Yesterday |
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() John Cormier is featured in "Howl", one of the six short plays being produced this week and next. |
Says a drama department announcement: "We are showcasing 'Vanities' by Jack Heifner, presented by three graduating students as part of their undergraduate thesis project. A hilarious and poignant look at evolving feminine attitudes to sex and the world, the play charts the progress of three fast and very determined friends through high school and university in the 1960s and 70s. The production has been entirely directed, designed and produced by three Drama majors: Andrea Ferguson, Kara Harun and Kristin Wallace.
'We are also presenting five other excerpts or one-act plays, directed by students of our directing class, led by faculty member Joel Greenberg." The five shows:
"Featuring Loretta" by George F. Walker, directed by Jennifer Lorbetski: "Part of Walker's 'Suburban Motel' series, 'Featuring Loretta' is a fast-paced comedy about a girl willing to do anything to keep her options open, the two guys trying to help her, and a very confused motel maid along for the ride."
"Hello Out There" by William Saroyan, directed by Michelle Logan: "Echoing voices that transcend through time haunt the stage in this adapted version of William Saroyan's play. The story of a criminal doing time for rape, the play also demonstrates how love can be more powerful than a key to truly set someone's spirit free."
"Howl" by Allen Ginsberg, adapted and directed by John Trihn: "'Howl' explores willing self-exposure to suffering. We all make choices, and sometimes willingly choose the path that will lead to heartbreak. Does experience make us a witness? Does it justify our choices? This project interprets and expresses Ginsberg's work through movement and spoken word. What is it that motivates a person to keep moving, to keep living when surrounded by utter desolation? Perhaps it is hope? Perhaps it is something else."
"Crimes of the Heart" by Beth Henley, directed by Michelle Jedrezjewski: "Lenny, Meg, and Babe McGrath are three sisters, reunited when Babe is arrested for shooting her husband. As the story unfolds, so do their secrets, as well as the unique bond that lies hidden in their lives."
"Tough!" by George F. Walker, directed by Vik Kovac: "Set in the early 90's, an alienated working-class youth on the edge of adulthood is forced to make tough decisions, in the process discovering her inner strength, and the limitations of her reliance on the other people in her life."
The New Directions Festival series of plays will run over two weeks: February 1-4 and 8-11. Evening shows of two plays each are scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday to Friday, and there will be two "Marathon Saturdays" beginning at 2 p.m., in which it is possible to see all six productions. The venue is the intimate Studio 180 space in Hagey Hall of the Humanities.
"The office of Learning Resources and
Innovation," a memo explains, "wants to establish
February 14 as "Loving to Learn Day" at the
University of Waterloo. As an institution of higher learning, our
campus teems with tens of thousands of people -- faculty, students,
and staff -- who are here because they love to learn.
"As one component of this year's Loving to Learn Day, we would like to collect a number of comments from members of the university community concerning their love of learning." The project has been endorsed by Gail Cuthbert Brandt, associate vice-president (academic) and (learning resources and innovation), who herself loves to learn in the area of Canadian history, among others.
The letters and comments that arrive will be displayed on the LT3 web site, and I've agreed to publish some excerpts in the Daily Bulletin on February 14. That's less than two weeks away, so time is pressing. Mark Morton, the Instructional Program Manager in the Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology, offers some questions to bring out that loving feeling. Current version of the questions:
•Why do you love to learn?
•What do you love to learn?
•When did you develop your love for learning?
•Was there a particular person who inspired your love of learning?
•Which do you love more, beginning to learn something or
finishing learning something?
•Has learning ever been unfaithful to you?
•Which would you rather give up, learning or laughing?
Learning or chocolate? Learning or music?
"I've already pretty much given up chocolate," one faculty member hedges. "I couldn't give up either learning or laughing -- it would be the death of me," another writes. Your insights? Comments can be sent by e-mail to
Music of India free concert featuring Anwar Khurshid,
12:30, Conrad Grebel University College chapel.
Federation of Students candidates' forum 1:30, Arts Lecture Hall room 113. Faculty association special (confidential) general meeting on issues related to the elimination of mandatory retirement, 2:30, Davis Centre room 1302. Perimeter Institute public lecture: John A. Grant, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, "Mission to Mars: Still Roving on the Red Planet", 7:00, Waterloo Collegiate Institute, lineup for available seats 6:00. LunarFest Chinese new year party, from 10 p.m., Federation Hall, $15 at the door. Technical speaker competition for engineering students, sponsored by Sandford Fleming Foundation, faculty-wide competition Thursday 10 a.m., Doug Wright Engineering room 2534. FASS 2005: "A Midwinter Night's FASS", dress rehearsal tonight, performances Thursday and Saturday 8 p.m., Friday 7:00 and 10:00, Humanities Theatre. Business breakfast: Maurice Dusseault, earth sciences department, on his involvement with the petroleum industry in China, Friday 7 a.m., Renison College, tickets 884-4404 ext.620. Warrior Weekend activities Friday and Saturday nights, Student Life Centre, details online. |
On this week's list from the human resources department:
Longer descriptions are available on the HR web site. |
Noon today is the deadline for ordering this year's chocolate chip Treat-a-Grams from the Keystone Campaign. . . . The men's hockey Warriors face Laurier tonight at 7:30 at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Centre (game webcast on CKMS). . . . A week from today brings the morning-long workshop on "How to Learn to Love Exercise" sponsored by the Employee Assistance Program. . . .
Howard Armitage, professor of accounting at UW and director of the
Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship
and Technology, is on sabbatical at present, and sends this
report: "My sabbatical is a little unusual in that, for teaching
reasons, it covers a four-month period January 1 to April 30, then an
eight-month period September 1, 2006, to April 30, 2007.
I have a few key objectives for the sabbatical. On the
research side, I will be the lead investigator on a research monograph
sponsored by the Society of Management Accountants of Canada that deals
with strategy and performance measurement issues. In addition, I hope
to produce a small publication on "Teaching Excellence" that has resulted
from the 3M Award I received last year. On the administrative front, I
am hoping to develop a number of possible partnership linkages with CBET."
While Armitage is on sabbatical, the acting director of CBET is Paul Doherty (right), the associate director.
A notice from the Federation of Students reminds the campus that there's money to be handed out: grants from the Student Life Endowment Fund, which was created more than a decade ago to fund projects that benefit students. "The Student Life Endowment Fund committee meets once each year in the Winter," the Feds memo says, "to disburse funds according to the following priorities: The improvement of accessibility on campus; The improvement of safety on campus; The improvement of existing lounge and study space; The renovations of student services." Applications for this year's grants are due February 17.