- 'Special measures' to find co-op jobs
- Shots offered to ward off mumps
- Nominations, nominations, nominations
- Editor:
- Chris Redmond
- Communications and Public Affairs
- bulletin@uwaterloo.ca
New students — graduate, undergraduate, international and exchange — were the audience for a Services Fair held at the Student Life Centre on Wednesday. With the help of 15 service units, the Student Life Office, the Federation of Students and the Graduate Students Association welcomed more than 175 newcomers to the campus. Cora Dupuis of the Student Life Office says the event was a "great success" with much bustling activity. New students who weren't able to attend can stop by the Student Life Office in Needles Hall room 1121 to pick up a copy of the Student Life 101 Handbook and get any questions answered.
'Special measures' to find co-op jobs
At UW’s Co-operative Education & Career Services they’re taking their own advice: use your network. Telling everyone you know that you’re looking for work amplifies your own efforts and helps you tap into the hidden job market. CECS, which is looking for thousands of jobs, is reaching out to its UW network to seek job referrals for students.
“We’re asking staff, faculty, alumni and students to help spread the message about the value UW students can bring to an employer,” says Peggy Jarvie, executive director of CECS. “They know how versatile, creative and job-ready UW students are, so they’re in a good position to promote student hiring within their own networks. Friends, family, employers, neighbours – anyone you know may be able to provide a lead to a job for a student. We’d love to hear from them.”
CECS manages the world’s largest post-secondary co-op program, with 4,000 to 5,000 co-op students needing employment each term. CECS also makes connections between employers and graduating students or those hunting for part time or summer work. It’s a big job made more challenging by the economic downturn. It’s not cause for panic but it’s cause for special measures. CECS is expanding and intensifying its marketing efforts to uncover new opportunities for student employment. It’s also working with students, to help them discover and better articulate their skills and take a more active role in their job searches. And it’s using the strong UW network to hunt for leads.
This term, so far, 4,241 co-op students have employment – 87 per cent of eligible students. At the same point a year ago, the rate was 91 per cent. With an uncertain economy and a growing co-op population, that the rate has dropped so little is a testament to the focussed efforts of CECS staff. As they continue to work with this term’s remaining unemployed students, their eyes are on next term.
“We’ve seen a number of co-op jobs cancelled because of the economic conditions. So we’re digging deeper into our networks and working especially hard to reach a wider audience with the co-op message,” says Jarvie. “That message is that UW co-op students are a reliable resource in an uncertain economy. Hiring students can help organizations build the resilience they need to beat the recession and remain competitive.”
Co-op hiring brings even more value in unstable economic times, says Jarvie. It adds flexibility. There’s no long term commitment and employers are not locked into full-time salaries, benefits and other costs. Tax incentives and external funding may also be available. Employers can bring in the talent needed to get new projects started, adding the capacity to seize opportunities. They can staff ongoing projects with students so permanent employees can devote time to tasks aimed at beating the recession. They can add skills and specialties to help their organizations manage the changes imposed by economic conditions. One employer recently commented that, when it comes to investing in people, co-op students are "the GICs of the employment world." They're a safe investment with good returns and low risk.
The next work term runs May-August. The hiring process is beginning and CECS welcomes your leads. If you are or know someone in a position to hire a student, you can start the hiring process online or call Michelle McEachern at ext. 33576.
“UW is proud of its reputation as a leader in co-operative and applied education,” says Jarvie. “It's not just the world's biggest post-secondary co-op program; we’re continuing to make it the best. In this critical time, you can help us spread the word that co-op students are a good short term investment in flexibility today and a good long term investment in the economic recovery.”
Shots offered to ward off mumps
It can make you deaf or sterile, and it’s definitely going to put you out of circulation for a while. In short, it’s a thing to avoid: mumps, often seen as a children’s disease but also a threat to university-age people. Vaccinations against mumps will be offered at a one-day clinic tomorrow in the Student Life Centre.
“Mumps is increasing across Canada,” says a fact sheet from Waterloo Region Public Health, “and outbreaks are happening, mainly among students.” Recent cases have been identified in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Alberta, and the Ontario health ministry is hoping to prevent the same thing here.
“Most college and university students in Canada have received only one dose of mumps-containing vaccine as children, which may not provide enough protection,” says the health unit. In a catch-up program sponsored by the ministry, it’s offering no-charge injections of MMR vaccine, which promises protection against measles, mumps and rubella (“German measles”).
