Yesterday |
Friday, June 10, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() 2,007 by 2007: Keystone Campaign volunteers (that's Paul McKone of engineering computing holding the drape) and UW president David Johnston (far right) unveil the campaign's new banner at yesterday's noonday carnival on the Matthews Hall green. Organizers announced that with 1,600 staff, faculty and retiree donors so far, and givings past $4.6 million, the new goal is to have 2,007 supporters of Keystone by UW's 50th birthday in 2007. Look for more about Keystone's progress in Monday's Daily Bulletin. |
Says Smith: "We are hosting three days of lectures for optometrists, each day having a theme. Friday is Contact Lens Advancements, Saturday is Pharmaceutical Update and Sunday is Ocular Surgery Update. We have internationally recognized speakers from our own faculty as well as renowned guest speakers.
"We also have a full day of lectures for optometric assistants and staff. This separate set of lectures is geared to the optometric practice staff member to further their understanding of the profession, patient care and their abilities in their roles."
Features of the weekend each year are the Bobier and Woodruff lectures, named to honour two of the school's pioneer faculty members, Clair Bobier and Emerson Woodruff. "The Woodruff lecture will have a significant meaning this year," Smith notes, "as Dr. Emerson Woodruff passed away only a few weeks ago." The Woodruff lecturer (tonight at 4:45) is Jimmy Bartlett of the University of Alabama, speaking on "Pirenzepine, a Novel M1 Antagonist for Treatment of Myopia Progression". The Bobier lecturer (Saturday at 4:45) is Suzanne Fleiszig of the University of California at Berkeley, speaking on "The Pathogenesis of Contact Lens Related Infection".
Smith continues: "Friday night we are holding the first of what will hopefully be an annual alumni dinner. We have asked all UW optometry graduates celebrating a significant anniversary (5 years, 10 years, 15 years, etc.) to join us in a outdoor tent dinner with some nostalgic slides and a chance to catch up with classmates, colleagues and faculty.
"Saturday has two social events. From noon to 2 p.m. we have an Industry Information Trade Show happening in the tent in parking lot O. Over 30 ophthalmic companies have booths displaying the latest in equipment, technology, pharmaceuticals, eyewear, lenses and contact lenses. Lunch is held finger food style in the tent so all delegates can enjoy great food and mingle with company reps to see what's new in the eyecare industry.
"Saturday evening the same tent will be transformed into a dance hall hosting an outdoor barbecue and a dance with our own faculty rock-and-roll band, The Lost Faculties, giving everyone the opportunity to dance the night away."
Some 300 scientists and engineers, researchers and practitioners, policymakers and business people, educators and students from around the world will gather from Sunday through Thursday for this first-ever conference. It will feature eight keynote lecturers, more than 160 contributed presentations, 38 technical sessions on such things as fuel cells, along with workshops and tours.
Mechanical engineering professor Xianguo Li, conference chair and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Green Energy, said the high schoolers' symposium is an initiative to "get the students interested in green energy and environmental protection." Students in Grades 9 to 12 from across Southwestern Ontario will be taking part. It is co-organized with the local Association for Bright Children as an enrichment program for top students from junior and senior high schools. Students will meet with experts, ask questions and discuss issues, and will also see a demonstration and display of UW green energy initiatives: the UW Alternative Fuels Vehicles, including the fuel-cell-powered Challenge X vehicle; the Solar Technology Education Project and the "clean" snowmobile.
The conference is being organized by the Advanced Energy Systems Division of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, in collaboration with the Association of Energy Engineers and the International Association for Hydrogen Energy.
"Green energy has been not only popular, but also mandated by legislation in many jurisdictions, from Ontario, Canada and far beyond," said Li. The conference will cover broad topics, ranging from energy policy, energy resources, energy conversion technologies, energy management and conservation, to renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, ocean tidal energy and biomass -- plus hydrogen energy, fuel cells, environmental protection, emission reduction and abatement, global warming and green buildings.
Among the speakers are Charles Stone, a vice-president of Ballard Power Systems, and Vicky Sharpe, president of Sustainable Development Technology Canada. UW president David Johnston will be at the opening of the conference on Monday morning to introduce Richard Patten, parliamentary assistant (innovation) to the minister of economic development and trade. New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton will speak at the conference banquet Tuesday at the Transylvania Club in Kitchener.
Ontario Fuel Cell Research Network Day will take place on Friday after the conference ends. One goal of the day is to officially establish an Ontario Fuel Cell Research Network. Representatives from the provincial government will provide an update on fuel cell initiatives and research funding plans, Li said. It's expected representatives from the Ontario fuel cell industry will give an overview of anticipated research needs and priorities, and identify requirements needed for the network.
![]() Long-time staff member is fetedA reception is scheduled this afternoon (3:30 to 5:00 at the University Club) to say goodbye to Shirley Thomson (right), who's retiring July 31 after a long career on UW's staff, most recently as executive assistant to the dean of mathematics.She's actually leaving in two weeks, Thomson said yesterday, noting that her successor, Jack Rehder, formerly of the school of computer science, has started work already. Retirement plans start with "a full summer at our place on Lake Huron and a few golf courses", she said, and she's looking forward to "major travelling" once her husband, Jay Thomson of UW's department of kinesiology, retires next year. |
Tomorrow's event is described as "a fun bus tour to sites of interest related to themes and research presented in Hominids -- among them genetics, religion, quantum computing and architecture". The author, Robert Sawyer, will be along for the ride.
