Yesterday |
Thursday July 22, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond Information and submissions: |
Karim S. Karim, an electrical engineering grad from Waterloo (PhD ’03), has been awarded one of the most prestigious prizes available to young researchers in Canada. The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies and University Microfilms International announced the winners of the 2004 CAGS/UMI Distinguished Dissertation Awards on Monday. “The awards recognize doctoral students whose dissertations make an original contribution to their academic field,” according to the CAGS website. Just two awards are presented each year: one in engineering, medical sciences, and natural sciences, and one in fine arts, humanities, and social sciences. Both winners have been invited to attend the CAGS Annual Conference in St.John’s, Newfoundland in November to receive their awards, which include a $1,000 prize as well as up to $1,500 for travel expenses.
Karim also won the NSERC Doctoral Prize this year. The research that has attracted all the attention deals with new digital x-ray technology that, says the NSERC website, “could soon be helping radiologists diagnose digestive tract problems, and surgeons guide catheters through veins with greater accuracy and lower doses of radiation than ever before.” The new technology “also has the potential to improve mammography by providing much better tumour detection.”
As a graduate student, Karim worked with E&CE’s Arokia Nathan. Karim is now an assistant professor in engineering science at Simon Fraser University.
As was announced in March 2004, the roll out of UW-ACE (the UW ANGEL Course Environment) is under way. Thirty (30) pilot courses have been running with online course components in UW-ACE during the spring 2004 term. The 1500 students whose courses are in UW-ACE can access each of their courses through one Web site. They use the system for various course activities, such as accessing course notes and resource links, reading course announcements, communicating with fellow students, and submitting assignments to online dropboxes. Professors and instructors use UW-ACE as their course home site, to distribute marks, and to communicate with students. Some instructors are using more advanced activities such as pre-class preparation quizzes, weekly discussion topics, and project group work. UW-ACE easily brings all these types of activities together.
If you are an instructor interested in using any of these types of UW-ACE features for a course in fall 2004, you can request a course space be created for you by going to this link: Requesting a UW-ACE Account or Adding a Course. (Note: To request the course you'll need your UWdir username and password, the same as for Quest.) You can also find the registration link on UW-ACE: click Help (no login required) and click Requesting a UW-ACE Account or Adding a Course (need to login). The main ACE website also includes a help section.
Depending upon the volume of requests we receive we may need to limit the number of courses for fall. Although UW-ACE courses for the fall 2004 term will be accepted after August 6th, the UW-ACE team asks that you submit your request prior to this date in order to ensure that they can provide adequate support for course resources. This will allow them to offer the necessary training sessions as well as provide you with sufficient time for course development and access to support people. We expect to accommodate all requests for courses for winter 2005 when UW-ACE has its "official grand opening."
The Ottawa police have hundreds of new tips and 90 new "persons of interest" to investigate in the death of Ardeth Wood, reports an article in the July 20 issue of the Ottawa Citizen.
Ardeth Wood was a doctoral student in philosophy at the University of Waterloo. She was visiting her parents in an Ottawa suburb last August.
On July 6 the police issued a public plea for information and offered a reward of $50,000—the largest the force has ever posted—for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the murder last August 6. So far, the plea has brought in 338 tips and added 90 names to a list of persons of interest, which previously stood at 292 after peaking at 1,628.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Ottawa police at 236-1222, ext. 3563 or 3564, or at, or Crime Stoppers at 233-8477 or 1-800-222-8477.
The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), the American equivalent of the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education (CCAE), has appointed a new president, John Lippincott. The story is here.
Closer to home, Campus Recreation has announced the student winners of the Jud Whiteside Award for spring 2004 in recognition of their “outstanding leadership contributions” to the program during the term. They are Amie Hedges in aquatics, Adam Steeves in intramurals, and Nadina Imamovic in tennis. The Rookie Leaders awards for the term go to Shannon Saunders in aquatics, Darren Giles, Elaine Bonvanie and Mark Murakami in intramurals, Nick Sinclair in golf, and Shamsher Vellani in skating.
“Poverty in Waterloo,” discussion: 10 to 11:15 a.m. today, ML 216.
“The Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems,” talk by Mu Zhu, 3:30 p.m. today, MC 5158.
Sarah Elhadi, civil engineering, will defend her PhD thesis Friday, 9 a.m., in E2-4404. The thesis, entitled “Application Removal of Earthy/Musty Water by Biological Filtration,” is on deposit in the Engineering Graduate Studies Office (CPH 4367) and may be signed out overnight until August 12.