Mumps symptoms include fever, headaches, fatigue, muscle aches and swelling and pain in the salivary glands. “Mumps is usually a mild disease,” the fact sheet says, “but sometimes serious complications occur such as encephalitis, meningitis, deafness, pancreatitis, swelling of the testes or ovaries (which can rarely result in infertility), and miscarriage.”
More viscous detail: “Mumps is spread from person to person through direct contact with oral and respiratory secretions, like saliva from the mouth of an infected person. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, these droplets enter the nose or mouth of another person. Mumps can be spread through sharing food, drinks and kissing.”
Authorities say somebody who thinks they have mumps should see a doctor — at UW, the health services clinic. “Since other viruses or bacteria can cause symptoms that are similar to mumps, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis through blood, saliva, throat and/or urine samples.
“While you are infectious to others (3 days before to 9 days after the onset of symptoms), do not go back to childcare, school, work or other public places. It is important to avoid contact with infants (children less than one year of age) or others who are not immune to mumps through vaccination or past infection, especially pregnant women and individuals with a weakened immune system.
“If you had mumps as a child you are likely immune. A very small number of people could get re-infected.”
A single MMR dose has routinely been given to children in Ontario since 1975. “A two-dose schedule for MMR vaccine was introduced for children in 1992. Those born before 1970 are assumed to have been exposed to the mumps virus at some point in their life and are considered to be immune.” It’s the group in between — including most of today’s students — who are considered vulnerable. “While college and university students are considered to be at higher risk for developing mumps because of their close living quarters and social life, everyone born between 1970 and 1992 is encouraged to check their immunization record to ensure they have had two doses of MMR vaccine.”
Tomorrow’s clinic in the SLC, being held with support from UW’s health services, will run from 12 noon to 6:00 p.m. Information about other chances to get an MMR vaccination is available online. A post-needle warning: “Females must avoid becoming pregnant one month following MMR immunization. Donating blood must be avoided three months following MMR immunization.”
Nominations, nominations, nominations
Nominations are requested for the following undergraduate student seats on Senate:
• One student elected by/from the full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, term May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2011.
• One student elected by/from the full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering, term May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2011.
• One student elected by/from the full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Mathematics, term May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2011.
• One student elected by/from the full-time undergraduate students, term May 1, 2009 to April 30, 2011.
Nomination forms are available from the Secretariat (ext. 36125) and from the Secretariat [will be posted Dec. 9] and Federation of Students websites.
At least five nominators are required in each case. Completed nomination forms should be submitted to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariat, NH 3060, no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, January 23, 2009. Elections, if necessary, will coincide with the annual Federation of Students elections.
Roger Mannell’s term as Dean of Applied Health Sciences expires June 30, 2010. Accordingly, a Dean of Applied Health Sciences Nominating Committee is being constituted.
Nominations are requested for the following seat on the Nominating Committee (at least three nominators are required in each case): One staff member elected by and from the regular staff of the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences.
Completed nomination forms should be sent to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariat, NH 3060, no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, January 30, 2009. An election will follow if necessary.
Tom Coleman’s term as Dean of Mathematics expires June 30, 2010. Accordingly, a Dean of Mathematics Nominating Committee is being constituted.
Nominations are requested for the following seat on the Nominating Committee (at least three nominators are required in each case): One staff member elected by and from the regular staff of the Faculty of Mathematics.
Completed nomination forms should be sent to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariat, NH 3060, no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday, January 30, 2009. An election will follow if necessary.
Amit Chakma commences his appointment as President of Western effective July 1, 2009 and, as required by Policy 48, we are preparing to constitute the nominating committee to identify his successor as Vice-President (Academic) and Provost.
Nominations are requested for the following seats on the nominating committee (at least three nominators are required in each case):
• A senator of professorial rank from each Faculty, elected by a vote within that Faculty.
• “Two regular faculty members, elected from and by the faculty-at-large of the University.
• Two staff members, elected by and from the regular staff of the University.
Completed nomination forms to be sent to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariat, NH 3060, no later than 3:00 p.m., Friday, January 16, 2009. Elections will follow if necessary.
Fifty years ago
It was January 12, 1959, according to UW historian Ken McLaughlin's book The Unconventional Founding of an Unconventional University, when Waterloo College Associate Faculties and St. Jerome's College reached an agreement to bring St. Jerome's into the proposed "University of Waterloo". On the same day, the engineering and science faculty councils held their first-ever meetings.
Link of the day
When and where
Club representatives meeting 4:00, Student Life Centre multipurpose room.
Work reports from fall work term, to be marked by CECS coordinators, due today at 4 p.m.
‘Networking 101’ career services workshop, today and January 26, 4:30 p.m., Tatham Centre room 1208. Details.
