Yesterday |
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() A holiday and a long weekendTomorrow, Friday, July 1, is Canada Day and a holiday. UW offices and most services will be closed, and classes will not be held. The Dana Porter and Davis Centre libraries will be open from noon to 6 p.m. only, and UW's museums will be welcoming Canada Day visitors.Open 24 hours a day as always: the Student Life Centre (888-4434), the UW police (888-4911), and the central plant, where emergency maintenance calls can be directed if necessary (ext. 3793). |
The one little problem is road construction. Parts of both Columbia Street and University Avenue are torn up, University is closed altogether between Phillip and Albert Streets, and part of Beaver Creek Road just west of the UW lands is closed -- so it could take a bit of planning to get to the festivities and home again without being caught in traffic. In any case there's no point in trying to head directly for the north campus, as Columbia Street will be temporarily closed between Westmount Road and Phillip Street. Better, organizers say, to plan to park on the main campus, entering from University Avenue. All central campus lots will be open and free. Another option is lot B, which opens off Phillip Street and is also free tomorrow. Or you could just walk.
When visitors do get to the party, and some 60,000 of them are expected between the first musical group at 1:00 and the start of the fireworks at 10:00, they'll find lots to do. Celebrated children's author Robert Munsch will be a headline attraction (5:00), as will Juno award nominee Emm Gryner (on the main stage at 9:00).
It's the 21st annual Canada Day celebration, organized by UW (through the communications and public affairs office) and the Federation of Students. The event is made possible by sponsorships from many local businesses and organizations.
Everyone is welcome to come and help celebrate Canada's 138th birthday with a busy selection of free activities and events for the entire family. Water slide, dunk tank, obstacle course, petting zoo and pony rides are a few of the many activities planned, along with an arts and crafts fair featuring a wide selection of hand-made goods and kid-friendly products. New in the Activity World section will be a larger than ever Home Depot kids workshop, the Waterloo Children's Museum and a local Scout group will be on the field teaching basic scouting skills.
"It's wonderful to work with such a dedicated team who are so committed to improving the celebrations each year," said Enam Rabbani, mechanical engineering student and the event manager. "We're proud to be part of a team that is able to present an event that is such a longstanding tradition in our community." Dana Evans of C&PA says it's "amazing to see the dedication from our volunteer steering committee and the 200 additional volunteers on Canada Day. They have been working really hard to provide a fun-filled day for the community."
Live music runs all day on the main stage, with a brief break when VIPs bring greetings at 6 p.m. While most of the children's activities wrap up at 8 p.m., the stage performances and the arts and crafts fair continue until 10 p.m.
SQL protocols blockedAn announcement from information systems and technology: "If you have a MySQL or Microsoft SQL database application that is being accessed from off campus, please be aware of the following. Changes will be made to block the protocols used by these applications from off campus. This change was at the recommendation of the Computer Systems Advisory Group and will be effective Monday, July 4."The vast majority of MySQL and Microsoft SQL applications will be unaffected by this change. This is because access to the data is via an application program that also exists on a UW computer. Users inside or outside UW interact with the application program and not the database itself. If your application is impacted by this change (e.g. database is on campus, application off campus), please use the IST Request system (request@ist) to request an exemption to this change." CKMS seeks staff memberUW's student-run radio station is taking applications for the position of program coordinator -- a part-time paid job for someone who will "recruit and train talent while monitoring all programming to ensure compliance with regulators" and providing "artistic leadership and vision". Details are on the station's web site. |
Carson is on the staff of the Shad program and of Waterloo Unlimited, UW's own fledgling program for top high school students. Both Unlimited and the Waterloo branch of the Canada-wide Shad Valley program are headed by systems design engineering professor Ed Jernigan.
Says Carson: "The Shad Valley program is a mixture of classroom and lab sessions, recreation and community building. It's all wrapped around a three-week design project that tests Shads on their ability to innovate under pressure."
Jernigan and the staff are looking forward to some new events, "especially our day at architecture," she says. "We're taking the whole group to Cambridge to look at design from a riverside perspective." The Shads ("a lot of them will be UW alumni some day") will be on campus, based at Conrad Grebel University College, this Sunday through July 29. Everybody's invited to an Open Day at Grebel on the afternoon of Thursday, July 28.
Meanwhile, "the Waterloo Unlimited project is snowballing," Carson reports. "A measure of that progress is that we're a year ahead of schedule launching our first open application program. We piloted our first Waterloo Unlimited enrichment program in November 2004, a week-long commuter-style event for grade ten students in Waterloo Region."
Says Carson: "The event's success was a powerful endorsement of the Unlimited focus on trans-disciplinarity and building a community of scholars. We expect to make this an annual event for local students, even after we develop our national Unlimited programs. The students endorsed it, too. Nearly all of them came back in February for a one-day event."
