Yesterday |
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() A private ceremony on Friday remembered Burton C. Matthews, president of UW 1970-81, who died last year. Outside B.C. Matthews Hall, home of the faculty of applied health sciences, an ironwood tree was planted, with members of the Matthews family attending -- including Lois Matthews, the president's widow, for whom a reading room in the building is named. Current president David Johnston, at rear in the photo, spoke briefly, as did Roger Mannell, dean of applied health sciences, at centre, and David Matthews, son of the late president, seen standing beside his mother. |
"Our professors are researching a vast array of fascinating fields in many exciting and innovative ways," says Heather MacDougall, associate dean (graduate studies and research) in arts. "This public event is part of an ongoing range of research development activities in the Faculty of Arts. A key aim of this series and other activities is to promote a greater sense of the interdisciplinary academic community and a greater awareness of research in its many forms."
'Town hall' event at 4:00A reminder: faculty and staff members are invited to a "town hall meeting" with UW president David Johnston and provost Amit Chakma, today from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre. Student leaders have also been invited to sit in.More than 300 people attended a similar event held in October 2004. |
Tomorrow brings a session led by professors Jane Buyers of fine arts, Bill Chesney of drama and speech communication, and Ken Hull of music (Conrad Grebel University College). They'll discuss "Art in the Academy", from 11:00 to 12:30 in Humanities room 373. The three faculty members will discuss current issues that surround the incorporation of artists, artistic practice and artistic methods of research (especially practice-based research) into the university setting. Part of the discussion will focus on how art can be properly seen and evaluated as research.
The rest of the seminars and their topics: November 9, "The Division of the Disciplines: Historical Perspectives." November 16, "Children Learning to Talk: A Meeting of Minds." November 18, "The Humanities in an Age of High Technology." November 23, "International Relations and Human Rights: Defining a Role for Canada." November 25: "Creating Oral Histories." November 30: "How to Critically Evaluate and Use Existing Survey Data: Info for All Disciplines."
Here's more from the release:
"Though he officially retired in 1996, CPATT's founding director
and senior adviser has continued to teach and conduct research
at Waterloo.
Haas (right, at last week's
opening) holds the Norman W. McLeod Engineering Professorship, made
possible through a generous endowment from the late John J.
Carrick, founder and president of McAsphalt Industries Ltd., and
his longtime business partner, Leo McArthur, President of the
Miller Group.
"A Member of the Order of Canada and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Haas pioneered the systems concept and development of engineering technology for managing networks of paved roads, together with his contributions in materials characterization and structural analysis, performance modelling, high speed automation of in-service pavement evaluation and network optimization procedures.
"His innovations have led to many management and economic benefits for public transportation agencies in Canada and around the world. He is the author of 10 books and 400 technical papers."
In studying the preservation and replacement of Canada's $3 trillion worth of public infrastructure, CPATT's work draws on structural design, construction and maintenance technology, materials and geotechnical engineering, field evaluation methods, equipment and data processing, intelligent transportation systems and safety, as well as risk and reliability methods. It operates on millions of dollars provided by government agencies -- including the Regional Municipality of Waterloo -- and private sector firms interested in improvements to roadways.
Over decades, the program has produced more than 50 students with graduate degrees, most of them now well established in the Canadian paving industry; more than 400 technical publications in Canada, the United States and around the world; and successful completion of at least 100 research projects for a wide variety of clients.
CPATT's research facilities include the new John J. Carrick Laboratory on the UW campus, and a field lab, located at the Waterloo Region Waste Management Facility off Erb Street West. Says the news release: "Its research work focuses on the advancement and optimization of conventional pavement technology, which will also involve exploitation of the latest technologies from other disciplines. Examples include the deployment of advanced wireless technologies for automatic field data collection and generation of pavement performance data bases -- essential for pavement engineering modelling and management.
"As well, the work focuses on research particularly relevant to Canada, such as low-temperature pavement research, concrete durability, and use of polymer and recycled rubber for upgrading pavement performance."
