Yesterday |
Friday, September 23, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Where farm fields once spread, a heritage touch![]() ![]() Cedar rails now delineate the lawn beside and in front of the Graduate House, adding a rural touch to the building that's UW's oldest (1925). The rails are authentic, says Jerry Hutten, supervisor of the grounds crew, which designed and built the fence in late summer. "We had them in storage," he says, saying they probably came from farmers' fences on what's now the north campus, demolished over the years but put away at the plant operations warehouse until they'd be needed. Some of the rails may have seen use on campus before, in the fence that surrounded the old parking lot D before the construction of Needles Hall. It was pictured on the front page of the Gazette (above) in July 1970. The contemporary photo is by Barbara Elve of Communications and Public Affairs. |
Since leaving the presidency, Downey (right) has served as acting
(university relations) and director of the Waterloo Centre for the
Advancement of Co-operative Education, as well as in the English
department. He officially retired April 1.
Newfoundland-born, Downey held a series of posts at Carleton
University, ending as its acting president, before heading the
University of New Brunswick (1980-1990) and then UW. He is an
Officer of the Order of Canada.
Douglas T. Wright, president 1981-93, already holds the title of president emeritus.
Also at next month's convocation, two retired faculty members will be honoured: Hannah Fournier, long-time professor of French who retired earlier this year, will become Distinguished Professor Emerita, and Jack Kalbfleisch, former professor of statistics and dean of mathematics 1990-98, will become Distinguished Professor Emeritus. The title, in its feminine or masculine form, is awarded a few times a year to retired faculty members of special distinction.
Some of UW's own will be among the seven people receiving honorary degrees at the two sessions of convocation. One of them is Bob Harding, chairman of Brascan Corp., who ended four years as chair of the UW board of governors on April 30, and who continues as chair of Campaign Waterloo.
Also to be honoured in that way is Josef Kates, a pioneer of computing technology in Canada starting in the late 1940s, later chairman of the Science Council of Canada, and chancellor of UW 1979-85. He has been a Chancellor Emeritus since 1993.
One honorary degree recipient is a UW graduate: Peter Harder, who was at Conrad Grebel College during his Waterloo years (BA 1975) and has held a series of positions in the public sector, currently serving as deputy minister in the department of foreign affairs and international trade.
Other honorary degrees will go to Sheila Fraser, auditor-general of Canada; Rudy Wiebe, noted Mennonite novelist; Ronald Ming Cho So, who heads the department of mechanical engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; and Dianne O'Leary, professor of computer science at the University of Maryland.
Downey will give the address at the morning convocation session, and O'Leary will speak in the afternoon.
Career workshop: "Letter Writing", 2:30, Tatham Centre room 2218, details online. Club That Really Likes Anime free showings of Japanese animation, tonight 4:30 to 10:25, Saturday noon to 9:35, Arts Lecture Hall room 116. Centre for International Governance Innovation presents John McArthur, Columbia University, "Ending Poverty: What Canada Can Do", 7 p.m., 57 Erb Street West, reservations e-mail Warrior Weekend tonight and Saturday with special evening activities -- craft corner, UW jugglers, house-of-cards competition. Movies: "Prisoner of Azkaban" and "Batman Returns" Friday, "Gattaca" Saturday. More information online. Programming contest on the ACM model, Saturday. Members of UW's team in the international ACM contest this year will be chosen from participant results. Details online. Conrad Grebel University College alumni outing to Pelee Island, Saturday, information 885-0220 ext. 381. English professor Aimée Morrison speaks to Contemporary Art Forum on "Industrial Utopianism Redux: How Artifacts of a Factory Past Became Symbols of the Future", Saturday 7 p.m., Kitchener city hall. UW Students for Life concert, Saturday 7:30, Humanities Theatre. Tourism lecture series: Nancy Chesworth, Mount Saint Vincent University, "Will Retired Baby Boomers Be the Golden Hoard of the Future?" Monday 9:30, Arts Lecture Hall room 105. Ziva Kunda Memorial Lecture, department of psychology: Richard E. Nisbett, University of Michigan, "The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently and Why," Monday 4 p.m., MacKirdy Hall, St. Paul's College. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council representatives talk about graduate scholarship opportunities, Tuesday 9:30 to noon, Needles Hall room 3001. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System training and safety orientation for new employees and others, Tuesday 9:30 or Thursday 2:00, Davis Centre room 1304, information ext. 5613. University-College Career Fair Wednesday 10:00 to 3:30, RIM Park, Waterloo, buses from campus, information online. School of Pharmacy public open house, October 4, 7 to 9 p.m., Kitchener city hall rotunda. |
"We walk a delicate balance between retaining our traditional cultural values and practices and living in a modern society," said Jean Becker, UW's Aboriginal Services Co-ordinator. "It's something we have to negotiate every day. The powwow can bridge between these two worlds. . . .
