Daily Bulletin
University of Waterloo -- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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Tuesday, February 6, 1996
UW's board goes into retreat
Members of the UW board of governors -- which according to
the University
of Waterloo Act is responsible for "the
government of the University and the control of its
property and revenues, the conduct of its business and affairs" --
are doing something unusual today.
They're gathering at 2:00 at Resurrection College, just across Westmount
Road from Village II, for an afternoon, an evening and a morning of
"retreat" before their scheduled meeting tomorrow afternoon. In
small groups and full sessions of the 36-member board, they'll discuss
such topics as "governing management and managing governance" and "barriers
to effectiveness facing boards
of Canadian non-profit organizations". More: "Is the committee structure
working optimally? Could board meetings be improved? Is the board
selection process adequate?"
The subtext isn't only the desire to operate the board's quarterly
meetings more efficiently. Government and public calls for
"accountability" from universities and other publicly-funded agencies
mean, in part, that the governors themselves are feeling more answerable
for what the university does under their management. There's every
reason to think that the trend will continue, and board members will
become more actively
involved in UW affairs.
Launch of chair is postponed
The launch of the Stanley Knowles Visiting Professorship in Canadian
Studies, which was to happen next Tuesday in the Parliament Buildings
in Ottawa, has been postponed. Reason: Parliament has been unexpectedly
prorogued (that's Ottawaspeak for "recess time"), and the prime minister
and other dignitaries, including Knowles himself, can't be expected to
be on hand. The launch party "will be rescheduled for sometime in the
spring", said an announcement from UW's news bureau yesterday.
Also postponed: The conference on "Managing Ethical Issues in
Universities and Colleges", which I mentioned in yesterday's Bulletin,
has been cancelled or postponed, I learned last night. It's to be held
at some future date at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.
Dean asks for budget comment
The dean of
environmental studies, Jeanne Kay, is holding a pair of open
meetings for ES students today "to discuss budget cuts and early
retirements in the faculty". Both meetings are scheduled for the
Environmental Studies I courtyard, one at 12 noon and one at 4:30
p.m. "It is just for environmental studies students," notes Lori
McConnell of the dean's office. "We can't accommodate a crowd from
outside the faculty."
As Ramadan continues
The Muslim Students'
Association presents a potluck dinner today to
observe the breaking of the fast. The "iftaar" starts with prayers at
5:30 p.m. in Math and Computer Building, room 4058, says
Nabil Rehman of the MSA.
Also happening today
The development office "planned giving program" hosts a seminar titled
"Your Retirement Options", starting at 7 p.m. in the Flamingo Room of
South Campus Hall. Presumably what will be explained is how long-term
giving to UW through annuities can benefit both the university and
the retiree. Information is available from Pat Cunningham at ext. 5413.
"Power Play", the road show about harassment in the workplace, will
be performed today at 12 noon in the Renison College cafeteria and
5:30 p.m. in the "red" cafeteria of Village I. A round-table discussion
follows the evening performance.
Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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