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Monday, March 5, 2001
The annual Campus Day, always held on the Tuesday of the Ontario school system's March break, is an opportunity for UW to show off to the next generation of students. Faculties and academic departments, the church colleges, and student services are all involved -- not to mention the bookstore, the UW Shop, and food services, all of which will be looking for a rush of business.
Everybody's welcome. "General registration is not required," says the four-page newsletter that's being prepared for visitors. "Some faculties ask you to register and pick up more detailed information about the day's events."
Visitors interested in applied health sciences will head for Matthews Hall; arts, the Arts Lecture Hall; engineering, Carl Pollock Hall; environmental studies, Environmental Studies I; independent studies, the PAS building; math, the Davis Centre; science, Biology I; and software engineering, which is appearing on the program for the first time, also the Davis Centre.
Around campus, coloured balloons will mark points of interest for the various faculties: red for AHS, purple for arts, yellow for engineering, green for ES, pink for math (of course), black for science. The church colleges will be gorgeous in green and gold.
University-wide, two major information sessions are planned -- on student financing (at 1:15 in the Humanities Theatre) and on co-op education (at 2:15 in Humanities).
Career services, the residences, the library, athletics and health services will all be offering tours, and other departments will be open for visitors, from the police to the Federation. Twenty-minute, student-led campus-wide tours will be offered from 10:00 to 4:00 starting at South Campus Hall or the Student Life Centre.
Organizers from the student recruitment office are urging current students, staff and faculty to be ready for visitors next Tuesday and prepared to help people find their way around. They're also asking that cars be left at home that day if possible, so there will be parking space available for the thousands of visitors.
Carnegie correctionFriday's Bulletin said that a sizeable grant to UW political scientists John McGarry and Margaret Moore had come from the Carnegie Foundation. Similar name, but wrong organization. The grant is actually from the Carnegie Corporation.McMaster staff go on strikeSports notesThe hockey Warriors were swept 2 games to 0 by the Western Mustangs at the end of the week, losing 3-2 on Wednesday and 5-2 on Friday. However, despite what I said in Friday's Bulletin, there's still a ray of hope. The Warriors will compete against Laurier and Guelph in a "mini-tournament" next week for the right to play as host team in the CIAU national hockey championships, to be held in Kitchener March 21-25.The women's basketball Warriors ended their year with an exciting, but ultimately unsuccessful effort on Thursday night, as they lost 63-62 to the Guelph Gryphons in the league semi-finals. "Nicole Consitt's buzzer-beater," I'm told, "that would have sent Waterloo to the finals, came up short. Consitt played an incredible game, scoring 22 points to lead the Warriors." In today's Globe and MailUW computer science student considers setting up 'clone' of Napster |
The award, announced by the Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW), recognizes Turner's accomplishments and dedication to the profession. Turner will be presented with the award at a luncheon tomorrow at Renison.
Besides heading the UW social work program, she is co-chair of the Ontario Committee of Deans and Directors of Social Work. Previously, she was a faculty member at King's College School of Social Work, the University of Western Ontario, and Laurentian University.
She has also worked as provincial coordinator and program supervisor for the ministry of community and social services, research consultant to Participation Projects, and senior practitioner in outpatient psychiatry at Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital. She holds an MSW from the University of Toronto and a PhD from Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland).
Turner has been extensively involved at the OASW provincial and branch levels, accumulating 30 years of experience in committee work, executive positions and ongoing dialogue and lobbying with the provincial government on behalf of the profession. She has been an active proponent of the social work profession's quest for legislation for the past 20 years. She served as council chairperson of the Ontario College of Certified Social Workers 1988-1990 and as a council member 1985-1993. Last year, she was elected as a social work representative on the new council of the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.
Turner is co-editor of four editions of Canadian Social Welfare and author of several book chapters. She has been involved with a number of community organizations, including Grand River Hospital, Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto, Sudbury and District Association for the Mentally Retarded, Social Planning Councils of Ontario, Ontario Council for the Social Development, Canadian Association of Family Service Agencies, Sudbury YWCA and St. Agatha Children's Village.
