Friday |
Monday, January 10, 2005
Editor: Chris Redmond |
UW president David Johnston posed with some of the volunteer award winners when they dined together at the University Club in December.
The annual awards were presented at a dinner in early December, hosted by the President's Circle, a group of high-ranking donors to UW. The ten students chosen by a selection committee each receive a $250 cheque as well as a citation for their activities, which, organizers say, "have made the campus, local community, and beyond a better place to live".
Staff member is mournedA funeral service will be held today for George Burrows, who had worked in UW's plant operations department since 1980, and who died Wednesday.Well known across campus as a member of the grounds crew, Burrows was also active in the world of minor hockey. He is survived by his wife, Ada, as well as a son and a daughter. Following ceremonies last night at Royal Canadian Legion branch 530, the funeral is scheduled for today at 11 a.m. at the David MacLeod Funeral Home, 617 King Street North. Says the family: "As expressions of sympathy, donations to a charity of your choice would be appreciated." |
Abdul-Rahim Ahmad, a PhD student in systems design engineering, has volunteered in various roles with the UW international students office. He's served as a "global representative", fielding questions from newly arrived students from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, and has also been a "Shadow" for students from India, Indonesia, Turkey and a number of other countries.
Hyder Al-Attar, in fourth year pre-optometry, has been volunteering both on campus (again, through the international students office, as well as in the faculty of science) and at the Grand River Cancer Centre, where he has helped at the front desk, an important spot for providing emotional support to patients and visitors.
Nada Basir, a fourth-year student in molecular biology, has volunteered with the Candian Diabetes Association, most recently as a member of its speakers' bureau, and with the International Languages Program; she's also a co-founder of the UW chapter of Students for Paletinian Rights, and has coached minor soccer.
Karen Carter is a fourth-year psychology and science student who has been volunteering for the Canadian Hearing Society, teaching classes for seniors with hearing loss, and has also worked with the Kidsability Centre for Child Development and the Grand River Hospital.
Meagan Dilworth, a fourth-year health studies student, has worked with the Womyn's Centre, the Off-Campus Dons program, the Federation of Students Food Bank and the Campus Response Team. Beyond UW she's been a volunteer with Reaching Our Outdoor Friends, an agency based in downtown Kitchener for homeless and at-risk young people.
Jennifer Duff is a third-year recreation and leisure studies student with volunteer experience in her faculty and student society, in her church, and with rural youth organizations such as 4-H and Junior Farmers.
Justin Fluit, of fourth-year chemical engineering, has worked with Big Brothers, the athletics department's Team-Up program, and the campus recreation program. "Justin is one of our top speakers," says a letter of reference from the Team-Up organizers.
Kate Hano, a graduate student in sociology, has been a volunteer counsellor with Planned Parenthood, helped at the Canadian Mental Health Centre, and offered peer support through UW's disabilities office. She also organized a support group for visually impaired youth as a volunteer with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
Anish Patel is a post-degree student in science. "His deep compassion is demonstrated in the work he does for those who are less fortunate," a citation says, mentioning volunteer work with Grand River Hospital, Homewood Health Centre, and Reaching Our Outdoor Friends.
Jessica Steinmoeller, a fourth-year health studies student, has volunteered not only in her department but with the student Smiling Over Sickness group (where she organized a fund-raising event to help children with cancer) and with Canadian Blood Services.
The once-a-month profile of a Keystone donor notes that Marshman "has called the University of Waterloo home since 1962 when she began undergraduate studies in mathematics". She started her PhD in 1967 and has been teaching in applied math ever since.
"Bev is first and foremost a teacher," says the profile, noting that during her days as a graduate student, "the University was growing exponentially and offered frequent opportunities for graduate students to teach courses. Bev's love of teaching eventually led to her involvement with the Math Faculty's Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing. Through the Centre, Bev has worked over the past 10 years with Lorna Morrow (another special math teacher), developing mathematics workshops and materials for public school teachers who want to enhance their mathematics skills and confidence."
It goes on: "Bev has contributed to all levels of campus life. As an academic advisor in the Faculty of Mathematics and the Department of Applied Mathematics from 1975 to 1991, she mentored and inspired many students, especially young women mathematicians. Serving on the President's Advisory Council on Academic Human Resources from 1986 to 1993, Bev worked with Doreen Brisbin and other dedicated academics to increase the number of female faculty members hired across campus, along with other measures to improve the quality of life for academics on campus. From 1996 to 2001, Bev was the Faculty Co-chair of the Keystone Fund."
She and her husband Mike, who is a UW engineering graduate, were also two of the founding members of the Waterloo Co-operative Residences, which were established in 1964.
What are you most proud of, about UW? "I appreciate that, in addition to its dedication to academic excellence, UW began with an outward perspective and has maintained that outlook. Some examples are the pioneering of co-op programs; the Math Faculty's Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing with its connections to elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers and students (just one of many outreach efforts at UW); and the way in which the University encourages faculty to be entrepreneurial by giving them full ownership of their intellectual property."
