Yesterday |
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() The football Warriors introduced 14 potential players at a news conference just before Christmas -- high school stars who are hoping to join the Warriors if they're admitted as UW students this year. Two are among "the top overall football players in the province of Ontario", as named earlier in the winter, and others in the group are rated near the top nationally. "They want," a Warrior news release boasted, "to be a part of restoring the tradition of the late 90s 'Back in Black' clubs that won the Yates Cup two out of four years." |
"Approximately 3,800 students will be picking up OSAP over the next few days," says registrar Ken Lavigne. "The line-ups in NH reflect government's insistence on paper-based face-to-face procedures. Fortunately, we have arranged for the National Student Loan Service Centre to set up shop on campus throughout the term so that students can negotiate their loans right away."
John Cunningham, manager of the WatCard office, reported "a non-stop busy day". He said his staff issued about 175 new cards and took in more than $60,000 in "flex dollars" that students will spend on food, drink and photocopying over the weeks ahead. Many of the 175 cards will have gone to arriving exchange students and transfer students from new institutions, and there are 42 new full-time first-year students this term, the registrar's office says.
At the bookstore, the lineups were both physical and virtual. A university-wide slowdown in computer networks yesterday was blamed on too many simultaneous users of Booklook, the textbook inquiry system, and it was taken offline about 1:30. "IST is sorting out the problem," says retail services director May Yan, "and we apologize to our customers for the inconvenience."
She says the bookstore received more than 45 skids of textbooks in the last two weeks of December and had more than 1,900 titles available for the first day of class. "We have 15 cash registers set up, and the lineups move very quickly." There's a webcam to show the queue in the South Campus Hall concourse. Evening hours at the bookstore (until 7:00) continue today and tomorrow.
On this week's list from the human resources department:
Longer descriptions are available on the HR web site. |
Clarke said a crew of more than two dozen people from a commercial cleaning firm worked at UW Place each day over the break -- including Christmas Day -- getting ready for the new occupants. Regular residence staff also had tasks to do, from paperwork to key assignment, getting ready for the new occupants.
Things were even more rushed at the Columbia Lake Village townhouses, she said. There, some occupants didn't have to move out until December 31, and some newcomers were arriving the next day. There was also beginning-of-term turnover at Village I, Mackenzie King Village and the Minota Hagey Residence.
Along with students who had reserved residence rooms for this term, a few "walk-ins" showed up on Monday, Clarke said, and residence staff were able to find rooms for them. Some residence space is still available now, particularly in Ron Eydt Village, she added.
In some previous years, both Villagers and UW staff have come back after New Year's to a few unpleasant surprises. But Clarke said that by midday yesterday there had been no reports of break-ins or vandalism in the residences during the holiday. That was echoed by UW police chief Al MacKenzie. "All seems to be going well . . . we have had no reports of problems," he said by e-mail.
The Imaginus poster sale continues through Friday in the Student Life Centre. . . . Registration for intramural sports is under way in the Physical Activities Complex, and registration for campus rec instructional classes begins January 9. . . . Auditions are under way for the Chamber Choir, Chapel Choir, UW Choir, Stage Band and instrumental ensembles. . . .
'Are You Thinking About Optometry?' Career workshop
5:30, Tatham Centre room 2218, details
Perimeter Institute presents Jay Ingram, Discovery Channel host, "Are You Conscious?" 7 p.m., Waterloo Collegiate Institute, free tickets 883-4480. 'Ideas for Health' international conference Thursday 9:00 to 4:30, Lyle Hallman Institute, Matthews Hall. MathNews "disorganizational meeting" Thursday 4:30, Math and Computer room 4020 -- new writers, artists and proofreaders welcome. Orchestra@UWaterloo open rehearsal Thursday 7:00 to 9:30, Ron Eydt Village great hall, details online. |
One student elected by/from the full-time or part-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts, term from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2008.
One student elected by/from the full-time or part-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering, term from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007.
One student elected by/from the full-time or part-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Environmental Studies or Department of Independent Studies, term from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2008.
One student elected by/from the full-time or part-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Mathematics, term from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007.
One student elected by/from the full-time or part-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Science, term from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2008.
One student elected by/from the full-time or part-time undergraduate students at large, term from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2008.
One student elected by/from the full-time or part-time undergraduate students at large, term from May 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007.
Nomination forms are available online or from the Federation of Students office. At least five nominators are required in each case. Completed nomination forms should be submitted to the Chief Returning Officer, Secretariat, NH 3060 no later than 3:30 p.m., Friday, January 20, 2006. Elections, if necessary, will coincide with the annual Federation of Students' elections (February 14-16).
Student senators completing their terms of office or stepping down as of April 30, 2006 are Paul Lehmann (Arts), Jonathan Fishbein (Eng), Caustan De Riggs (ES/IS), Adam Felix (Math), Rebecca Baxter (Sci), Tanveer Ali (at-large) and Matthew Austin (at-large). All are eligible for re-election.
More information about Senate and its committees and councils is available on the Secretariat's website.