Jernigan and his staff also worked with Jean Becker of the Aboriginal Student Centre and St. Paul's College to customize an Unlimited experience for Aboriginal students. That program, Firekeepers, was a week-long, live-in event in May, hosted by St. Paul's. "A month later, we're still reviewing our notes, but it looks like this will become an annual event," Carson says.
"Then we built a one-day professional development event for high school enrichment teachers from both school boards in Waterloo Region. That teacher program was so well-received by the school boards and participants that we've been encouraged to make it a twice-annual event!"
Two programs are set for this fall: October 16 to 21, a "Vision" program for teacher-nominated enrichment students in grade ten in the Waterloo Region, and November 13 to 18, a program on Design for students "from here and beyond". Says Carson: "We're excited about piloting an application process for November, and a billeting system that will pair up many of the local students with out-of-town participants. We hope that will create a lot of the energy and camaraderie you build in exchange programs."
Co-op student rankings: architecture rankings open on JobMine
today. Main student group rankings open 8 p.m.
Express Copy in Dana Porter Library closed from 1:30 today. Other graphics copy centres in Davis Centre, Math and Computer and CEIT open to 4:30 as usual. Movie night sponsored by Math Society: "Primal Fear" 7:00, "Fight Club" 9:00, Math and Computer room 2066, free. Summit Student Leadership Program sponsored by two student business and entrepreneurship groups, bringing 60 high school students to campus, Sunday through Tuesday, details online. Arts Computer Experience and Engineering Science Quest summer camp programs for children begin Monday. Warrior volleyball camp for high school girls, Monday-Thursday, Physical Activities Complex, details online. Sandford Fleming Foundation debates for engineering students, faculty competition Monday-Wednesday 11:30, Engineering II room 3324; finals Friday at noon, POETS pub. |
Most recently mourned is A. H. (Art) Headlam, who worked in UW's administration from 1965 to 1992. He served as comptroller -- the equivalent of today's director of finance -- and later as director of research financial services. After retiring, Headlam continued to be actively involved with UW in a consulting role for the university and for the "McQTWW Group" of Ontario research universities. Headlam died Tuesday at 77. Visitation is scheduled for today (7 to 9) and tomorrow (2 to 4 and 7 to 9) at the Edward R. Good Funeral Home. A private memorial service will be scheduled later. Memorial donations are invited to a number of causes, including the Arthur Headlam Scholarship Fund at UW.
M. Emerson Woodruff (right)died May 8 after a long
illness. Training
at the College of Optometry of Ontario after his
service in World War II, he entered private practice but then took
graduate study and took a faculty post at the College just as it became
UW's school of optometry in 1967. He was immediately appointed
clinic director, and later served as director of the school, playing a
key role in the establishment of its graduate programs. He also
carried on research in the fields of paediatric optometry and epidemiology.
After his retirement in 1990, the optometry school established an
annual Woodruff Lecture, and it has now created a Woodruff Graduate
Scholarship Fund in Vision Science. Several members of his family
have worked at UW, including a daughter, Ann Simpson, who is now
manager of the Student Life Centre.
Annelise Daehn died June 17. She had been a food services assistant in Ron Eydt Village (then "Village II"), joining UW's staff in 1966 and retiring in 1981.
William Ramsay Garnett (Bill) Dailey, who died May 29, had been an architect (involved in the design of several major buildings for Wilfrid Laurier University) before joining UW's staff in 1973. He served as a coordinator in what's now the co-op education department, helping to find jobs for architecture students, until his retirement in 1993. His volunteer work in the community led to the City of Waterloo Award in 2003.
Harold Dramnitzki died June 20. He had been a custodian in the plant operations department, from 1974 until his retirement in 1980.
Virender Kumar (Vir) Handa (left), a faculty member in civil
engineering from 1964 to 1995, died May 3 at the age of 74. Educated
in India, Britain and Canada (with an MSc and PhD from Waterloo),
Handa was an expert in construction safety and management. He
was also active in party politics and international organizations,
and served for a time as chairman of the board of the
Canada Science and Technology Museums. A celebration of his
life was held at the University Club on May 26.
Remkes Kooistra died May 30 at the age of 88. A veteran of the Dutch resistance during World War II and author of Where Was God? about that period, as well as other books, he was a well-known figure as Christian Reformed Church chaplain at UW and Wilfrid Laurier University in the 1970s. He also served as a part-time faculty member teaching Hebrew and Dutch.
Donald Stadelbauer died May 12. He was a custodian in the plant operations department from 1974 until his retirement in November 1985.
Sid Turner died June 12, after a long illness. He was a prominent figure on campus between 1969 and 1990, as a manager for the UW police and parking services department. "In his memory," says a note from the family, "it would make him happy if you would share flowers with loved ones or plant flowers whose beauty will live on." Among those mourning him is his wife, Baiba (Gomes) Turner of the Davis Centre library staff.