Friday |
Monday, June 6, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Buses detour as avenue is closedWork started this morning on a sewer installation on University Avenue between Westmount Road and Seagram Drive. The eastbound lanes are closed, which affects both individual drivers (detouring mostly up Westmount to Columbia to enter the campus at the north end) and Grand River Transit buses.A memo from the transit agency says the #8 bus that comes along Westmount, and the #12 bus that comes along Keats Way and a brief stretch of University Avenue, will head up Westmount to Columbia, then follow Philip Street to rejoin University Avenue. The #101 express bus that comes up Westmount to make a loop on campus will continue to Columbia, then follow the engineering side of the ring road and head back up University Avenue (where the westbound lanes are still open). |
The grants are part of what SSHRC called "an $81.6 million investment in research that will eventually help Canadians improve their quality of life by understanding economic, political, social and cultural issues". The investment supports 981 research projects across the country. These researchers from UW are getting SSHRC funding:
§ Judith Cukier, environmental studies, $69,019 for work on "Sustaining Livelihoods: Handicrafts and Tourism in Cuba."
§ Lorne Dawson, sociology, $76,336 for a study of "Charismatic Authority and Religious Violence."
§ Robert Gibson, George Francis, Susan Wismer, environment and resource studies, $151,408 for "Exploration of the Role of Citizen Engagement in Governance for Socio-Ecological Sustainability: Conceptual Framework and Case Studies." The work "will form the basis for preparing a conceptual framework for testing and evaluating of our comprehension of citizen engagement in governance for socio-ecological sustainability".
§ Zinaida Gimpelevich, Germanic and Slavic studies, $58,143 for research on Russian writer Valentin Krivich and an "Album" he kept from 1907 to 1932 which Gimpelevich discovered in archives in St. Petersburg. The Album -- containing lyrics, music and drawings -- is described as one of the richest sources for the understanding and appreciation of this important era of the Russian Empire and its influences on subsequent cultural periods.
§ Daniel Heller, psychology, $82,461 for work on "Cross-Situational Variability in Personality: Antecedents and Well-being Outcomes." The project will investigate how much a personality varies as an individual moves from one social role to another. Using a series of five studies of different populations (community, student and immigrant samples), Heller will use different methods (diary studies, cross-sectional studies, as well as experimental procedures).
§ Kenneth Klassen and Carla Carnaghan, accountancy, $123,836 for a study of how the growth of e-commerce is likely to affect Canadian tax revenues.
§ Pamela Stern, anthropology, and Peter Hall, geography, $115,832 to study "Non-Governmental Organizations on a Northern Frontier." The interdisciplinary project will employ ethnographic and other qualitative methods to probe the work of "a citizen-organized development agency in a distressed region of rural northern Ontario, traditionally dependent on resource extraction".
![]() Goalie Curtis Darling makes a save. Darling, who was OUA rookie of the year after posting a 12-5-3 record for the Warriors, is in Toronto this week, one of a group of junior players brought in by the National Hockey League to test proposed equipment and rule changes. In three days of scrimmages and exercises, they'll see how hockey would look if end-to-end passes were legal, how wider nets work and what it's like for a goalie to use smaller pads than are now allowed. The on-ice activity will be filmed for detailed analysis. |
§ Hildy Ross, psychology, $177,074 for work on "Parent Mediation of Children's Conflicts."
§ Michael Ross, psychology, $161,168 for a study of "Responses to Historical Injustices."
§ Steffanie Scott, geography, $83,804 to study "Managing Poverty and Prosperity: Land and Rural Livelihoods in Vietnam's Market Economy Transition."
§ Robert Shipley, planning, and Robert Feick, geography, $58,804 for "Developing Interactive Mechanisms for Establishing Community Value-based Cultural Heritage Landscape Conservation Policies."
§ Steven Spencer and Mark Zanna, psychology, $156,582 to study "The Role of Implicit and Explicit Self-Views in Self-Image Maintenance and Stereotype Threat."
Says Johnston in a campus-wide letter: "The time has come once again to celebrate the anniversary of the Keystone Campaign and its tremendous success since its inaugural launch three years ago. Having surpassed its initial goal of raising $4.5 million two and a half years early, this year's event is going to be bigger and better than ever. Be prepared for a countdown, as organizers are planning a lively New Year's Eve Party theme! In addition, don't miss the official public announcement of the new Keystone Campaign focus."
He says Thursday's party "marks a significant milestone for the University of Waterloo and as such, I encourage all members of the UW campus community to attend. Recognizing the importance of this initiative, we have designated the 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. period as paid work time for all UW staff and faculty to participate in the annual event.
