Yesterday |
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
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The year was 1980. Joe Clark gave way to Pierre Trudeau (again) as prime minister of Canada, Matthews was about to give way to Doug Wright as president of UW, and the university's total spending passed $100 million in a year for the first time. Students protested the annual increase in tuition fees, even as it was announced that Ontario had fallen to last place among Canada's ten provinces in its level of funding for universities.
The year was 1980, and Andrew Cooper was arriving at UW to teach political science, Sharon Adams to help run the department of English (she'd later move to planning and then psychology), Connie Hutcheson to assist UW's first director of fund-raising. Pam Waechter was new in the co-op and career services department in Needles Hall, Laurie Hoffman-Goetz was new in health studies, and Katrina Maugham (later Di Gravio) was new in the personnel (later human resources) department in Administrative Services (later Matthews Hall).
And it all happened 25 years ago. Almost 70 staff and faculty members who were new at UW during 1980 are still here, and will be the guests of honour tonight as they mingle in the Physical Activities Complex with those who came in earlier years. It's the glittering annual reception for UW's 25-Year Club.
Some notes on UW life in 1980, as recalled by Simon the Troll in his history of the university, Water Under the Bridge:
"Good times? Sure they were good times, in their way, especially when Burt Matthews, the president, announced that next year's budget cut would be smaller than this year's. . . . They were good times in Canada as a whole; inflation was high, but the recession of the early eighties hadn't hit yet, and unemployment was lower than it's been since. Ray Wieser, who was director of coordination (you'd say 'director of co-op' now), was embarrassed to have to announce that so many employers had shown up, he had 4,000 jobs he couldn't fill one term. Canada was on a roll, in spite of a few bad feelings over the boycott of the Moscow Olympics. Voters in Québec said no that summer to sovereignty-association. . . .
"Canada was, in fact, the toast of the world, and especially of the United States, for much of 1980, when it became known that this country's consul in Tehran, Ken Taylor, had helped a dozen American diplomats escape from Iran at the beginning of what came to be known as the "hostage crisis". Americans grasped any opportunity to say thank you to Canadians: some folks at the University of Kentucky phoned Ted Dixon of Waterloo's physics department, the only Canadian they knew, to express their gratitude, and a thank-you note arrived at the UW library from colleagues at Pennsylvania State. . . .
"It was the first year most people heard about 'sexual harassment' as a problem on campuses, and it was the year that 'programmable calculators' got to be common enough that the university senate discussed when and whether students should be allowed to bring them into exams. Technological progress never stops: the 13-year-old IBM 360/75 computer was unplugged that year."
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Sharon Adams, psychology; Lorraine Albrecht, earth sciences; Mary Jane Bauer, planning; Maria Bayliss, registrar; Janet Bender, library; Bonnie Bender-Vargas, registrar; Colleen Bernard, engineering undergrad office; Michael Borkowski, IST; David Bowen, science technical services; Scott Calder, athletics; Janice Campbell, chemistry; David Canzi, IST; Elaine Carpenter, parking; Debbie Clermont, optometry; Nancy Coles, applied math; Thomas Connolly, plant operations; Patricia Cook, environmental studies; Andrew Cooper, political science; Mieke Delfgaauw-Kesik, environmental studies; Katrina Di Gravio, human resources;
Carol Donaghey, graphics; John English, history; Timothy Farrell, IST; Donald Fraser, engineering undergraduate office; Maureen Fraser, English; Philip Frowd, plant operations; Lew Gilmore, chemistry; Ian Goulden, combinatorics and optimization; Karen Hammond, planning; Laurie Hanley, registrar; Lesley Hartley, fine arts; Erin Harvey, statistics and actuarial science; Richard Hecktus, chemical engineering; Laurie Hoffman-Goetz, health studies and gerontology; Sheila Hurley, safety;
Connie Hutcheson, development and alumni affairs; Katherine Jackson, chemistry; Moiya Jalsevac, library; Anne Jenson, electrical and computer engineering; Laurie Jones, kinesiology; Yvonne Kingsbury, optometry; Derek Kirkland, IST; Wing-Ki Liu, physics; Jane McGeoch, environmental studies; Avril McVicar, distance and continuing education; Carol Ann Olheiser, co-op education and career services; Harry Panjer, statistics and actuarial science; Barbara Robbins, housing and residences; Kenneth Robertson, optometry; Hilda Rottine, plant operations; Caryl Russell, kinesiology; Frank Ruszer, co-operative education and career services; Frank Safayeni, management sciences; Judith Silvestri, co-operative education and career services; Ann Simpson, Student Life Centre;
John Sitler, library; Betty Toews, financial services; Jim Tremain, biology; Peter Tytko, central stores; Elizabeth Vinnicombe, research office; Pamela Waechter, co-operative education and career services; Janet Waite, biology; Teresa Walker, human resources; Frederick Widall, IST; Rita Wiebe, math C-and-D; Lina Wong, library; Charles Woods, library; Jean Zadilsky, research office; Karen Zehr, graduate studies.
