Thursday |
Monday, July 4, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Becoming dean of mathematics is Tom Coleman (left), previously director of a research centre at Cornell University, whose appointment as dean was announced in November.
Coleman heads the Cornell Theory Center and its spinoff, CTC-Manhattan, based in New York City, which together provide intensive computing cycles for research in some 100 fields of study. A Waterloo graduate (BMath and PhD), he bases his own research in the mathematics of finance and applications of optimization to various fields.
He takes over the deanship from Alan George, who has now served longer as a UW dean than anyone else (1980-86 and 1998 to date). Also a former provost of the university (1988-93), George will continue in his other high-level job, associate provost (information systems and technology), for a further two-year term.
The new dean of applied health sciences is Roger Mannell (right), whose appointment was approved in January. Mannell has been a faculty member in recreation and leisure studies since 1979, and has served as chair of that department and also of the now-closed department of dance. He is president of the Academy of Leisure Sciences.
Mannell takes over the dean's office from Mike Sharratt of the kinesiology department, who is heading off on a twelve-month sabbatical leave. He writes: "I plan to prepare several journal articles related to ongoing research involving physical activity in children, including those with obesity. In addition, I will spend time with cardiac rehabilitation colleagues in Europe and New Zealand related to cardiovascular risk reduction research."
Bruce Mitchell, associate vice-president (academic and student
affairs), announced the appointment in a memo late last week. Jarvie
(right) succeeds Bruce Lumsden, director of
CECS for the past
decade, who retired June 30.
Says Mitchell's memo: "Peggy was formerly Assistant Vice-President of Customer Knowledge and Branding at Sun Life Financial, and led the implementation of all facets of the Clarica name and brand at the time of the de-mutualization of Mutual Life of Canada. She has extensive experience in marketing, corporate communications, corporate finance, team building and change management.
"The committee advising me on this appointment was particularly impressed with Peggy's ability to work within the collegial model, achieve consensus, and manage change through consultation, discussion and extensive communication. This was certainly demonstrated by her significant change management responsibilities and her success with them in her years at Sun Life/Clarica/Mutual Life.
"Peggy has a BA in English Literature from Mount Allison, a MA in Canadian Literature from the University of New Brunswick and a Master of Library Science from the University of California at Berkeley.
"I know that this appointment is of great interest to our community, and I share the excitement of the advisory committee in Peggy's acceptance of the position. Peggy brings with her the expertise and sensitivity to assist UW and the department with the many opportunities and challenges ahead.
"I am looking forward to working with Peggy in her new role, and know that all other colleagues across the campus will give her their support and assistance."
Summer programs for children -- Arts Computer
Experience, Engineering Science Quest, Warrior volleyball camp -- begin
today. Also under way:
Valley enrichment program.
Job match results (architecture and regular group) for fall term co-op jobs available on JobMine 11:00. Sandford Fleming Foundation debates for engineering students, faculty competition Monday-Wednesday 11:30, Engineering II room 3324; finals Friday at noon, POETS pub. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence seminar: O. El Badawy, "Discrete Geometry Algorithms for Shape Analysis", 4:30, Davis Centre room 1304. EPortfolios brown-bag session, with reports on projects in biology, history and accountancy, Friday 12 noon, Needles Hall room 3004, sponsored by LT3. Graduate Student Association trip to see Blue Jays vs. Tampa Bay Devil Rays, July 16 (game time 4 p.m.), tickets $17 now available at the Graduate House. |
Mary Anne Chambers leaves the post of minister of Training,
Colleges and Universities to take on Children and Youth Services.
Replacing her at TCU is
Bentley (right), a lawyer who had previously
been minister of labour. First elected to the Legislature in 2003,
Bentley is "a rising star",
to the London Free Press. He
represents the London West riding that borders on the
University of Western Ontario, and has taught part time at Western's
law school for the past decade.
"Each of the changes announced today reflects the Premier's values and his government's plan for Ontario," the government's announcement last week said. "Building the best-educated, healthiest and most highly skilled workforce will continue to strengthen Ontario in an era of global competition. With class sizes getting smaller and test scores for reading, writing and math going up, Gerard Kennedy will continue to build on this success as Minister of Education. . . .
"The centrepiece of the successful spring budget is 'Reaching Higher', the McGuinty Plan to improve the quality, accessibility and accountability of our universities, colleges and training programs, by investing $6.2 billion over the next five years. Chris Bentley will implement that plan as the Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities.
"Our greatest asset is our people because, in the knowledge-based economy of the 21st century, the most valuable commodity is a new idea -- one that creates investment and jobs. In addition to serving as President of the Executive Council, Premier McGuinty will lead the newly created Ministry of Research and Innovation, which signals the importance the government puts on ensuring Ontario is competing and winning in the marketplace of ideas."
There's also a new ministry of health promotion. Among the ministers who are staying put after the cabinet shuffle, besides Kennedy, is finance minister Greg Sorbara.