Friday |
Monday, May 2, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
hours for the spring term are listed
online. The third
floor of the Dana Porter Library is
closed for
renovations, with quick delivery promised of items retrieved
from the shelves there.
Food services hours are also listed online. The Davis Centre cafeteria and Tim Horton's outlet are closed for renovations. |
New leaders for UW's two main student organizations took office May 1. New president of the Federation of Students -- elected in February -- are John Andersen as president, Howie Bender as vice-president (education), Carmen Lam as VP (administration and finance), and Lawrence Lam as VP (internal).
At the Graduate Student Association, the new president is Michael Makahnouk (department of chemistry). Vice-presidents for 2005-06 are Joseph Mikhael (communications and organization), Beatrice Orchard (student affairs), and Jennifer Hunter (operations).
As usual on the first day of a term, the co-operative education and career services department is having a professional development day for its staff. Sessions include a training module on "Handling Emotions Under Pressure", available through the human resources department, and then what's described as "a team-building trailblazer providing experiences that skilfully combine interaction, learning, exploration, adventure and fun", in the Physical Activities Complex.
Two open house sessions will be held this week at the "Flex lab" in the Dana Porter Library -- the place where faculty members, assisted by the Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology, try out classroom innovations "in a safe and comfortable environment". The events are aimed at instructors, says Peter Goldsworthy of LT3, "to demonstrate all of the new leading edge technologies, software and methods available". Yes, the lab is mostly closed this term, as renovations begin around it on the third floor of Dana Porter, but Goldsworthy notes that instructors will want to start work now on anything new they plan to introduce next fall. Open house sessions are scheduled for Wednesday from 2 to 3 p.m. and Thursday from 11:00 to noon, and refreshments will be served.
![]() 'Distinguished' teacher Andrew Hunt of history -- photo by Barbara Elve |
Andrew Hunt, an associate professor in history, has been teaching undergraduates American history for about 10 years. He has gained significant recognition from the Tri-University PhD Program in History from his teaching of the American field seminar.
His students feel a close connection to him, no matter the class size. A student recalled: "The class consisted of at least fifty students, and yet he still knew everybody's name."
Although history is often very fact-oriented, Professor Hunt encourages students to understand history rather than just memorize the facts. He uses class discussions and debates that allow students to reflect on the assigned material. A student comment reinforces that his teaching methods go beyond traditional lectures: "Prof. Hunt breaks this paradigm through passionate lectures, excellent selection of films, numerous audio clips and first hand accounts of events."
Andrew Hunt's presentation ability can make history real. His screaming during his legendary boot camp lecture and his weeping during the lecture on the tragedies of war are events engrained in the memories of his students.
Andrew is a teacher who cares for every student in his class, and he assists students if they are having personal issues that prevent them from succeeding in class. A student noted that Professor Hunt will not consider time when it means helping students. He also participates in the students' History Society events, such as the history trivia night.
His character can be summed up by a student who described him as "a great citizen of the world," noting that the many influences of his life are evident in his character.
Nominating committees for two deansFrom the university secretariat:Robert Kerton's term as Dean of Arts and George Dixon's term as Dean of Science expire on June 30, 2006 and, as required by Policy 45, The Dean of a Faculty, the process for constituting the Nominating Committees is under way. Nominations are requested for the following seats on the Nominating Committees (at least three nominators are required in each case): One staff member elected by and from the regular staff of the Faculty of Arts; One staff member elected by and from the regular staff of the Faculty of Science. Completed nomination forms should be submitted to the Secretariat, Needles Hall, Room 3060, no later than 3:00 p.m., Friday, May 6, 2005. Elections will follow if necessary. |
Members of the committeePresident of the Federation of StudentsVice-President, Administration & Finance of the Federation of Students President of the Graduate Students Association Three undergraduate students appointed by the President of the Federation of Students One graduate student appointed by the President of the Graduate Student Association Vice-President, Administration & Finance Associate Provost, Academic & Student Affairs, who will Chair the Committee Associate Provost, Human Resources & Student Services A director of a student service department (not under review that year; two-year term; senior director of a large unit) Director of Finance (Resource) |
Each Fall, the Committee assesses the services provided by the units with a view to ensuring that they continue to meet the needs of students. In 2003, the Committee increased the budgets of several units in order to expand services to meet the double cohort demand, changing demographics/younger students, expected steady state increase in the number of students served, and unmet need. The 2003 budget increases paid for a full-time hockey coach/coordinator, an additional Counsellor, a half-time dietician and a full-time wellness coordinator and educator. Given that the Fee is based on expenses incurred two years ago, these improvements are now reflected in the 2005/06 Student Services Fee, hence the increase in the full-time undergraduate rate from $110 to $122.
The Student Services Advisory Committee is intending to publish periodic updates of its work on your behalf. If you are interested in learning more about the Student Services Advisory Committee or the Student Services Fee, contact the President of the Federation of Students or the Graduate Student Association President.
Skills Canada 16th Ontario
technological skills competition,
today and Tuesday at RIM Park, student participants staying at UW's
Ron Eydt Village.
Architecture student exhibition continues through next weekend, Architecture building, Cambridge. Used book sale sponsored by mature student services office, from 9:30 today, Modern Languages foyer. Senate executive committee 3:30, Needles Hall room 3004. 'Waterloo on the World Stage: A Celebration of Baroque Music" 7 p.m., Centre for International Governance Innovation, 57 Erb Street West, free tickets Return-to-campus interviews for co-op students begin Tuesday, details online. Mental Health Week display on "Wellness and Health", Wednesday and Thursday, Student Life Centre. Perimeter Institute public lecture: panel discussion on "Einstein, Relativity and Beyond", Wednesday 7 p.m., Waterloo Collegiate Institute, details online. Language Teaching Colloquium Thursday, May 5, at Renison College, details online. |
There's a selection of educational games for visitors to test their knowledge about Canada and historic games that have traditionally been played by the Inuit. Board games related to specific Canadian regions and topics are on view, as well as sports-related games and crokinole, "a truly Canadian experience".
As with all the exhibits at the museum, now marking its 35th year, there are "hands-on opportunities" for visitors to play and enjoy a number of the games, Staempfli said. There is no charge to visit the museum, with viewing hours varying with each exhibit. Generally, the gallery is open to the public Monday through Thursday afternoons (noon to 5 p.m.). Groups are accommodated by appointment.
There are some 5,000 objects in the museum's collection. They come from many parts of the world and are the result of public and corporate contributions. A few hundred of these are documented on the museum web site. The museum is operated by the department of recreation and leisure studies, staffed by graduate students and administered by the faculty of applied health sciences as part of the Waterloo Heritage Collections. There is funding support from the Ontario ministry of tourism, culture and recreation.