And those who arrived in 1970, joined the club ten years ago,
and will be honoured again tonight for 35 years of service:
James Brandon, physics;
Steve Breen, IST;
Trudi Bunting, geography;
Scott Charles, audio-visual;
James (Allan) Cheyne, psychology;
Lynda Connolly, environment and resource studies;
William Futher, IST;
Betty Graf, library;
Nancy Heimpel, library;
Arthur Hills, computer science computing facility;
Roy Hinsperger, plant operations;
Roslyn Keller, library;
Stanley Lipshitz, applied mathematics;
June Lowe, engineering undergraduate office;
Roger Lycke, IST;
Colin Mayfield, biology;
Frederick McCourt, chemistry;
Judy McTaggart, library;
Janet-Lynn Metz, co-operative education and career services;
Bonita Neglia-Tschirhart, civil engineering;
Carolyn Nelson, faculty of arts;
James Parrott, library;
Susan Phillips, geography;
Carmen Roecker, registrar;
Ingrid Schugardt, athletics and recreational services;
Reinhold Schuster, civil engineering and architecture;
Stanley Shantz, central stores;
Jan Uhde, fine arts;
Bruce Uttley, IST;
Pam Van Allen, faculty of science;
Ian Williams, kinesiology;
Peter Woolstencroft, political science.
Call for nominationsNominations are requested from full-time staff of the University to fill one staff seat on the Board of Governors, term to April 30, 2008. Full-time staff members who are Canadian citizens are eligible for nomination. At least five nominators are required in each case. Completed nomination forms should be submitted to the Secretariat, Needles Hall, Room 3060, no later than 3:00 p.m., Thursday, June 30, 2005. |
Summer solstice book sale by UW bookstore,
today through Thursday, South Campus Hall concourse.
Trade shows organized by procurement and contract services: today computers, tomorrow office supplies, 10 to 3, Davis Centre lounge. All staff welcome. Fall term co-op job match results posted on JobMine by 11 a.m. (yesterday's Daily Bulletin had it a day early). Additional jobs are now appearing daily on JobMine. Project Ploughshares presents Alan Pleydell, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, "Giving Meaning to 'Never Again'", 11:45, 57 Erb Street West, reservations 888-6541 ext. 709. National Aboriginal Solidarity Day celebrations 11:45 to 5:00, Canadian Clay and glass Gallery, details online.
Engineers Without Borders presentation on overseas internships, 5:30, Tatham Centre room 2218. Smarter health seminar: Sam Marafioti, Sunnybrook and Women's College Hospital, "eHealth Is Changing Health Care Culture", Wednesday 3:00, Davis Centre room 1302. Waterloo Advisory Council (co-op employers) spring meeting Wednesday and Thursday; reception and dinner Wednesday, University Club, with speaker Nancy Johnston of Simon Fraser University, on "Co-op, Current Trends and Future Opportunities". Renison College alumni reception Wednesday evening, information 884-4404 ext. 657. Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology presents Flavio Gomes, LogiSense, "Surviving and Thriving as a Software Vendor", Thursday 12:00, Needles Hall room 1101, reservations ext. 7167 by Wednesday. Front desk security seminar for staff who work in isolated reception areas, Thursday 12 noon, Davis Centre room 1304, no registration required. |
The theme of the event is "Lifestyle and Molecular Bases of Health and Disease: Cardiovascular Health, Diabetes, Exercise, Nutrition and Obesity". "This year's theme is very topical and the meeting will attract scientists and graduate students from across the life sciences," said Rhona Hanning, UW health studies and gerontology professor, who is a member of the conference's local organizing committee. Jay Thomson of the kinesiology department is also serving on that committee.
The four-day event will feature discussions led by experts in topics such as lifestyles and heart health, eating and exercise, nutrition and metabolism, obesity and type-2 diabetes, and nutrigenomics, or how diet affects gene expression.
Richard Hughson and James Rush, both of the kinesiology department, will give presentations at separate symposiums on Wednesday. Hughson will discuss "Theories and Findings of Metabolic Control at the Onset of Exercise," while Rush will talk about "Endothelial Molecular and Functional Adaptations to Exercise."
Retired professor Bruce Holub of Guelph will receive the Gordin Kaplan Award to recognize his efforts in educating the public about health aspects of dietary omega-3 and trans fatty acids. He will speak on "Good Fats, Bad Fats and Heart Health" at a public lecture, on Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. in Rozanski Hall. For more than 10 years, Holub has been telling government and industry about the risks of trans fats. His warnings have helped result in the recent push to label trans fats in foods and the adoption by food companies of trans-free processing techniques.
At a session to be held on Wednesday, Mark Tremblay, scientific adviser with Statistics Canada, will discuss the Canadian Health Measures Survey, a large-scale project intended to assess the health of Canadians beginning this year. On Friday, another symposium will discuss changes to recommended daily allowances, or so-called "dietary reference intakes," of nutrients in the diet.
Poster sessions and exhibits will take place during the conference in Guelph's Peter Clark Hall. The conference is the premier annual event of the CFBS, which consists of 14 societies of biologists and life scientists in disciplines such as biophysics and biochemistry, cell biology, physiology, immunology, nutritional science, genetics, pharmacology, toxicology and zoology.