- Staff member wins Waterloo Award
- New look for Housing website; other notes
- Editor:
- Brandon Sweet
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca
Going up: the Stratford campus continues to take shape at the build site on the corner of St. Patrick and Cooper streets, two blocks from the campus's temporary location on Wellington Street. The facility should be ready for occupancy by July 2012. Photo by James Wilkinson.

Staff member wins Waterloo Award
Laurie Strome, longtime staff member at the Dana Porter Library, is the latest winner of the Waterloo Award. Writes university librarian Mark Haslett, "This prestigious civic award from the City of Waterloo is granted to an individual for outstanding contributions to the community. Many of you know of some of Laurie's volunteer work; the list is very impressive. Laurie is an active and strong force in the community, sitting on a number of committees and volunteering with several organizations, including 25 years as a volunteer leader with the Girl Guides of Canada...Her tireless efforts in the Sunnydale neighbourhood have helped turn a troubled area into a safe and inclusive community."
The City of Waterloo agrees: "A key initiator of the Sunnydale Neighbourhood Association, Strome has taken on numerous leadership roles within the organization, including chairperson for 15 years. She has also advocated for her community by sitting on the Waterloo community council, Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council, Waterloo's Safe and Healthy Advisory Committee, WatWave and the K-W Social Planning Council.
Strome (right, with Mayor Brenda Halloran) was presented the award at Monday's meeting of city council.
Waterloo Award nominees are judged by a selection committee on a number of criteria including innovation, impact on Waterloo, letters of support, length of service and leadership skills.
Strome joins a list of 35 distinguished volunteers who have received the Waterloo Award since it was established in 1997.
New look for Housing website; other notes
The Department of Housing and Residences is pleased to announce the launch of the new Waterloo Residences website in the university’s central Web Content Management System (WCMS). This is an example of what the websites of other support-units on campus will look like in the WCMS. "We’re very pleased with the look of the new website and want to thank Megan Saunders and the whole WCMS team for their endless energy and dedication," writes Bronwyn Forbes, Marketing Co-ordinator for Housing and Residences.
The University of Waterloo Art Gallery is hosting a performance by "yodeling cowboy philosopher" Tiny Bill Cody (right, at the Mississauga Civic Square in 2009) at a casual get-together in celebration of the end of term that starts at 4:00 p.m. today in ECH 1239. Photo by Tor Lukasik-Foss.
The Task Force on Innovative Teaching Practices to Promote Deep Learning at the University of Waterloo (although I prefer to call it by its rather catchy acronym TFITPPDLUW) has released its final report, which is available on the Centre for Teaching Excellence website. "The task force members were charged with identifying innovative teaching practices that could be implemented at Waterloo to promote deep learning," says the report's executive summary.
So what is deep learning? The report says that students are engaging in deep learning when they:
- retain knowledge and apply it in new and different contexts
- focus on relating ideas and making connections between new and prior knowledge
- come to see concepts, ideas, and/or the world differently
- engage in independent, critical, analytical thinking in a quest for personal meaning
- regulate themselves as learners
- rely on intrinsic motivation to learn
- engage in active learning by interacting with others and the course material in their learning
The task force members have identified eight key objectives, with supporting recommendations, to "support Waterloo's instructors as they learn about and try new ways of teaching to promote deep learning."
A memo sent across campus this week comes from the human resources department and is addressed to all faculty and staff members in the university's pension plan, but particularly those who have maxed out their RRSPs and are looking for a way to put aside more money towards retirement. It makes the annual suggestion that money can be invested in the Flexible Pension Plan, but only with caution — the more so since the end of compulsory retirement at age 65. "Caution is advised to those members intending to work past age 65 who have participated in the past or plan to participate now in the Flex Plan," it says. "There is a greater risk of losing your flex contributions." That's because (the rules are complicated) the pension generated by those extra contributions can be used only in certain ways, and one of the chief of them is improving the level of pension after early retirement. The memo also notes that the flex plan is being wound down. Until December 31 of this year, all existing members of the Pension Plan will be allowed to make flex contributions, and beginning in January 2012, only those members with balances in their Flex Accounts will be allowed to make new contributions. No new contributions will be allowed effective January 1, 2014. There are more details about the plan on the HR web site.
