Friday |
Monday, April 15, 2002
Editor: Chris Redmond |
A happening placeThe elevator in the Optometry building will be out of service from today through May 3 for maintenance, the plant operations department says.Electrical power will be off at the Columbia Icefield tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The LT3 technology centre presents Tony Bates of the University of British Columbia tomorrow, giving a seminar (1:30 p.m.) on "The Impact of Technology on the University of the Future". Information and reservations: ext. 7008. Tomorrow at 3:30, the cancer control seminar series presents two speakers: John Goyder of the sociology department, talking about the 2000 K-W Metropolitan Area Survey, and Susanne Santi of the health behaviour research group, talking about the regional "smoke-free bylaw". Location: Clarica Auditorium. |
And much more news, on the day that Ontario gets a new premier and cabinet:
Furthermore, the goose menace in the engineering quadrangle, which I
reported in this Bulletin last
Tuesday and
Wednesday, has turned
into a national
news story. International, in fact, because not only did the Toronto
Star papers
have it on
Thursday, but it's drawing worldwide
on the Fark website, which picked up Alex Matan's
year-old article
from Iron Warrior (with the graphic seen at left)
about what's surely the same goose.
Or maybe not -- it's hard to tell one goose from another, and the occasional inter-species conflict is nothing new. Student research teams in the WatGreen course have reported more than once on geese as an ecological and aesthetic issue on campus.
And here's a world exclusive: a member of UW's senior administration was also attacked by the Feathered Fiend the other day. He tells me: "In my case the gander launched itself about 40 meters from where I was and made a kamikaze air attack. Fortunately, I had an umbrella up, which I lowered so it smacked into that at full speed -- after which it grabbed the edge of the umbrella and tried to eat it!"
The proposed four-point statement on the subject was written by the senate undergraduate council at the request of the provost, in the wake of last year's controversy over marks assigned in a "advanced" calculus class two years ago.
The council is recommending "that each faculty has a process for reviewing and, as necessary, making changes to class marks submitted by instructors, as follows:"
The chair may decide to delegate this responsibility to the associate chair or undergraduate officer. For faculty-based courses, instructors should submit grades to the associate dean, undergraduate affairs.
Upon request, the registrar will provide individuals with the necessary tools to generate a diagnostic report showing class averages and standard deviations; this report could be scanned quickly for anomalies. Another option would be to ask instructors to indicate course average and failure rate on the grade submission form.
At the renowned Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto, both James and Tejinder independently made significant research advancements in the fields of Virtual Reality and imaging technology respectively. And they had fun doing it, to boot!
![]() What is real? James Hong demonstrates the Virtual Reality city he developed at Sunnybrook. |
Tests being conducted on James's platform may one-day lead to the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. James developed a Virtual City that jarringly mimics the real world, right down to the models of cars on the street. Subjects' brain activity can be compared to expected healthy functions as they are monitored 'walking' through the city. Look out! Even in the virtual world you need to look both ways before you cross the street! This might enable researchers to identify brain disorders in their early stages.
Furthermore, improved treatment and therapy methods could be developed for brain damage like strokes, by helping researchers to understand how the brain reorganizes itself after injury. Common fears like public speaking and flying could be treated by building a subject's comfort level in the VR environment before they attempt the real-world thing. But the possibilities don't stop there. "It's so exciting because it's limitless," gushes James, who plans to return to Sunnybrook for his next work term.
Tejinder, a Systems Design Engineering student, made his own contribution to the world of biomedical technology last summer. Tejinder built a device that generates images from an x-ray machine, eliminating the need for costly x-ray cameras and film. He accomplished this by adapting a common flatbed scanner to an x-ray machine's light valve. In addition to being ten times cheaper than the existing method, Tejinder's device is less bulky and time-consuming than the traditional technology. No wonder his research project nabbed first place in a Sunnybrook Undergraduate research competition!
Besides their obvious technical prowess, both James and Tejinder identified adaptability, innovative thinking, and enthusiasm as the qualities that lead to their success. "You need to be really adaptable. Things change so rapidly. Employers want people who can learn quickly, think on the fly, and come up with solutions," says James. Tejinder also noticed that, among the many student-researchers at Sunnybrook, it was Waterloo's undergraduate students who were most at home in the workplace because of their continuous 'real world' exposure through the co-op program. Asked if anything else distinguished the Waterloo students, Tejinder replies hesitantly, "Well, Waterloo students definitely don't sit at the back of a class."
TODAY IN UW HISTORYApril 15, 1993: James Downey becomes president of UW. |