"Powwows were suppressed for many years," Becker adds, "and began to come back in the 1960s." Although powwows serve as a link to the past, they also showcase styles of Aboriginal dance that have evolved over recent years "as viable, vibrant contemporary practice".
The event is organized by UW Aboriginal Student Services and SUNDANCe (Shared Universities Native Development and Navigation Committee), a group of staff, students, faculty from UW, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Guelph, as well as community representatives.
Besides the beat of the big drums, traditionally played by men, the powwow will feature the UW women's hand drum group. Vendors will offer food and crafts. General admission is $5. Admission for children under 10 and people over 60 is free. Proceeds will go to a bursary for Aboriginal students at UW, WLU and U of G.
For those attending a powwow for the first time, an etiquette guide is available online.
![]() St. Jerome, as envisioned by El Greco, is officially commemorated on September 30 each year. |
Things will be less formal over in the Student Life Centre, where tonight and tomorrow night make up the first Warrior Weekend of the fall term. The idea is to provide cheap and non-alcoholic entertainment, including movie showings in the great hall, low-priced games in the Campus Cove, and eclectic entertainment. The UW Juggling Club will be on hand to give lessons tonight and to perform on Saturday, there's a "craft corner" tonight and a house-of-cards competition tomorrow, and so on. Details are on the Warrior Weekends web site.
The UW-based Catholic rock band
Critical Mass (left) will
perform Saturday at 7:30 in the Humanities Theatre, along with
London's Chris Bray and comic Caustan De Riggs (a UW environmental
studies and business student). Tickets are $12,
students $8, children $6, in advance from the Humanities box office,
or $2 extra at the door. The band
just been nominated for rock song
of the year and rock album of the year by the Canadian Gospel Music
As posters all over campus are starting to make clear, the "One Waterloo" diversity campaign is about to get rolling. Tuesday is the kickoff day, with three concerts representing, I gather, diverse musical genres: K'naan at 1:00, Jully Black at 10:30 p.m., and Bedouin Soundclash at 11:30, all in the Student Life Centre. Admission is free. But then there are two Humanities Theatre events for which tickets are on sale. First is guest lecturer K-OS (spoken word/questions and answers) from 8 to 9:30 p.m. on Thursday, and that's followed by comedian Shaun Majumder on Friday, 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. For both the events in Humanities, tickets are $12 for UW people and $15 for guests, at the Humanities box office or the Federation of Students office (in the Student Life Centre).
The continuing education office is running a one-day course on "Customer Service" next Thursday, and notes that UW staff members can get a 50 per cent discount from the regular $310 price. "It isn't good enough for organizations just to survive," says a flyer introducing the course, "they need to thrive and flourish as they deal with processes, people and products/services all at the same time." Hence, customer service -- including "relevant models of truth" and "a personal action plan". More information: 888-4002.
The Imaginus poster sale winds up today in the Student Life Centre. . . . A group from the UW Recreation Committee is heading for Kitchener Memorial Auditorium tonight to watch the Rangers hockey team take on the Windsor Spitfires. . . . The Trews are performing Sunday night at Federation Hall, but the advertising insists that "the only way to see them is to win tickets at the Bomber or Fed Hall." . . .
Sports this weekend: Women's hockey vs. Western in an exhibition game tonight at 7:30 (Columbia Icefield), then against Laurier at the Waterloo Memorial Rec Complex tomorrow at 2:00. Football vs. the Western Mustangs, 7:00 Saturday night at University Stadium. Soccer vs. Windsor on Saturday and Western on Sunday, with the women's teams playing at 1 p.m. both days and the men at 3 p.m. (Columbia Field). Men's rugby vs. Western, Saturday at 3:00, also on Columbia but a different field (I hope).
And on the road: Golf, both men's and women's teams, at the Windsor Invitational for the weekend. Men's and women's tennis in Toronto -- the men at a U of T tournament, the women at York, both Saturday and Sunday. Women's rugby at McMaster on Saturday. Field hockey in a tournament at York, against McGill today, York and Western tomorrow. Cross-country at the Western Invitational. Baseball at Toronto tomorrow and Brock on Sunday.