Yesterday |
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() Rebuilding a site on Kitchener's Fairway Road, the former Record building, was the focus of a planning workshop, or "charrette", held last week in the Environmental Studies I courtyard. Students from two local high schools (Resurrection and Waterloo Collegiate) joined UW students and municipal planners. The high schoolers "bring a fresh perspective" to issues of planning and redevelopment, says Brandon Sloan, senior planner for Kitchener, who was the chief facilitator of the event. At centre, Karen Hammond of the UW school of planning indicates a point while high schoolers, left, and UW students Nick Jones and Rebekah Witteveen, right, are poised for action. |
Convocation will begin with morning and afternoon ceremonies on Wednesday, June 14. The 10 a.m. event is for graduates from applied health sciences and environmental studies, who in past years have been called to a Wednesday afternoon ceremony. Wednesday afternoon will now belong to the science faculty, which in the past has had the Friday afternoon ceremony.
Arts graduates will have two ceremonies on Thursday, June 15. Graduates in some fields -- including accounting, English, economics and history -- are scheduled for the 10 a.m. event, and others -- including psychology, philosophy and all St. Jerome's and Renison graduates -- for 2 p.m. The independent studies program, which recently came under the wing of the arts faculty, will also be part of the afternoon ceremony. In the past, arts has had the Thursday afternoon Convocation ceremony, noted for running almost three hours.
On Friday it's the faculty of mathematics, with all St. Jerome's students and all graduates from programs other than computer science scheduled for 10 a.m. Then CS grads will come at 2 p.m. That's a change of days for mathematics, which previously was featured at the Saturday morning ceremony.
Saturday will see two ceremonies for engineering graduates: architecture, chemical, civil, mechanical and management sciences in the morning; electrical and computer engineering and systems design in the afternoon. Previously engineering had the Saturday afternoon Convocation ceremony.
Craft and toy fair sponsored by Hildegard Marsden Nursery,
last day, 9:00 to 5:00, Davis Centre lounge.
Compressed gas cylinder safety seminar, 10:00 or 2:00, information ext. 5613. International Spouses Group forming: "How to Enjoy a Canadian Winter" coffee session, 10 a.m., community centre, Columbia Lake Village, Information: Professional information sessions: Graduate Record Exam 11:30, LSAT and law schools 12:30, "Teaching English Abroad" 2:30, Tatham Centre room 2218. Chemical engineering seminar: Suprakas Sinha Ray, Université Laval, "Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites", 11:30, Rod Coutts Hall room 301. Free yoga session offered by Federation of Students Wellness Centre, 12:00, Student Life Centre multipurpose room. 'Shake Hands with the Devil' showing of film based on Rwanda memoir by Roméo Dallaire, 2:30, Student Life Centre multipurpose room, part of International Education Week activities. Teaching seminar: Mark Morton, LT3, "Five Ways that Technology Can Enhance the Learning Experience of Students While Saving Instructors Time", 3:00, Flex Lab, Dana Porter Library. Career workshop "Interview Skills: Selling Your Skills" 2:30, Tatham Centre room 1208, registration online. Arts exchange programs information session about student opportunities to study in the UK, France, Netherlands, Israel, Australia, Germany, India and other countries, 4:00, Humanities room 373. Student exchange with Mexico information session 5:30, Math and Computer room 1056. Forum for Independent Thought weekly meeting 5:00, Student Life Centre multipurpose room, introduction of the proposed new Centre for Social Engineering. 30th annual Engineering Awards Dinner 5:30, Bingemans ballroom, Kitchener, keynote speaker Catherine Booth, systems design graduate and Canadian Tire vice-president; chair Grahame Farquhar, retired from civil engineering. Issues in Native Communities lecture series: Memee Lavell-Harvard, president of Ontario Native Women's Association, "The Aboriginal Experience in Education", 7:00, St. Paul's College. Xbox 360 design and tech talk with Microsoft representatives, with hands-on preview, 7:30, Davis Centre room 1302. 'Our Town', presented by UW drama department, tonight through Saturday 8:00, Theatre of the Arts, tickets 888-4908. BandAid for AIDS Research featuring four student bands, doors open 8:00, cover $2, Bombshelter pub, Student Life Centre. Pancake breakfast fund-raiser for Breakfast for Learning, sponsored by Engineering Society, Friday 8 to 10 a.m., Carl Pollock Hall foyer. Cognitive science colloquium: Paul Thagard, UW philosophy, "Hot Thought: Mechanisms of Emotional Cognition", Friday 1 p.m., to be held online: details. RoboRacer Challenge hosted by mechatronics engineering program, student-build robots compete, Friday 1:30 to 5:30, Student Life Centre great hall. Arts research seminar series presents "The Humanities in an Age of High Technology", panel including David Noble, technological historian and academic freedom advocate, Friday 2:30, Arts Lecture Hall room 113. Sri Lanka seminar: David Wood, environmental studies, and Drew Knight, office of research, on proposed UW restoration project, Friday 3:00, Environmental Studies I room 221. Impact Conference, student-run symposium on entrepreneurship, Friday-Saturday in Toronto, information online. Artery Gallery, operated by UW students, opening of "Just What I've Always Wanted", work by graduate students from three universities, Friday 7 p.m., 158 King Street West, Kitchener. St. Jerome's University presents Sister Pat Murray, "Learning Justice, Compassion and Hope-Filled Action", Friday 7:30, Siegfried Hall. CS4U @ UWaterloo Day open house for grade 9 and 10 students and their families, Davis Centre, Saturday 9:30 to 4:30, hosted by school of computer science, details online. |
Students with double majors that would be in two different ceremonies -- possible for some graduates in arts and math -- "will be given instructions", says a memo from registrar Ken Lavigne announcing the new arrangements.