To what projects do you designate your gifts? "I contribute to the Library fund and to the Descartes Foundation, among others. Recently, I've directed a portion of my gifts to the Ontario Graduate Scholarships where my funds are matched. I give because I care about the University and, in particular, about access for all students who meet our academic standards."
What person has influenced you most? "I have to mention two people. One was my grade 6 teacher, Mr. Callbeck at Richmond Public School in Calgary, who told me I was a born teacher and actually left me in charge of the class at times when he was called away because of his principal's duties. That's when I fell in love with teaching. The second person was Michel McKiernan, my PhD supervisor, who not only guided me through graduate school and inspired me with his classroom teaching, but also wisely advised me to find a niche in life that would make me happy and content."
Pension and benefits committee 12 noon, Needles Hall room 3004,
discussion of benefits coverage for paramedical treatment.
Waterloo Public Interest Research Group open house and volunteer information session, 4:00 to 8:00, Student Life Centre. Engineers without Borders general meeting 5:30, Davis Centre room 1302, with more information about EWB and a presentation by Ross Groves and George Roter of the national office. UW Stage Band auditions 6 p.m., information 885-0220 ext. 226. Open mic at the Bombshelter pub from 9:00 tonight. Blood donor clinic January 13 and 17-21, Student Life Centre, sign-up and information booth in the SLC Tuesday 11:30 to 2:00. Work reports from fall term jobs (most faculties) due tomorrow 4 p.m. Engineering alumni in Washington: reception Tuesday 5:30, Omni Shoreham Hotel, during annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, information online. Volunteer fair Wednesday 11:00 to 2:00, SLC. On-campus part-time job fair Thursday 12:00 to 2:00, SLC. Warrior Weekend January 14-15, watch for details or check web site. Winter Dance with Siskins outing organized by UW Recreation Committee, Saturday 8 p.m. |
Registration is open today, and all this week, for the "Let's Make a Deal" contest, designed to encourage people to stop smoking, but also open to those who don't start the bad habit. It's the second annual contest, part of the "Leave the Pack Behind" program, which in turn is operated by health services. "The contest," a flyer explains, "aims to challenge students to quit smoking, reduce their smoking rates, or remain smoke-free for four whole weeks. Enter one of our 4 deals for a chance to win great prizes including restaurant gift certificates, UW gear, and even cold hard cash. . . . All contestants must have one non-smoking 'buddy'. They will be your witness that you have stuck to your deal for the duration of the contest." Registration is open today through Friday, 10:30 to 2:30, in the Student Life Centre, where "quit aids including a survival kit" are available; the actual contest opens a week from today.
Gabriella (Gaye) Nadon (right), who worked in UW's graphic
services department from 1977 to 1989, died on Thursday. She
was 80. The funeral
service will be held today at 1 p.m. at the Edward R. Good Funeral
Home on King Street. She was the mother of two people who work at
UW -- Pam Van Allen of the faculty of science and Lorraine Albrecht
of earth sciences -- and mother-in-law of a third, Bob Linnen of earth
sciences. Says an announcement from the family:
"In lieu of flowers, memorial
donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society."
Glenda Rutledge of the human resources department sends information about some beginning-of-year changes to UW's faculty and staff health plan, noting that the next edition of the HR newsletter will have a couple of articles detailing the information. She writes: "Our extended health plan maximum remains the same as last year at $555 per paramedical and the out-of-pocket maximum (OOP) at $111 single or $222 family. The dispensing fee cap remains at $6.60. As reported in the Daily Bulletin December 22, the Pension and Benefits committee agreed on an interim basis to a change in coverage for chiropractors. Expenses incurred after January 1, 2005, will be covered at 80% of $12 for the first 15 visits per year (100% if OOP reached). After 15 visits, the plan covers 80% of cost of the reasonable and customary cost a visit (100% if OOP reached). Annual maxima of $555 per covered person continues to apply. The Preferred Provider Network of Pharmacies has also been updated."
As for the dental plan, there's more from human resources: "Basic Services includes services such as fillings, x-rays and exams: $1,745 per person per calendar year. Major Restorative services includes bridges, crowns and dentures: $2,630 per person per calendar year. Orthodontics includes braces: $2,630 lifetime maximum per person. Dental Fee guide updated to 2003. Recall services remain at once every nine months."
The local Family and Children's Services agency will hold an information session tomorrow night for families, couples and singles interested in becoming foster parents; call 576-1329 for details. . . . Three men from Mississauga are still facing charges in the beating of a UW student outside Federation Hall on New Year's Eve, 2003, after the charges against one man were withdrawn in a Kitchener court last week. . . . The Federation of Students is happily advertising that it's "now selling sushi in the SLC at the new Wasabi sushi bar". . . .