Yesterday |
Friday, April 21, 2006
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() Eine deutschsprachige Produktion der körperlichen Komödie "Ein Diener zweier Herren" von Carlo Goldoni kommt dieses Wochenende zum Theatre of the Arts. • A German-language production of Carlo Goldoni's physical comedy "Ein Diener zweier Herren" comes to the Theatre of the Arts this weekend, performed by students from Germany's Theaterakadernie Vopornmern. Directed by Herbert Olschok, this classic 18th-century Italian commedia tells the story of Truffaldino, an underpaid but wily servant who gets lucky. One day he even ends up with two jobs: twice as much money, twice as much food, but also twice as much work and twice as many beatings. His two masters, meanwhile, are just as busy. Separated lovers on the run, they end up in the same inn, each unaware of the other's presence. Confusion abounds. . . . The performances in Waterloo are part of an international exchange that will see UW drama students take their production of "Our Country's Good" to a German stage next week. The University of Toronto is also part of the exchange. UW performances are Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $12 (students $10) at the Humanities box office, 888-4908. |
"Promoting ground-breaking health research is a crucial component of our government's plan to build a healthy, prosperous and innovative Canada," said Harold Albrecht, Conservative MP for Kitchener-Conestoga, who was representing federal health minister Tony Clement. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the source of the funding, was represented by Susan Sykes of UW's research office, who is the official CIHR delegate at Waterloo.
The grants, for some 308 projects across the province, were announced earlier this year and involve work in areas that range from bone healing to the mobility of health professionals. Fong's project continues his work in evaluating the impact of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the first-ever international public health treaty.
At yesterday's event, held in the fireplace lounge in the Lyle Hallman Institute, Fong had the opportunity to talk about his International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project, which touches on tobacco control policies in Canada, the United States, Britain, Thailand, Malaysia, China and India. Eight other UW faculty are listed as co-applicants for the CIHR grant.
"The FCTC is a major milestone in global health," he told Albrecht and other dignitaries yesterday, "but there are formidable challenges. . . .
"The ITC Project is an international collaboration of over 50 tobacco control researchers across nine countries. Our mission is to evaluate the impact of FCTC policies as they are implemented throughout the world. . . .
He added thanks to the UW research office, the three faculties (arts, applied health sciences and mathematics) that are involved in the project, "and to the leadership of the university, which has made health research a priority."
The Leaders of Tomorrow Circle was launched in November with 402 charter members. This new circle recognizes alumni who earned their first UW degree in the last ten years and who give $250 to $999 annually.
A new circle called the "1957 Societies" -- named for UW's founding date -- is being launched this year. It will honour donors who have, over their lifetimes, contributed a certain total amount. The threshold for 1957 Society status is yet to be determined, but Bonnie Oberle, the development officer in charge of leadership giving and special programs, says details will firm up within the next few months. A survey of "leadership donors" in 2005 helped the Campaign staff and volunteers make their plans for the changed "circles".
The original donors' circle, the President's Committee, was created in 1980 with 84 charter members to acknowledge donors who gave $1,000 or more a year to UW. Since renamed the President's Circle, by its 25th anniversary in 2005 it had 841 members.
Other donor groups are the Chancellor's Circle, with 313 members, for people who annually donate $5,000 or more; the Governors' Circle, with 145 members, for people who annually donate $2,500 to $4,999; and the Laurel Society, with 222 exclusive members, for those who have made a deferred gift through estate or financial planning. (Another 84 Laurel Society members also belong to other circles.) Besides these groups, a circle of 57 "grandfathered exclusive life members" made gifts of cash, life insurance, or bequests of $10,000 or more between 1980 and the early 1990s, well before the current campaign was launched.
The circles boast a combined membership of 1,980 faculty, staff, retirees, alumni and other individuals. In fiscal year 2004-05, they contributed almost $22 million for scholarships, equipment, library resources, and academic and research programs, and other campaign priorities. That helped the university reach and pass its original campaign goal of $260 million last June.
Germanic and Slavic studies departmental conference,
Humanities room 373, sessions
on linguistics, Slavics, Germanics, program online.
46th annual used book sale sponsored by Canadian Federation of University Women, today 9 to 9, Saturday 9 to 1, First United Church, King and William Streets. Centre for International Governance Innovation presents Daniel Schwanen, CIGI director of research, "Economic Aspects of Greenhouse Gas Reduction", 11:45, 57 Erb Street West, reservations Warrior rugby camp for high school and other local players, Saturday 9:30 to 3:00, Columbia Icefield, with UW coaches, Warrior players, and Martin Gallagher of Rugby Canada, e-mail for information. 'Park Crawl' by bicycle to mark Earth Day, including market visit, community cleanup and picnic, Saturday 10:00 to 3:00, starts at Kitchener market (King Street entrance), sponsored by Green Party and other groups, organized by two UW graduate students. Super Cities Walk fund-raiser for Multiple Sclerosis Society, Sunday starting at Federation Hall 10 a.m., details online. Kumon Canada awards ceremony Sunday 1 p.m., Humanities Theatre. William Klassen, former principal of St. Paul's United College, honoured on 50th anniversary of his ordination, Sunday 3 p.m., Westminster United Church, Waterloo; speakers include James Downey, former president of UW. Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology presents Leslie Richards, senior advisor, "What I Learned about Learning in a Developing World Practice", Thursday 3 p.m., Flex Lab, Dana Porter Library, details online. Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry annual general meeting and seminar, April 28, 1 p.m., Davis Centre room 1302. |
As for the spring term: fees are due Monday if paid by cheque, or April 27 if paid by bank transfer. Classes begin on May 1.
The employee "Wellness Fair" runs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with a busy schedule of events. Things start at 9:00 Monday with a morning-long keynote talk by "Canada's stress guru", Eli Bay, in Davis Centre room 1350. "It can be life-changing," he writes, "to discover that the unavoidable stresses of life can be so much better managed when you deliberately turn on the self-healing mechanism in your nervous system." At 12 noon, there's the President's Mile run (and kindred Scott Wellness Walk), starting outside the Davis Centre. Later in the day come "Introductory Yoga", "Core Stability", and (at 7 p.m.) "Bridging the Gap to Retirement". More talks are scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday along with a group of vendors in the Davis Centre lounge.
The library's electronic newsletter reports that several librarians and other staff have had their research published recently in various journals. Among the publications: work on "University of Waterloo Electronic Theses: Issues and Partnerships", co-authored by librarian Christine Jewell, who has headed the e-thesis project here since it was little more than a gleam in the eye. She'll be speaking at the International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations, to be held in Québec City in June.
Heating and ventilation will be shut down in Chemistry II, half the building at a time, on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. . . . The Federation of Students used book store will be open Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for end-of-term textbook sales. . . . Information is available at 375-6069 about a series of workshops in "Buteyko breathing therapy for asthma and respiratory disease" to be held May 8-12 and 15-19 at Conrad Grebel University College. . . .
The Bookit online system for scheduling meetings and appointments will be out of operation Saturday night (6 to 9 p.m.) for a system upgrade. . . . The University Club is marking "Staff Appreciation Week" all next week with a luncheon buffet that includes strip loin, vegetable penne, cabbage rolls, and (mmm) grilled catfish with orange and arugula salsa. . . . The Weight Watchers at Work 10-week program begins Monday at noontime (e-mail ggoodfel@math for last-minute information). . . .