate Global Experience Certificate at convocation ceremonies. As well, ‘Global Experience Certificate’ will appear on their transcripts and the international and cross cultural volunteer experiences will appear as milestones on their transcripts.
“As far as we know, Waterloo is the first university in Canada to offer this type of certificate to its undergraduate students,” says GEC Coordinator Paula Murphy, of Waterloo International. “We have been approached by another university in Western Canada looking at initiating something similar.”
Photograph by Andrew Smith.
Notes before the long weekend
The University of Waterloo had a good showing at the 23rd Annual Japanese Language Speech Contest, held at the Prince Takamado Japan Centre for Teaching and Research at the University of Alberta. Manisha Tharoor placed second in the Beginner category for her speech "On That Day, Don't Say 'I Like You'", and Sonia Liu finished first in the Open category for her remarks entitled "Here I Am." The National Japanese Speech Contest (NJSC) " was established in 1989 under the auspices of the Japanese Embassy in Ottawa in order to promote Japanese language education in Canada," according to this year's contest website, and is held at a different location annually.
Students, faculty, and staff have been invited to join other local Desire2Learn users and Desire2Learn staff in the Humanities Theatre on Tuesday, April 10 at 4:00 p.m. for what's being described as an "exclusive event at the University of Waterloo, where Desire2Learn will unveil the details of their upcoming release, Desire2Learn® Learning Suite 10." John Baker, uWaterloo alumnus and president and CEO of Desire2Learn, as well as Jeremy Auger, Executive Vice-President and CTO (also an alumnus), and Kenneth Chapman, Vice-President Product Engineering will take the stage to make presentations and take questions from the audience.
"We are putting this event on for our local users to announce and showcase the latest version of our Learning Management System, which includes a set of new tools and functionality that will help them with their regular tasks," says Desire2Learn's Cory Kittel. "This is going to be a great training/learning opportunity, with lots of Desire2Learn staff in attendance."
More details and attendance confirmation information can be found online.
Easter long weekend
Tomorrow, April 6, is the Good Friday holiday in Ontario, and thus the university will be closed. Retail services outlets will close (reopening Monday), and almost no other university services will operate over the Easter weekend. Most food services locations are closed, with the exception of Mudie's (8:00 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.) and REVelation (11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) All Tim Hortons locations and the William's in Environment 3 will be shuttered.
The Physical Activities Complex and Columbia Icefield will be closed Friday and open from 11:00 to 4:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
The libraries are a different story. Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries will be closed open Friday, with the Davis Centre open 24 hours and Dana Porter open from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. There will be circulation desk service from 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at both locations. The Davis Centre library is open until Sunday morning at 2:00 a.m., and will re-open at 8:00 a.m. Dana Porter is open both Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 a.m.
As always, even on holidays, the university police (ext. 22222, or 519-888-4911) will be at work, the Student Life Centre's Turnkey Desk will be open (519-888-4434), and the central plant will monitor campus buildings (24-hour service and maintenance line, ext. 33793).
Link of the day
When and where
Staff conference April 3-4, Humanities Theatre and other rooms in Hagey Hall, details online.
The Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience presents the 6th annual Waterloo Brain Day, Wednesday, April 4, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., PAS 2083. Details.
Designing the Future, Faculty of Engineering reception, Wednesday, April 4, 6:00 p.m., Student Design Centre, Engineering 5. Details.
English Language Proficiency Exam in the Physical Activities Complex, Thursday, April 5.
Good Friday holiday April 6, university closed.
Drop, Penalty 2 Period ends Friday, April 6.
On-campus examinations begin Monday April 9.
Chemistry Department Seminar Series, Prof. Gregory Lopinski, Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, NRC, "Molecular sensing on chemically modified silicon surfaces - from gas phase to solution," Tuesday, April 10, 1:30 p.m., C2-361.
SWEC and Laurier Women's Faculty Colleague present Dr. Linda Duxbury, "Work-Life Balance: Rhetoric vs. Reality", Tuesday, April 10, 1:30 p.m., LHI 1621.
SWEC and Laurier Women's Faculty Colleague present Dr. Linda Duxbury, "Work-Life Balance 101: Creating a Supportive Work Environment," Tuesday, April 10, 4:00 p.m., Wilfrid Laurier University Senate and Board Chamber.
Periodic Table Project installation event, Tuesday, April 10, 3:00 p.m., EIT building. Details.
The Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (I.B.M.B.) Seminar Series, Dr. Richard Hill, Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital, "Influence of the tumour microenvironment and tumour growth and metastases," Tuesday, April 10, 3:30 p.m., C2-361.
BlackBerry 101, Wednesday, April 11, 12:00 p.m., Waterloo Stratford Campus.
Yinxing Hong, Chancellor, Nanjing University, "Study on the Drivers for China's Sustainable Development," Thursday, April 12, 10:30 a.m., RCH 307.
Nanjing University presents "Study at Nanjing University Program," Thursday, April 12, 3:45 p.m., DC 1301. Co-hosted by the Confucius Institute and the Sino-Canadian College.
Centre for Career Action workshop, "I'd do what I love...but what is it?" Friday, April 13, 9:30 a.m., TC 1112. Details.
Online Class examination days Friday, April 13, and Saturday, April 14.
Waterloo Lecture: the Representation of Apes in Medieval Art, Wednesday, April 18, 7:00 p.m., Stratford Public Library.
Surplus sale of furniture and equipment, Thursday, April 19, 12:30 to 2:00, East Campus Hall.
University senate Monday, April 16, 3:30, Needles Hall room 3001.
Official launch of the School of Public Health and Health Systems in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, Thursday, April 19, featuring keynote speaker Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland.
Grades due April 16 to May 1.
On-campus examinations end April 21.
Graduate Student Research Conference, Monday, April 23, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Unofficial grades begin to appear in Quest April 23, standings and official grades available May 22.
Spring 2012 promissory notes and payments due April 24.