The speaker is Robert Fisk, internationally recognized foreign correspondent for The Independent in Britain, who will deliver this year's St. Paul's College Kerr-Saltsman Lecture in International Affairs at 7:00 that night. His talk, "The Great War for Civilization", is a free event with no tickets required and is open to the public.
Specializing in the Middle East, where he has spent the last 25 years, Fisk will offer his first-hand account of the history and current state of affairs there. He has covered the Iranian revolution, the Iran-Iraq war, the Persian Gulf war and the conflicts in Algeria. As well, he has interviewed Osama bin Laden three times and covered the war in Iraq.
An award-winning writer, Fisk has received the British International Journalist of the Year award seven times and numerous other honours. He received his PhD in Political Science from Trinity College, Dublin, in 1985 and an honorary doctorate in literature and journalism from the University of Lancaster, England. He was the Belfast correspondent for The Times from 1971 to 1975 and its Middle East correspondent from 1976 to 1987 and is now with the Independent covering the Middle East. The author of several books, Fisk also contributed to Iraq Under Siege: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War (2000).
Fisk was originally to speak April 11 -- and visit a UW alumni luncheon in Toronto next day -- but cancelled when it became clear that his editor "will not permit him to be out of the country for the time the trip would require", an announcement said. The annual lecture series, originally in Canadian studies and now with a broader ambit, is sponsored through the Robert Kerr Foundation in association with St. Paul's College.
Optometry. Patrick T. Quaid, "The Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Flicker Defined Form." Supervisor, J. G. Flanagan. On display in the faculty of science, ESC 254A. Oral defence Tuesday, November 29, 10:30 a.m., Optometry room 350.
Geography. Gregory John McDermid, "Remote Sensing for Large-Area, Multi-Jurisdictional Habitat Mapping." Supervisor, Ellsworth LeDrew. On display in the faculty of environmental studies, ES1 335. Oral defence Wednesday, November 30, 1:30 p.m., Environmental Studies I room 221.
Statistics and actuarial science. Abbasali Khalili Mahmoudabadi, "Order Selection in Classical Finite Mixture Models and Variable Selection and Inference in Finite Mixture of Regression Models." Supervisor, J. H. Chen. On display in the faculty of mathematics, MC 5090. Oral defence Thursday, December 8, 9 a.m., Math and Computer room 6007.
Physics. Iouli E. Gordon, "Spectroscopy of Selected Metal-Containing Diatomic Molecules." Supervisor, P. F. Bernath. On display in the faculty of science, ESC 254A. Oral defence Monday, December 12, 2 p.m., Physics room 352.
Chemistry. Xiaojing Zhou, "Surface Chemistry of Halogenated Ethylene and Benzene on Si(100)2x1: Exploring the Reactivity and Selectivity of the Surface Dimers." Supervisor, K. T. Leung. On deposit in the faculty of science, ESC 254A. Oral defence Tuesday, December 13, 10 a.m., CEIT room 2053.
Civil engineering. Ahmed Elhakeem, "An Asset Management Framework for Educational Buildings with Life-Cycle Cost Optimization." Supervisor, T. Hegazy. On display in the faculty of engineering, CPH 4305. Oral defence Wednesday, December 14, 2 p.m., Engineering II room 3324.
Electrical and computer engineering. Mojgan Daneshmand, "Multi-Port RF MEMS Switches and Switch Matrices." Supervisor, R. Mansour. On display in the faculty of engineering, CPH 4305. Oral defence Friday, December 16, 9:30 a.m., Davis Centre room 1304.
Systems design engineering. Lizhong Wang, "Cooperative Water Resources Allocation among Competing Users." Supervisors, K. W. Hipel and L. Fang. On display in the faculty of engineering, CPH 4305. Oral defence Friday, December 16, 10 a.m., Engineering II room 1307C.
Applied mathematics. Ranis Ibragimov, "Generation of Internal Waves in the Deep Ocean by an Oscillating Background Flow along a Corrugated Slope and Evolution of the Energy Spectrum among a Large Number of Internal Waves." Supervisor, K. G. Lamb. On display in the faculty of mathematics, MC 5090. Oral defence Tuesday, December 20, 9:30 a.m., Math and Computer room 5158.