"For those departments providing essential services and thus obligated to remain open during this two hour period, please try to make arrangements so that everyone may participate. It is imperative that everyone has the opportunity to celebrate in the campaign's incredible success to date.
"Invitations have been sent out that highlight the activities for this year's festivities. The event commences at 11:30 a.m. with a kick-off parade to the B.C. Matthews Hall Green. Everyone is encouraged to join the parade. At the event, UW staff, faculty, and retirees will enjoy a complimentary lunch, a variety of games, door prizes, and more! In accordance with the event's theme, everyone is invited to dress in party gear to show their spirit. It's our Waterloo -- I hope you all take the time to enjoy this fun-filled, campus-wide, special day!"
On Thursday evening, a smaller-scale Keystone event starts at 10 p.m. in South Campus Hall for staff who work the night shift.
That new structure that faces the Columbia Street entrance to campus will have its grand opening tomorrow starting at 11:00. It's a new wing of the Lyle S. Hallman Institute for Health Promotion, which in turn is a part of Matthews Hall, home of UW's faculty of applied health sciences. Ceremonies tomorrow will include a tree dedication in memory of business leader Lyle Hallman. Four years after originally funding the Hallman Institute, aimed at encouraging healthier lifestyles in Canada, and just before his death in 2003, he donated an additional $4 million for this expansion project. During tomorrow's event, an announcement will be made about a further gift from the Lyle S. Hallman Charitable Foundation to support a local health initiative. There will be tours of the three-storey expansion after the ceremonies.
And people will be sticking around the Hallman Institute wing for the afternoon as well, as the Health Behaviour Research Group -- one of the major research units in AHS -- celebrates its 25th anniversary. The HBRG was founded in 1980 as Waterloo Smoking Projects, headed by researcher Allan Best, who will be on hand at 1:30 to speak on "The Next 25 Years for Population Health Research" (in the Clarica Auditorium, room 1621 in the Hallman Institute). Current HBRG director Steve Brown will speak briefly at 2:30, and an open house will follow.
But for some of tomorrow's guests it'll be time to head for Needles Hall: the UW board of governors will meet there (room 3001) at 3:30. The agenda for this quarterly meeting includes a discussion of "performance indicators" for measuring UW achievements and quality; an update on the 2005-06 operating budget; the proposed "conceptual design" for the new school of pharmacy building in downtown Kitchener; and construction of a $3.5 million building for Sharcnet, a research computing institute, between Engineering II and the Physics building.
President's Golf Tournament in support of Warrior athletics,
Deer Ridge Golf & Country Club, information
Senate executive committee 3:30, Needles Hall room 3004. Career development workshop: "Job Search Strategies", special session for international students, 4:30, Tatham Centre room 2218. Engineers Without Borders general meeting, including phone conference with volunteer Adam Kaufman in Cambodia, Tuesday 5:30, Davis Centre room 1302. Impaired driving simulator available Wednesday, 11:30 to 2:00, Student Life Centre, sponsored by Waterloo Regional Police. Carol Vogt, information systems and technology, retirement reception Thursday 3:30 to 5:00, University Club. 'East Meets West' business breakfast seminar on doing business with East Asia, Friday 7 a.m., Renison College, information 884-4404 ext. 657. Garage sale at Columbia Lake Village, Saturday 8 to 11 a.m. Spring ACM programming contest Saturday, details online. UW greenhouse tour organized by UW Recreation Committee, June 14, noon, registration deadline this Friday. |
Meanwhile, UW Earth Week -- also being called Environment Week -- is continuing under the sponsorship of the UW Sustainability Project. "A whole bunch of awesome events" are promised, not to mention a raffle (tickets on sale in the UWSP office on the third floor of the Student Life Centre). Monday events in the SLC include an "interactive display" of hardware from Bicycle Forest, including a couch bike and treadmill bike, from 11:00 to 12:30, and a screening of the documentary "Baraka" at 2:00 in the great hall. Tuesday: "recycled art" and a screening of "End of Suburbia".
With the closing of University Avenue, it's a serendipitous (or ironic) time for the annual Commuter Challenge in Waterloo Region. Patti Cook, UW's waste management coordinator, is trying to encourage participation by students, faculty and staff: "Walk, bike, bus, car pool or telework" at least one day this week, and sign up online when you do. "All participation counts," she writes. "Let's do our part to spare the air, especially on Wednesday, June 8, Clean Air Day Canada."
With the arrival of a rubbish skip in the arts quadrangle, the renovations to the third floor of the Dana Porter Library must be getting seriously under way. . . . It's "Strawberry Week" at Mudie's cafeteria in Village I. . . . The hot weather (which is expected to continue through the week) is accompanied by a smog advisory for Waterloo-Wellington and most of southern Ontario. . . .