Stage Band auditions 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Details.
Peer leader positions in residence living-learning communities, information meeting, 6 p.m., Student Life Centre multipurpose room, information vlehmann@ uwaterloo.ca.
Centre for International Governance Innovation presents Parag Khanna, New America Foundation, "BRICS, Emerging Markets, and the Second World", 7:30 p.m., 57 Erb Street West.
‘Back in Business’: Employee Assistance Program present Marilyn Perdue, counselling services, “A Mindful Approach to Ending Chronic Back Pain”, Tuesday 12:00 noon, Davis Centre room 1302.
Senate undergraduate council Tuesday 12:00 noon, Needles Hall room 3004.
Applied complexity and innovation seminar: Thomas Homer-Dixon, Balsillie School, “Adaptation Failure and Societal Crisis”, Tuesday 12:00, University Club. Details.
International student orientation Tuesday 12:30 to 3:10 p.m., Needles Hall room 1116. Details.
Arts faculty council Tuesday 3:30 p.m., Humanities room 373.
Dental school interviews workshop Tuesday 5:30 p.m., Tatham Centre room 1208. Details.
Engineering alumni reception at annual meetings of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, Tuesday 6:00 p.m., Marriott Wardmann Park Hotel. Details.
Application deadline for September 2009 undergraduate admission is January 14 for Ontario secondary school students. General deadline, March 31. Exceptions include pharmacy (for January 2010) January 30; accounting and architecture, February 13; engineering and software March 2. Details.
‘Exploring Your Personality Type’ career workshop January 14 and 21, 10:00 a.m., Tatham Centre room 1112. Details.
Heritage Resources Centre lunch-and-learn series: Robert MacDonald, Archaeological Services Inc., “Managing Our Invisible Cultural Heritage”, Wednesday 12:00, Environment I room 317.
Climate Change seminar: Antoni Lewkowicz, University of Ottawa, “Mountain Permafrost and Climate Change in the Yukon”, sponsored by Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change, Wednesday 12:00, Environment I room 2212.
Free noon concert: TorQ Percussion Ensemble, Wednesday 12:30 p.m., Conrad Grebel UC chapel.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council president Chad Gaffield holds a town hall meeting, all welcome, Wednesday 2:30 to 4:00 p.m., Theatre of the Arts.
Student exchanges to Baden-Württemburg (Germany) and Rhône-Alpes (France) for 2009-10, information session Wednesday 3:00, Needles Hall room 1101, information ext. 33999.
Dons Do Dinner events in residence cafeterias: Italian, January 14 at REVelation, Ron Eydt Village; Caribbean, January 15 at Mudie’s, Village I, from 4:30 p.m.
‘Shoot for Tuition’ promotion at halftime of Warrior basketball games Wednesday, women’s game 6:00, men’s game 8:00, Physical Activities Complex, free for UW students with WatCard.
Clubs, Services and Society Days with tables and displays in the Student Life Centre great hall, Thursday-Friday 10:00 to 3:00.
Graduate studies in mathematics information session for third-year and fourth-year undergraduates, Thursday 4:00, Davis Centre room 1302.
Pharmacy co-op jobs for spring term posted January 16-18; interviews January 30-31.
Engineering alumni ski day at Osler Bluff Ski Club, Collingwood, January 16. Details.
Centre for Family Business, based at Conrad Grebel University College, breakfast seminar, “Working in a Family Business”, Friday 7 a.m., Waterloo Inn.
Wilfrid Laurier University opening of Centre for Community Research, Learning and Action, keynote speaker Budd Hall (University of Victoria), Friday 2:30 p.m., WLU Science building room N1002. Details.
Warrior Weekend activities in the Student Life Centre Friday and Saturday evenings, including films, crafts, food, pillow fight and pajama contest. Details.
An Evening of Astronomy to mark the kickoff of the International Year of Astronomy (outside telescopes, inside talks and displays, refreshments), Saturday 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., Physics building. Details.
Faculty of Science presents Sydney Brenner, Nobel prize winner 2002, and John Bell, University of Oxford, “The Architecture of Biological Complexity,” January 20, 10:30 a.m., Humanities Theatre, admission free.
Parents of Grade 10 students invited to an information session about planning for university application, organized by marketing and undergraduate recruitment office, January 21, 6:00 p.m., Theatre of the Arts. Details.
Faculty of Arts presents Anne-Marie Zajdliki, Masai Centre for Local, Regional and Global Health, “A Canadian Physician’s Dream for Africa” January 22, 7:00, Humanities Theatre, tickets $10 at Humanities box office.