![]() Chemistry professor Peter Bernath adjusts a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, similar to the miniature version that will be launched by satellite to measure the absorption of sunlight by the earth's atmosphere. Bernath heads the scientific team for the Scisat1 project, preparing for a launch next year. The UW news bureau issued a release last week announcing the next step in the project, a contract for construction of a key scientific instrument. |
"Anyone working in the field of combinatorial optimization or algorithms would recognize 'You shrink' as Jack's fundamental insight," a colleague explains.
"The matching problem is: Given a set of pairs of elements, choose as many of the pairs so that each element appears in at most one. For example, for a set of people, and a list of compatible roommates, assign as many (compatible) people as possible to double rooms. If the people are a,b,c,d,e and the compatible pairs are ab,bc,cd,de,ae the best you can do is 2, say ab and cd."
"About 40 years ago, Jack Edmonds discovered his matching algorithm, and since then continued to make most substantial contributions to our field up to now," says a letter from the organizers of the 5th Workshop on Combinatorial Optimization, to be held this week in Aussois, France. (The organizers are based at Germany's University of Heidelberg.)"This year Jack celebrated his 66th birthday," the letter adds, and announces that the conference has been dedicated as an honour to him.
Edmonds, now retired from UW's department of combinatorics and optimization, is perhaps best known on campus as the central figure in "the Edmonds affair", which ran from 1991 to 1993. It erupted when the mercurial mathematician with the long white hair delivered a letter to the dean that was interpreted as a resignation, though he quickly denied having wanted to resign; it ended two years later with a negotiated settlement in which Edmonds returned to the UW payroll to do full-time research. He retired in 1999.
Some 67 mathematicians are listed on the Aussois conference web site as attending, including Edmonds himself and Wilfrid Laurier University's Kathie Cameron.
It's also International Women's Week, which will be kicked off with two lectures at noon today. At the Kitchener Public Library main branch, Steve Spencer of the psychology department will be speaking on "Stereotypes and Performance: Women and Mathematics". On campus, in Humanities room 373, Fraser Easton of the English department will speak on "Sexy, Assertive and Smart: Feminist Heroines Before Jane Eyre". Easton's talk is sponsored by the women's studies program, which will offer similar academic lectures on themes to do with women on Tuesday (anthropology), Wednesday (leisure) and Thursday (culture).
Today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Sikh Students Association will hold its annual "langar" in the multi-purpose room of the Student Life Centre. Parambir Singh of the SSA explains: "The Langar is a free vegetarian meal provided to all, in accordance to Sikh doctrine. When partaking in the Langar, there is no separation/distinction based upon colour/creed/caste. Everyone is welcomed to come out and help make the food, serve the food, and of course, eat the food!"
The executive committee of the UW senate will meet at 3:30 today in Needles Hall room 3004, to set the agenda for this month's meeting of the full senate. Highlights: an announcement of this year's winners of the distinguished teacher awards; proposed new regulations about the procedures for part-time PhD study; a report on student housing.
Co-op students are getting psyched today for a big day tomorrow: the regular interview period is over, and job ranking forms will be available tomorrow morning at 10:00 (and must be returned by 4:00).
Tomorrow and each Tuesday in Lent, Renison College presents the St. Bede Series of lectures, on topics of interest to Anglicans. Tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.: Rev. Laverne Jacobs of the national Anglican church talks about "The Invisible People", Canadian indigenous people. I'll say more about this series in tomorrow's Bulletin.
Tomorrow night brings a student-organized charity fashion and art show in Federation Hall, in support of the United Way and the Food Bank. Tickets are $6 in advance (from the turnkey desk in the Student Life Centre), $7 at the door.
And as the week goes on there will be many more excuses for venturing out through the snow, as Michael Coren and Linda McQuaig both speak on Thursday night, Rosemary Radford Ruether on Friday night. Again, there will be more details in the Bulletin about these events as the time gets closer.
Here's a reminder that students who may want to transfer to UW's school of architecture need to complete an "Application for Internal Transfer" form, available from the registrar's office; the deadline is March 12, a week from today.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Friday's Bulletin
Copyright © 2001 University of Waterloo