"At the first stop at UW's Institute for Quantum Computing, Physics graduate student Colm Ryan will shed light on quantum computing and its connections to Hominids. Next stop is UW's Earth Sciences Museum where professor emeritus Jack Pasternak, biology, will talk about Neanderthal genetics and St. Jerome's University professor David Seljak, religious studies, will address religion and ethnicity.
"Participants will have the opportunity to tour UW's School of Architecture where they will enjoy lunch along the Grand River and later hear the school's director, Eric Haldenby, discuss Neanderthal architecture as a reflection of culture. The tour concludes at Uptown Waterloo's Jane Bond restaurant, where local sci-fi authors Pat Forde and James Gardner will explore the significance of writing science fiction and the relation between science and fiction."
Tickets ($40) have been for sale from the New Quarterly office, phone 884-8111 ext 290.
Also happening tomorrow is the One-of-a-Kind Printmakers Fair, a day-long celebration at Renison College. Writes Mary-Lou Schagena, one of the organizers: "The Printmakers Fair, celebrating the fine art of printmaking, will feature a wide range of activities. The event was conceived and organized by local artist Margaret Mallory-Smyth with help from Judith Miller, associate professor at Renison College."
Annual child care celebration held by UW's day care
centres, with kids' musician Erick Traplin, 9:30 to 11:00,
green space outside Student Life Centre.
Dance recitals in the Humanities Theatre: "Let's Dance" tonight and Saturday, "Dance Adventure's Disney Wishes" Sunday and Monday. Garage sale at Columbia Lake Village, Saturday 8:00 to 11:00. Tables available -- e-mail Also for sale: 250 oak desks formerly used in residences, $5 each (sign up tomorrow, pick up desk in Village I next week). Kevin Smith movie marathon, Saturday 11 a.m. to midnight, Student Life Centre multi-purpose room, free admission. Spring ACM programming contest Saturday, details online. Science and business alumni "evening at the races", Woodbine Race Track, Saturday 6:30, registration information online. Track and field coaches Brent McFarlane, Tim Mussar and Pat Steele honoured at retirement dinner Sunday 5 p.m., Waterloo Inn, information online. Grant writing workshop for researchers in humanities, social sciences, and creative and performing arts, Monday 1 p.m., Tatham Centre room 2218, reservations e-mail Alan George, dean of mathematics, "Stepping Down as Dean Party" Monday 3:30 to 5:30, Festival Room, South Campus Hall. R&T Park Accelerator Centre first annual general meeting Monday 5:30, 57 Erb Street West, reservations and information ext.7887. Luncheon boat cruise on the Grand River, sponsored by retirees' association, Tuesday, information 699-4015. Campaign Waterloo celebration, Tuesday 3:30, Davis Centre great hall. Math Grad Committee information session for graduating mathematics students Tuesday 5:00, Math and Computer room 2066. Staff orientation session Wednesday, 8:30 to noon, CEIT room 1015, all staff members welcome. Web common look and feel update session organized by Web Operations Committee for web creators, Wednesday 9:30, Davis Centre room 1302. Isobel Mackay, mature student services, retirement reception June 27, 3:30 to 5:30, University Club, reservations ext. 5782. |
A rubbings table will be available for children and adults to explore their creativity and experiment with their printmaking skills. During the day, several printmakers will demonstrate old and new techniques, such as chine colle, intaglio, pronto plate lithography, linoblock handprinting and watercolour silkscreen monoprinting. Visitors are welcome to ask questions.
Complementing these activities is a solo exhibition by celebrated Canadian printmaker Allen Smutylo. About 12 of his etchings -- a series titled "Arctic Explorations" -- will be view in the Chapel Gallery. Smutylo will be on hand at 2:00 to talk briefly about his works and meet visitors.
The Printmakers Fair starts at 10:00 and continues until 4:30. Admission to the exhibition and events is free and includes a booklet about the printmakers.
The Warriors were in fourth place in men's competition yesterday as the Canadian University and College Golf Championship continued in Duncan, British Columbia. The University of Victoria was well ahead of second-place Simon Fraser and third-place Western. UW isn't represented in women's competition this year. Play continues today, and then the field will be cut to 10 male and 4 female teams for a final 18 holes.
Jean Andrey of UW's geography department, winner of a teaching award this year from the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, will be honoured today along with other winners at a reception in Toronto. . . . Virginia Davis, a housekeeper at Renison College since 1989, officially retires July 1. . . . Patti Cook, UW's waste management coordinator for the past 14 years, moves to a new job July 4 as development and alumni officer for the faculty of environmental studies. . . .
"Please join us," writes Lesley Curtis of the Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology, "for the next event in the Speakers Series. Our presentation 'What University Doesn't Teach You About Being an Entrepreneur' will be given by Dean Hopkins, who is the co-founder and CEO of Cyberplex. The talk will be at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 15, in Davis Centre room 1302. Please RSVP to ext. 7167 or e-mail on or before June 14, as space is limited."
Water will be turned off in part of the Student Life Centre this afternoon as plant operations repairs a leak. . . . The campus recreation program will be running a singles tennis tournament Sunday. . . . Class enrolment appointments for undergraduate students choosing fall term courses will start Monday on the Quest web site. . .
And . . . it's not quite clear what drivers should expect on University Avenue by Monday. A good guess might be that the lanes from Westmount Road to Seagram Drive will reopen, while the eastbound lanes from Seagram onward to Phillip Street will be closed, as city sewer work continues. That'll mean a detour for Grand River Transit routes 7, 8 and 12 (via Seagram Drive and Lester Street) and 13 (running south on Phillip instead of the usual north, and then up the creek side of the ring road rather than the engineering side).