Yesterday |
Tuesday, April 16, 2002
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Bill Poole, director of UW's Centre for Cultural Management |
In addition, recent graduate Benjamin Van Dyk received a leading edge award that recognizes young artists who have shown achievement in writing, fine art, performance and music. And gallery promoter Winifred Shantz, known as a financial supporter of UW's fine arts department, received a "lifetime achievement award". The annual awards are to "recognize and honour artists who have made outstanding contributions to their art and to the cultural life of Waterloo Region."
Special jury award: A citation explains that "Last year was a significant year for three established arts organizations. The Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony conducted a world-wide search before announcing their new principal conductor. The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, after conducting their own extensive North American search, hired an incredible new Executive Director. The Centre in the Square, after achieving the best results ever, has set new standards for the arts is this region. As a volunteer, only one person was involved in all three of these special events -- that is former chairman of the Board of the Centre in the Square and member of the Conductor and Executive Director search committee of KWS and KWAG, Bill Poole.
"For his numerous and valuable contributions to this community, Bill Poole has earned special recognition and is a deserving recipient of a Special Jury Award.
"Bill Poole is known to us as a pioneer in the arts community. Bill has been a visionary in creating the Centre for Cultural Management at the University of Waterloo, Canada's foremost agency in providing education in management for cultural agencies. There he has developed stellar programming as well as having raised over $3 million for programming and activities. In 1999, he launched the Cultural Management Institute providing online development for managers in cultural institutions.
"His background is also remarkable, having worked on countless Boards and committees, Bill was also employed as the Administrative Director and Academic Principal at the National Ballet School, and as Administrative Director at the Shaw Festival."
Visual arts award: Says a citation: "Jane Buyers has been a vital artistic force in the community for over 15 years. An internationally recognized sculptor and printmaker, she has received numerous awards and grants and many of her works adorn the area including public commissions at RIM Park, the Labatt's Brewery and Theatre and Company. Since 1988 she has been an Associate Professor at the University of Waterloo in its fine arts department where she will act as Chair in 2002.
"Jane has dedicated much time to arts activism as well as practice and instruction. She is on the Senate at the University of Waterloo and advocates for artists. She is also a dedicated member of many committees and Boards including the K-W Art Gallery. She is currently represented by Paul Petro Contemporary Art in Toronto."
Literary award: Says the citation: "Since 1980, The New Quarterly has blazed a dazzling trail in the world of Canadian literature. It was founded in 1981 by University of Waterloo Writer-in-Residence Harold Horwood, with assistance from Edna Staebler and Farley Mowat, and has been a discerning journal of contemporary fiction and poetry with both a national focus and having received strong national recognition.
"The journal is admired for its long-term dedication to writing and scholarship and for its editorial vision, currently in the care of Kim Jernigan. The New Quarterly is an active presence in our community as well as in its support of national writers. It maintains an ongoing aim to uphold new directions in Canadian writing. Its writers have received awards at the National Magazine Awards, been included in the distinguished Journey Prize Anthology and have been poised as finalists for the Journey Prize."
The Eves cabinetOntario got a new cabinet as well as a new premier yesterday, as Ernie Eves, taking over from Mike Harris, replaced several ministers.
UW graduate Lincoln Wong, managing director of Triplewell Enterprises Ltd., of Scarborough, made the donation to name Renison's new library in memory of his late wife, Lusi Wong, also a UW graduate. He graduated in 1972 with a master's degree in chemistry, while Lusi Wong received a mathematics degree in 1973.
Also taking part in the announcement, at 1:30 today at the college, will be Michael Burns, chancellor of Renison; Michael Carty, chair of Renison's board of governors; Joan McKinnon, Renison's local campaign chair; and Gail Cuthbert Brandt, college principal.
An expansion of the residences at Renison is also under way, with the groundbreaking held just three weeks ago.
![]() At an April 5 workshop, speaker Jonathan Darby of Oxford (left) chats with Tom Carey, director of UW's Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology. Events in the Flex labToday at 1:30: "The Impact of Technology on the University of the Future", a talk by Tony Bates, director of distance education and technology, continuing studies, University of British Columbia. Says Bates: "Like many other public institutions in recent years, the public university is facing many external and pressures. Rising costs, increasing tuition fees, resistance to change, an aging professoriate, the impact of technology, loss of independence through commercial sponsorship, greater reliance on user fees, and the commercialization of e-learning are all raising questions about the future viability of the public university. Do public universities need to change -- and if so, are they capable of it? How should students learn and professors teach in the future? And what are the alternatives if universities are unable or unwilling to change? These are some of the issues that will be explored in this lecture."Friday at 10:30: a session aimed at staff members who work with faculty who are using new technology. "Everyone is invited," a memo says, "and this would be a fast way to come up to speed on this new and highly successful method of task-oriented learning." The session is led by Leslie Richards of LT3 and distance education and Diane Salter of LT3. Title: "The T-5 Model: A model for developing and delivering on-line activities". Information and registration for either session: phone ext. 7008. |
"This week is the start of a two-week project that will see most of the offices and hallways in the oldest part of B. C. Matthews Hall re-carpeted. This is a huge undertaking that involves Central Stores, Plant Operations and most of the faculty and staff in Applied Health Sciences.