Stepping down as director of CPATT, Haas will continue as a senior adviser, together with adjunct professor Gerhard Kennepohl, who is an internationally recognized scientist and engineer in the pavement field. CPATT's new director is Carl Haas, recently appointed as Canada Research Chair in the Construction and Management of Sustainable Infrastructure. He comes to UW from the University of Texas at Austin. Susan Tighe, Canada Research Chair in Pavement and Infrastructure Management, becomes associate director for technical activities, while mechanical engineering professor Carolyn Hansson becomes associate director for external liaison.
Engineering Shadow Days
high school students, today and Wednesday.
Sandford Fleming Foundation Debates for engineering students, faculty-wide competition continuing today 11:30, Engineering II room 3324, Wednesday 11:30, Doug Wright Engineering room 2534; finals Friday, Carl Pollock Hall. Electronic grade submission demonstration 2:30, Arts Lecture Hall room 113 (repeated every Tuesday in November). Career workshop: "Work Search Strategies for International Students", 4:30, Tatham Centre room 2218, registration online. Interdisciplinary Coffee Talk Society: Lorenzo Fatibene, University of Torino, Italy, and Jeffrey Shallit, UW computer science, "Is Intelligent Design a Science?" 5 p.m., Graduate House. 'Make Poverty History' aerial photograph: Students and others join an "MPH" formation for an aerial photograph, field north of Math and Computer building, Wednesday 12 noon. Barbecue (burgers $1) starts 11:30. Sponsored by Engineers Without Borders. Noon-hour concert: "Sounds of Vietnam", Khac Chi "and friends", Wednesday 12:30, Conrad Grebel University College chapel. Arriscraft Lecture: Lieven De Cauter, Brussels, "Indifferent Places, Heterotopia and Camp as Spatial Paradigms for the 21st Century," Wednesday 7 p.m., Architecture lecture hall. Perimeter Institute public lecture: Simon Singh, BBC journalist and author, "The Big Bang," Wednesday 7:00 at Waterloo Collegiate Institute, free tickets 883-4480. St. Jerome's University president Michael Higgins, "Stalking the Holy: In Pursuit of Saint-Making", Friday 7:30 p.m., Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's. UW Day open house for future students and their parents, Saturday, November 5, 9:00 to 3:00, details online. |
Information systems and technology is offering a number of short courses in computing skills again this month. "In November," writes Peggy Day of IST, "we will be offering On-Line Theses Submission, Creating Theses with Scientific Workplace and LaTeX (Creating Theses with Word will be offered in December), Parallel Computing, Data Analysis Using SAS, Intro to Access, Learning More Unix, and Finite Elements Analysis Using Femlab, plus UW-ACE sessions." Registration is online.
Mohammad Maymandi-Nejad (right), a graduate student in electrical
and computer engineering, is this year's winner of an award from the
Microelectronics Council. The award recognizes "industrial
collaboration", and Maymandi-Nejad was cited
for his project entitled "A Wireless Bio-Implantable Device for
Monitoring Blood Pressure of Transgenic Mice". The award brings a
cheque which "should be used for travel costs supporting further
interaction with Canadian companies or attendance at one or more
conferences or workshops to further the education of the winner".
The environmental journal Alternatives, published at UW, is looking for an editorial assistant for the winter, who would be a student working under the UW Work Placement program. . . . There's still room for a vendor or two at the November 24-25 craft sale sponsored by UW's staff association, says Sue Fraser of the association social committee (ext. 2968). . . . Teresa Boake of the school of architecture is winner of a $35 gift certificate from retail services, after a draw from among United Way donors. . . .
Emilie Falkenstern, a former member of UW's staff, died October 3. She was a housekeeper in Village I, working from 1965 until her retirement in 1977.
The UW Shop is promising a "monster sale" today and tomorrow in the multipurpose room of the Student Life Centre, "featuring great deals on UW clothing". . . . The retirees association is holding a luncheon today in the restaurant at Luther Village, just south of campus. . . . The Muslim holy month of Ramadan winds up tomorrow, meaning that tomorrow's the last day Mudie's cafeteria in Village I will be opening at 5 a.m. for a pre-dawn meal. . . .