Yesterday |
Friday, March 5, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Here's how the department of co-op education and career services announces the change in a statement this week:
"Enterprise Co-op, a business advisory and mentoring service for UW co-op students, has just expanded its services to reach out to enterprising students in the regular stream. The service has been renamed UW Enterprise Services to reflect its expansion to assist all enterprising UW undergraduates."
It says the expanded UW Enterprise Services "answers business start up questions from students; provides pre-launch venture assessment and mentoring; has access to business planning resources; gives referrals to lawyers, accountants and other relevant professionals; offers work term and post launch mentoring and evaluation for up to one year; makes referrals to investor or funding sources, where appropriate; gives advice on how to become an Intrapreneur or even a Social Entrepreneur."
And, says CECS, "In addition to these advisory and mentoring services, UW Enterprise Services may also match an undergraduate's own investments up to $6,000. This award is only available for undergraduates planning to return to UW and run a venture full-time during a work or summer term."
Over the past three years, the Enterprise Co-op initiative has offered business advice to more than 300 students, and has approved 40 enterprising ventures. Of these ventures, 15 received some funding to match their own investment.
Says CECS: "Working closely with other business services, such as UW Innovate, UW Enterprise Services will continue to provide an array of on campus services designed to nurture the university's well known enterprise culture."
Students interested in discussing an entrepreneurial venture should call UW Innovate at 888-4567 ext. 6065 to book a confidential appointment, or e-mail UW Enterprise Services "is led by John Cullen Consulting, and assisted by local entrepreneurs and business advisors", the release says. "Enterprise Services is funded by The John Dobson Foundation, UW Microsoft Alumni, and UW itself."
"The Library recently celebrated a leadership gift from Peter and Betty Sims. The $500,000 gift to Campaign Waterloo will be used to renovate the 3rd floor of the Dana Porter Library. The renovation plans include building an enclosed reading room that will also house current periodicals, enhancing individual and group study spaces, and updating furnishings and study carrels.
"Peter and Betty Sims (left) are respected leaders in the K-W community who have demonstrated a passion and commitment to education. Peter's father, Kenneth, was on the founding board of UW. Peter joined the university's Board of Governors in 1986 and served as the Chair from 1994-1997.
"During the same time (and a first in the history of Canadian higher education), Betty also served as the chair of the board of Wilfrid Laurier University. Their enlightened public service has also benefited numerous causes, local hospitals, and service organizations.
"The gift from Peter and Betty will create an innovative learning and research space for our students and faculty now and in the future."
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Reception to honour students on the faculty of arts dean's
honours list, 4 to 6 p.m., South Campus Hall.
Warrior Weekend events Friday night (karaoke, "Mona Lisa Smile", "Gothika") and Saturday (coffee house, juggling festival), Student Life Centre. Warsawpack plays the Bombshelter pub tonight, ages 19-plus, cover $7. Black Forest Coffee House, "magic, music, poetry", Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m., St. Paul's United College, cover $4 one night, $6 two nights, "art show included". 'Dance Dance Dance' rental, tonight and all day Saturday and Sunday, Humanities Theatre. Warrior swimmers in national championships at the University of Toronto, tonight through Sunday. Engineering bus push leaves from Carl Pollock Hall Saturday 10 a.m. Also to mark Engineering Week, students lead K'nex workshops at Waterloo Regional Children's Museum, Saturday and Sunday. 'Firefly' marathon sponsored by Waterloo Science Fiction Club, Saturday all day, Math and Computer room 2066, free. Staff association bus trip tomorrow to Canada Blooms flower and garden show in Toronto. (Information about staff association trips: ext. 3566. Tribute to Michael Bird, Renison College faculty member who died in October: reception Saturday 1 to 4 p.m., Joseph Schneider Haus, Kitchener, with exhibition from his collection in the Haus gallery through April 18. Indoor hockey OUA championship tournament, Saturday in the PAC, first game 10 a.m., Warriors vs. Toronto 11:00, gold medal game 3 p.m. Ovarian cancer information session sponsored by Employee Assistance Program, Wednesday 12 noon, Davis Centre room 1302. Persian new year celebrations March 17 and 22, information online, tickets on sale noon hour today, Davis Centre. |
The city of Waterloo symposium on "student-community relations" got under way with a panel discussion last night and continues with workshops today. "The purpose of the conference is to share the best practices on how university students and towns relate," says city planner Dan Currie. In last night's panel, according to the Record today, Brantford's mayor told the audience how municipal spending to attract a Wilfrid Laurier University campus to Brantford was thoroughly worth while. And Waterloo mayor Herb Epp says there's no alternative to solving the remaining housing problems in Kitchener-Waterloo: "A community that cannot meet its housing needs is an incomplete community." Epp also warned that "the issue has the potential to overwhelm the many positive contributions of the two universities." The symposium runs all day today at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex.
Computing support people are gathering this morning for their weekly professional development seminar, which today is partly about Angel. That's a "course management system" software package, from the Pennsylvania State University, that's used as part of Waterloo's UWone. Plans for future support of UWone are under discussion, but it looks as though Angel is here to stay, and Andrea Chappell of information systems and technology will give "an update and demonstration". The weekly professional development seminars start at 8:45 on Fridays in the IST training room.
With International Women's Day imminent, a women's "health and wellness fair" is scheduled for Saturday at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, just south of campus (I think that's south, towards "uptown" Waterloo in this geographically challenged town). The fair runs from noon to 4 p.m., and all are welcome, free. "It's our way of empowering women to take responsibility for their own health," says organizing committee member Connie Deckert.
Here's a leftover note from quite a while ago -- from the November issue of the UW Graphics electronic newsletter. Slightly abridged: "You might recall the Housing Postcard promotion which was described in the May issue of Graphics e-zine. The postcard used variable data printing to target students currently living in residence to promote Winter 2004 residence spaces. Personalized content included the students' name and faculty on the front with their first name on the back, and their full name and residence address for distribution purposes. Recently we spoke to Pam Charbonneau regarding the outcome of the project: 'Students really liked the personalized aspect and felt that they were being invited to apply rather than being informed that they could. Because of the success of this initiative, we won't be doing anything else to promote winter term residence spaces.' If you're considering a variable data project and would like more information, please contact Christine Goucher [at Graphics]."
Here's a reminder that class enrolment appointments for spring term courses start Monday on Quest, and run through April 3. Open enrolment begins April 5.
And here's a warning that the elevator in Carl Pollock Hall will be out of service starting Monday morning, for about a month.
"Our Festival will be two days of juggling fun," writes math student Joe West, a.k.a. Jugglin' Joe. "We have a series of workshops planned, competitions and games, and an excellent evening show. The festival is free for all and beginners are welcome. (We will teach you!)"
Ian Harrower, another math student and president of UW's Juggling
Club, picks up the story:
"Starting at 10:30 each day there will be jugglers in from around
Ontario and New York. We will be given lessons to anyone who wishes to
learn. As well we will be putting on workshops and holding competitions.
"On Saturday night at 7:00 we will be holding our Evening Variety Show in Conrad Grebel College great hall. The show will consists of some acts from the Silly People Variety Show held the day before, and hopefully (although not yet confirmed) some of our club's own talent. Tickets will be $5." (For advance purchase, e-mail
And in case you didn't know it, he notes "the recent findings that learning to juggling can help increase the grey matter in certain areas of the brain."
More information about the festival is available online.