"All The Stops" are being pulled out for Orchestra@UWaterloo and the University of Waterloo Chamber Choir's end-of-term concert tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. Writes Orchestra@uwaterloo Council Chair Anna Lubiw, "We are performing Saint-Saens' Organ Symphony, with Ian Sadler on organ. The concert is at First United Church, which has a fantastic organ." This event also marks the first collaboration between the self-described extracurricular ensemble and the University of Waterloo Chamber Choir, as they perform Schubert's Mass No. 2 in G. First United Church is located at 16 William Street and tickets are $10 at the door, with students and seniors paying $5. Photo by Vic DiCiccio 2011.
Link of the day
When and where
Craft and toy fair in support of Hildegard Marsden Nursery, November 28-30, 9:00 to 5:00, Student Life Centre multipurpose room, includes toys, books, jewelry, crafts, clothing.
Christmas luncheon buffet at University Club, Monday-Friday, November 28 through December 23, 11:30 to 2:00.
Retail services ‘Wrap Up a Book’ sale November 29-30, South Campus Hall concourse.
Campus Response Team presents "So You Think You Can CRT?" a CPR-a-thon & first aid challenge. Every dollar donated means one minute of CPR. Wednesday, November 30, 10:30 a.m., SLC Great Hall.
UW Muslim Students' Association Spirit Day for the Orphan Sponsorship Program. Wednesday, November 30, Student Life Centre. Details.
UWRC event, Reducing Stress for the Sandwich Generation, featuring Chloe Hamilton, from Warm Embrace Elder Care, Wednesday, November 30, 12:00 p.m. MC 5158. Register at UWRC @uwaterloo.ca
UW Biomedical Discussion Group, Dr. Michael Patterson, Juravinski Cancer Centre and McMaster University," Quantitative Optical Molecular Imaging in Small Animals." Wednesday November 30, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., EIT 3142. All are welcome.
Mathematics Society general meeting Wednesday, November 30, 4:00, Math and Computer room 3001 (“comfy lounge”).
Getting Started in Desire2Learn workshop for instructors, organized by Centre for Teaching Excellence, Thursday, December 1, 8:30, and other dates, Flex Lab, Dana Porter Library. Details.
Chemical Engineering Seminar, Timothy Bender, University of Toronto, "Crystal Engineering of Boronsubphthalocyanine for Organic Electronic Applications," Thursday, December 1, 3:30, DWE 2529
Novelist and poet Susan Goyette reads at St. Jerome’s University, Thursday, December 1, 4:30, StJ room 3014.
CTT International Reception featuring The Right Honourable Joe Clark, Thursday, December 1, 5:30 p.m. Details.
Mental Health Day staff and faculty seminar by Ian Arnold and Mary Ann Baynton, Friday, December 2, 9:00 to 11:30, Humanities Theatre, sponsored by the Employee Assistance Program.
Balsillie School of International Affairs lecture: “How Human Rights Prosecutions Are Changing World Politics” Friday, December 2, 12:30, 57 Erb Street West.
Retirement celebration for Barb Trotter, Friday, December 2, 3:30 p.m., University Club.
Chamber Choir end-of-term concert: “Massterpiece and Handel’s Messiah” Saturday, December 3, 8:00 p.m., Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, tickets $10 (students $5).
Stage Band end-of-term performance Sunday, December 4, 2:00, Conrad Grebel U College great hall, tickets $10 (students $5).
Mennonite Archives of Ontario open house, Sunday, December 4, 2:30 to 4:30, Conrad Grebel U College.
Last day of classes for fall term courses, Monday, December 5.
Mid-Cycle Review Session for faculty and staff, Monday, December 5, 10-11:30 a.m., Village 1, please RSVP.
Positions available
On this week's list from the human resources department, viewable through myHRinfo:
• Manager, Space Planning – Associate Provost, Resources, USG 14
• Graduate Program and Department Co-ordinator – Kinesiology, USG 6
• Administrative Officer – Psychology, USG 11
• Administrative Specialist – Kinesiology, USG 6
• Alumni Officer, E-Services – ODAA – Alumni Programs, USG 7-9
• Director, Strategy and Operations – Institute for Quantum Computing, USG 15
• Financial Support Administrative Secretary – Electrical & Computer Engineering, USG 5
• Records Assistant – ODAA – Advancement Services, USG 4-5
Internal Secondment Opportunities:
• Admissions Officer – Office of Registrar, USG 8
• Faculty Relations Manager – Co-operative Education & Career Services, USG 12
• Liaison Librarian – Library, USG 8-13