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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

  • Another prize for fuel cell team
  • French prof, and the prize he created
  • Food and coffee in Davis; other notes
Chris Redmond

Independent for 14 years

Stickers mark alumni

[glad to be a grad] Stickers like this one will mark a special kind of UW staff and faculty next week -- ones who are also Waterloo graduates. Mailed out just in time for orientation, they're a creation of the alumni affairs office, which asked on-campus grads to wear them again this year to "demonstrate your pride in the university while establishing an instant bond with new students". "Thank you," writes alumni affairs director Jason Coolman, "for helping to welcome our future alumni to campus!" The letter also included a UW alumni decal for cars or windows. Need more stickers? Call ext. 2530.

Another prize for fuel cell team

UW's Alternative Fuels Team, which took the top award in June in a competition for university-built vehicles propelled by fuel cells, will receive another prize in October.

A news release from the Yves Landry Foundation announces that UWAFT is the winner of one of five academic awards that will be presented at the Foundation's Sixth Annual STARS Technological Education Awards Gala on October 20 at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto.

Each award recipient will receive $5,000 "in recognition of their innovative programs to advance technological education and skills training".

The award for UWAFT, based in the faculty of engineering, is for "Progress Towards Sustainable Development (College or University Level)" and is sponsored by Shell Canada. The award recognizes a college, university, or post-secondary student group that incorporates the concept of sustainable development into its programs or projects.

"Sustainable development," a news release explains, "means understanding society's demand for socially sensitive, economically viable and environmentally responsible products and manufacturing processes, and acting on that understanding. It is a case of taking action today with tomorrow in mind."

Other Landry prizes are going to groups from the University of Windsor, Conestoga College (the "Outstanding Technical Co-operative Education Program (College Level) Award), Northern College and the York Region District School Board.

The Yves Landry Foundation, set up in 1998, is based on "the vision, principles, and hopes" of the late Yves Landry, Chairman, president of Chrysler Canada from 1990 to 1998. "The Foundation," the news release says, "provides the opportunity for business, education, and government to collectively be part of the solution to advance technological education and skills training in order to resolve the skilled labour shortages facing Canadian industries. The awards gala provides the platform to honour those working in alignment to the Foundationąs mission, and to promote awareness to reduce the current and future skills shortages facing Canadian industry."

In June, UWAFT beat out teams from 16 American universities to win first prize in the first year of Challenge X, a competition sponsored by General Motors that invites students to "re-engineer" a GM crossover sport utility vehicle. UW's was the only vehicle presented this year that uses a fuel cell.


French prof, and the prize he created

French studies professor Guy Poirier (left) is the subject of the August "profile" on the Keystone Campaign web site.

After spending 13 years as a faculty member at Simon Fraser University, Poirier joined the UW faculty in 2003 -- or, as the profile puts it "joined the University of Waterloo team and has never looked back!" It notes that Poirier teaches a variety of courses and seminars in both the BA and MA programs, specializing in the areas of Renaissance French literature, Québécois and French Canadian literature, and French literature of British Columbia and the West Coast. "He is also proud to be the Department of French Studies' Graduate Officer."

The profile reveals that "As part of his dedication to French Studies at UW, Guy helped create his own award, the Guy Poirier Prize. The prize is awarded annually for the best thesis submitted in French Studies." Then come some questions and answers:

What do you like best about working at UW? "I like the contact with students, and the research-oriented departmental life. I also value the collegiality, quality of research, the 'human size' of the University and the Department of French Studies."

What motivates you to give to UW? "I was personally motivated to give to Waterloo because of the needs of the graduate students in the French Studies program. I also wanted to be able to better promote the work of the top students in the French Studies program by offering awards and scholarships. In addition, I believe that the University needs funding today because of the competitive university environment and simply because students in Arts need more funding to undertake their Graduate Studies and find their first job."

What do you like to do in your spare time? "I like music, mostly -- I am a member of the Waterloo-Wellington Rainbow Chorus. I also enjoy swimming and watching movies (but there are not enough French movies in K-W!)."

Food and coffee in Davis; other notes

The Davis Centre cafeteria, and the Tim Horton's outlet beside it, have reopened after a summer of renovations, although hours will be limited until after Labour Day. Jeannie Watt of food services said the cafeteria, called Bon Appetit, had "a soft opening" -- without publicity or big promises -- "so that we could iron out any problems that we may encounter with the new facilities, etc., and then have it officially open and be fully recognized for September 6." She pointed out that the renovation project was big and complex, "and it was not until the Thursday afternoon before that we received approval that we could move in for Monday. After this approval we required the units to be fully cleaned from top to bottom (walls, floors, equipment, etc.) fridges and freezers stocked, staff training, etc., etc." For this week, Bon Appetit is open from 11:00 to 2:00, with Tim's operating from 7:30 to 4:00.

  • Mouse cancer study at UW 'encouraging', company reports
  • 'Better educated . . . taking longer to find work'
  • Record number of students have part-time jobs | Text of report
  • Former UW chemistry prof named vice-president at UBC
  • US university suspends its president for expense investigation
  • 'When the new university comes to town' (UBC at Okanagan)
  • 'Education summit shouldn't be only about money' (Geist, Star)
  • New ownership for Guelph's agricultural colleges, research stations
    On this week's list from the human resources department:

  • Research associate, Murray Alzheimer Research Project, USG 9
  • Building serviceperson II, carpenter, plant operations

    Longer descriptions are available on the HR web site.

  • Renovations are happening elsewhere on campus too, namely in the Dana Porter Library, where the periodicals collection on the third floor, closed through the summer, is expected to reopen in mid-September. Sharon Lamont, the library's director of organizational services, adds that in the other main library, in the Davis Centre, "renovations to the 'silent study area' may begin as early as this week, with an anticipated completion by the end of September." In addition to these jobs, the library has been cleaning up from a minor flood in the microroom, on the first floor of Dana Porter, and it's expected to reopen to the public this weekend.

    With fall sports beginning, one team that ought to be worth watching is the men's rugby Warriors, who begin their exhibition season today. They're in Québec to play at Bishop's this afternoon, Sherbrooke tomorrow and Concordia on Friday. CanadianRugby.ca has ranked the Waterloo squad fifth among the 39 university teams across Canada this year, citing its "speedy backline and dedicated forwards". The Warriors took the bronze medal in Ontario University Athletics last year. Ahead of them in this year's national rankings are Victoria, UBC, Western and McMaster.

    St. Jerome's University telephones now have four-digit extension numbers, with a place like the library, formerly "ext. 285", now "8285". . . . Sociology professor Fred Desroches of St. Jerome's is author of the recently-published Crime That Pays: Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime in Canada. . . . In its latest alumni newsletter, St. Jerome's pays tribute to one of its most prominent alumni, Canadian broadcaster and humourist Harry J. Boyle, who attended what was then St. Jerome's College in 1931 and 1932, and who died in January. . . .

    A well-known former member of UW's staff, Rudolph (Rudy) Molinary, died August 8. Molinary was a member of the plant operations department from 1981 to his retirement in mid-1996. He ended his career as director of custodial and grounds services -- one of the three (now four) administrators who jointly head plant operations.


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