Yesterday |
Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
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And here are some of the special events that are coming at us this month:
And June ends with a long weekend: Friday, July 1, is Canada Day and brings the customary celebrations, crafts fair, children's activities, music and fireworks on the north campus.
On this week's list from the human resources department:
Longer descriptions are available on the HR web site. |
"This policy change will be a step forward in making post-secondary education more accessible and affordable for our international students," says Howie Bender, vice-president (education) for the Federation. "We are thankful for the added value international students provide our campus and it is time that the opportunities we provide them with reflect that.
"The Federation has welcomed Minister Volpe's announcement and we will continue to push for its implementation in order to provide our international students with new opportunities," continued Bender.
International students pay just under three times the price that Canadian students pay for their education. Average undergraduate tuition fees for international students are $11,903. By comparison, undergraduate tuition fees for Canadian students average $4,172 a year. Under the existing regulations, international students can only seek employment in limited on-campus job pools. Working off-campus will allow more international students to earn more money to pay for their education.
Goals, says Suri, include "encouraging
the free exchange of ideas" and "motivating students to grow as
He says: "We have always found the talent at this university to be nothing less
than astounding. Intelligence, leadership and determination abound in the
halls of this tech-oriented campus and there is little doubt that our
reputation for innovation is merited, at least in terms of the students.
And yet, where does all this energy go?
"Where do we channel all the talent that we've worked all our lives to develop and hone? Is it to assignments, quizzes, labs, exams? To pick-up lines, drinking games, Or is it to wonder which corporate tycoon to make richer in your next co-op term?
"In any case, it is doubtful that we are spending much time considering issues that are far bigger in scope and magnitude, and far more important than our own. And so we have started the Forum for Independent Thought, a student think tank that will as serve as a means for us to come together and tackle economic, social and political problems that are more profound and more involved than any Pure Math question out there.
"By harnessing the innovative energy and resolve of UW students and directing it towards real life issues, UW FIT will hopefully develop those who choose to participate by enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of current issues and helping them actively consider what action is required both from us as students and those closer to the issues at hand to change matters for the better.
"On another level, another major goal of this think tank is to raise awareness of the poignant concerns of many of the unfortunate people around the world and provoke independent thought from the broader student population on these issues."
Vice-president of UW FIT is Kirsten Robinson, a third-year systems design engineering student. The group will meet Thursday at 5:00 in Student Life Centre room 2134. "At these meetings we will discuss the topic that is currently being investigated and review research by the working groups, with the eventual goal of creating a feasible plan of action for initiation. Professors will often attend to share their thoughts and ideas on current problems around the world. Lined up for this term are Larry Smith and Jan Narveson. All disciplines and experience levels are welcome!"
Jim Frank of UW's kinesiology department -- who drew some publicity recently for his research on balance and gait, and who has held a series of administrative positions -- also finds time to be a good teacher, judging from the latest issue of the Teaching Matters newsletter. "The key to him is student success," writes Donna Ellis of the teaching resource office, "and students may be successful through a variety of means. Jim shared a number of ideas with me in relation to his second-year neuroanatomy course. He synthesized the ideas into three main themes: relationships, rules, and relevance. . . . He tells his students that he expects an investment of 8 hours per week in his course, recognizing that most students are taking five courses in a term."
Career development workshop: "Interview Skills: Selling
Your Skills", 2:30, Tatham Centre room 1208.
Perimeter Institute "audience night" with a panel of researchers, 7 p.m., Waterloo Collegiate Institute, ticket information online. Technical speaker competition sponsored by Sandford Fleming Foundation for engineering students, faculty finals Thursday 10:30, Engineering II room 3324. John Brady, author of the Matt Minogue series, signing his books in the UW bookstore, Thursday 11:30 to 12 noon. Employee safety orientation session Thursday 2 p.m., Davis Centre room 1304, information ext. 5613. UW Day welcome for future students and their families, Saturday 12:30 to 4:00, Student Life Centre. Engineering reunions for classes of 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, Saturday, details and registration online. All faculty members who taught engineering students are especially invited. Friendly game of baseball sponsored by UW Recreation Committee, Saturday 1:30, Columbia Lake (preregistration due today). President's Golf Tournament in support of Warrior athletics, Monday, June 6, Deer Ridge Golf and Country Club, details online. 'Barbecues and Summer Entertaining' noon-hour talk by local chef Dana Shortt, sponsored by Employee Assistance Program, June 8, 12 noon, Arts Lecture Hall room 208. Barbecues made easy Printmakers Fair with about 20 printmakers and papermakers demonstrating and selling, June 11, 10:00 to 4:30, Renison College. |
An achievement is reported in the latest issue of the engineering faculty's electronic newsletter: "Professor Giovanni Cascante, Department of Civil Engineering, is the recipient of the 2005 Hogentogler Award for his paper "Resonant Column Testing: The inherent Counter EMF Effect" published in the ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal in 2003. The Hogentogler Award is an annual award given to the author or authors of a paper of outstanding merit on soil and/or rock for engineering purposes that is published by the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). The purposes of the award are to stimulate research, to encourage the extension of knowledge of soil and rock, and to recognize meritorious effort."
And . . . the first stage of road work on University Avenue is scheduled to start Monday and run about a week, the City of Waterloo says. The eastbound lanes will be closed to traffic -- first from Westmount Road to Seagram Drive (the UW main entrance), later from Seagram to Phillip Street. The project means drivers approaching UW from the west side will likely have to make a detour to use the Columbia Street entrance to campus. Traffic coming up Seagram will be able to cross University Avenue to get into campus, and the westbound lanes of University are not affected. Later, after the city's work is finished, Waterloo Region also has designs on University Avenue, but plans are to keep one lane in each direction open all summer while that work goes on.