"In order for offices to be carpeted occupants have to pack up everything (in my case this took 15 boxes -- but I might have more junk than most), our computing office staff have to dismantle the computers and move them to safe storage, plant operations staff have to dismantle modular furniture and tape plastic sheeting over the books on wall shelves, and tape plastic sheeting over doorways, central stores has to move all desks, filing cabinets, tables, chairs and boxes out of the offices and into meeting rooms, the carpet people (an outside contractor) has to measure rooms and cut new carpet, remove the 30-year-old carpet, install the new carpet and then everyone has to get everything back in the right place. (and I have probably forgotten some of what needs to be done).
"With a schedule that looks like a military campaign, we are hoping to do 10 offices per day.
"Aileen Leadbetter from the AHS faculty office has been coordinating this project along with Don Haffner from Plant Operations, and as you can imagine, lots more people are involved. So far we have worked our way through 700 boxes, filled I don't know how many bins for confidential disposal, filled even more bins for recycling paper, let alone how much masking tape, packing tape and other supplies we have consumed.
"Should anyone in Applied Health Sciences not be responding to voice or e-mail during part of this two-week period, I hope the rest of campus will understand!"
At last night's meeting of the UW senate, vice-president (university relations) Laura Talbot-Allan gave a brief report on the status of the impending Campaign Waterloo and distributed a "recruitment update" organization chart for campaign volunteers. It's almost complete now, with many top people from alumni and industry stepping up to assist Waterloo. She reported that $80 million has so far been raised; the campaign goal is expected to be set at $260 million.
Also at senate, a proposed rule sent forward by the undergraduate council -- not to allow assignment due dates between the end of classes and the end of exams -- was deemed not clear enough and sent back to the council for more discussion. Several senators lined up to speak against it, saying, as Catherine Schryer of the faculty association did, that "it needs more work." They saw too much ambiguity in how it applies across the campus: for example, what about professors who don't give final exams but do assign term projects?
The lower level of the Student Life Centre is pretty much full of books. Dave McDougall of the Federation of Students staff explains: "More than 21 skids of books were brought from the Canadian University Women's book sale. Last year there were only 11 skids. Most books are displayed in the lower level of the SLC although some are still in unopened boxes. You are guaranteed to find something interesting, especially if you have any interests at all. The sale will be going on 24 hours a day all week."
A memo has gone out from the architecture school: "Architects are invited to submit expressions of interest for the design of a new home for the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. The project involves the renovation of a former industrial building located on a central and prominent site on the Grand River in the historic Galt core area of Cambridge, Ontario. The building, approximately 84,000 square feet, will provide facilities to support the teaching and research activities of an internationally recognized school of architecture. The project enjoys strong support in this prosperous and growing community. It will play a key role in maintaining the health of the Cambridge core and be a model of design quality, technical innovation and environmental responsibility. For more information about the project and terms of reference for the submission, please visit our web site."
A note from Sabesh Kanagalingam, president of the Graduate Student Association: "The GSA is seeking graduate students interested in participating in the GSA Council between May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2003. The Council meets once a month to discuss issues of concern to graduate students. We are interested in appointing up to ten At-Large Councillors to the GSA Council which functions as the parliamentary body of the GSA. In particular, we seek candidates capable of representing the diverse graduate population, including a candidate who is well-versed on issues of importance to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trangendered (LGBT) students." For more information, he can be reached at
Academic achievement: Anita Myers of UW's health studies and gerontology department and Catrine Tudor-Locke of Arizona State University have won the 2002 Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Writing Award for their article "Methodological Considerations for Researchers and Practitioners Using Pedometers to Measure Physical (Ambulatory) Activity." RQES is a journal of the Research Consortium of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. The article provides a review of 32 empirical studies on steps taken per day as measured by pedometers as an indication of daily walking activity. The analysis suggests that 12,000 to 16,000 steps per day can be expected for 8-10 year-old children, 7,000 to 13,000 steps per day can be expected for relatively, healthy younger adults, 6,000 to 8,500 steps per day can be expected for healthy, older adults, and 3,500 to 5,500 steps per day can be expected for individuals living with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Myers and Tudor-Locke suggest that such information can be used to determine physical activity levels of whole populations and for encouraging people to do more walking on a daily basis. The article appears in the March 2001 RQES.
Even as exams continue, a few things are happening on campus:
TODAY IN UW HISTORYApril 16, 1970: Tenders are due for UW's next building, Chemistry II. |