Yesterday |
Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
"This year," says Shelley Rudd of the UW development office, "we
created three
similar postcards to target parents of first year students, parents of
2nd-4th year students, and parents of alumni." All the cards have
the same upbeat photo, pictured at left.
The program has been going on since 1992, as a way of attracting financial support for enrichment of UW's activities. Parents mostly give to academic departments, according to the Parents in Partnership web site, although there are also some gifts for libraries, scholarships, co-op and athletics.
"Established in 1992," says the web site, "the Parents in Partnership program encourages Parents of UW students to take an active role in supporting excellence in education by making financial contributions to unique projects across campus. Last year, the Parents in Partnership program raised almost $300,000! . . .
"All donations to the Parents in Partnership program count towards the Universityıs broader Campaign Waterloo: Building a Talent Trust, initiative to culminate in 2007."
On the web site, each faculty has a brief pitch for its priorities. From engineering, for example: "Your gift helps provide important teaching support in the form of endowed funds for equipment, scholarships, computer resources, and research support. Please contribute towards the excellence fund for the engineering department of your choice."
The site also quotes a number of students, such as Jackie Lee of third-year science: "The support of parents to the University of Waterloo's Faculty of Science Equipment Fund (WATSEF) keeps University equipment up-to-date with equipment used in the field I will be working in. This will increase the quality of my education and will help to ensure that I can apply the skills I am learning at UW in the workforce."
Finally, there are testimonials from parents. Says one of them: " I hope our children will be good ambassadors for their respective alma maters and in due course, will support those that gave them a good start in their professional careers. I am proud to be asked to support UW." And another: "I enjoy giving to Waterloo because I know I'm helping my daughter to receive a quality education, and to build on the foundation of values I've already taught her."
Following three days of seminars, meetings, and plain fun, a team of three UWCRT members competed against the other university first aid response teams. Mock scenarios were set up to evaluate the teams' skills; some situations included a motor vehicle accident, a house party gone wrong, and a disaster in a chemistry lab.
After an exciting time in Peterborough, the UWCRT decided that they
would demonstrate the capabilities of their team in the Great Hall of
the SLC (right). Many people came out and watched as our members conducted
triage, and treated life-threatening injuries. You see them at the bars
every week -- the team felt that it was time to show all of the
university community exactly what the CRT can do for you!
CRT runs large mock first aid scenarios regularly in order to train its members. Every term the team runs a day of scenarios, dubbed Operation Campus Wide (OCW). OCW allows the team trainer to devise situations to test the skills that the team is learning, situations ranging from drug overdoses, to bar fights, to electrocutions.
This year's Operation Campus Wide will be happening on Saturday March 13, from 12 to 5 p.m. Participation will be open to all of the university community. CRT is looking for volunteers to act as casualties in mock scenarios. It's guaranteed to be a unique experience; food and fun times will be provided. Only a few hours of your time are required. Anyone interested can send an email to to find out more.
As well, on Monday, March 15, from 1130 to 1230, CRT will be hosting a nutrition seminar in the SLC great hall. All members of the university community are welcome to come out and enjoy a session about healthy eating and weight loss.
And as a final note, CRT is undergoing recruitment for summer and fall term. If you are interested in getting involved, learning more first aid, and helping your fellow students, then pick up and application in the CRT office (SLC room 2141) or check out the team online and fill out an electronic application. In order to qualify for the team you must be currently certified in Standard First Aid and CPR level C.
Any questions or comments about the team can be sent to or call the office at ext. 3296.
'Blowout sale' with wares from UW Shop, bookstore and TechWorx,
ends today, multi-purpose room, Student Life Centre.
Healthy eating and weight management, nutrition display and encounter with new health services dietitian Irene McConville, 11:00 to 2:00, Student Life Centre. Referendum meeting in preparation for March 10-11 vote on Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, 12 noon, great hall, Student Life Centre. Job search strategies career workshop, 3:30, Tatham Centre room 1208. 'Formal Methods: Don't Leave Here Without Them'. Talk by Nancy Day, computer science, for the Women in Mathematics group, all welcome, 4 p.m., Math and Computer room 5158. Flora MacDonald speaks on "International and Self Development in Third World Countries", for Engineers Without Borders, 5:30, Davis Centre room 1302. Society of Fine Arts student exhibition at Kitchener Public Library, opening reception, 7 p.m. Physicist Sir Michael Berry, University of Bristol, speaks on "Making Light of Mathematics", for Perimeter Institute, 7 p.m., Waterloo Collegiate Institute, free. 'Learning Design: Developing New Standards", LT3 workshop, Thursday 10:30, Flex lab, Dana Porter Library. 'Hydraulic Habitats in Streams and Rivers", Robert Newbury, Newbury Hydraulics, Thursday 1:30, Davis Centre room 1302. Arriscraft architecture lecture, Barry Sampson, "Inflection and Innuendo: Building and Just After", Thursday 7 p.m., Environmental Studies II room 286. Bechtel lectures by Nancy Heisey, president-elect of the Mennonite World Conference, Thursday and Friday 7 p.m., great hall, Conrad Grebel University College. 'The Reception of Islamic Science in Western Europe", George Saliba, Columbia University, Thursday 7 p.m., Rod Coutts Hall room 101. 'After the Double Cohort: Student-Community Relations", symposium sponsored by City of Waterloo, Thursday-Friday, with opening panel Thursday 8 p.m., Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex. Bomber beach party with music and raffles, proceeds to increasing accessibility at Renison College, Thursday from 9 p.m., Bombshelter Pub. |
Six positions are coming open on the board of directors of the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group, the student-funded organization that sponsors many workshops, talks and publicity campaigns on environmental and social issues. Directors are to be elected at WPIRG's annual general meeting on March 17; nominations for the positions open today and close March 10. Information is available from the WPIRG office in the Student Life Centre.
David Johnston, UW's president, is heading for the American northeast and will be host at two Waterloo alumni gatherings of note. Tonight from 6 to 8, Boston-area grads will gather at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology faculty club; special guest is Erik Demaine, a PhD grad from UW and faculty member at MIT who's had much publicity for his work on "folding". Tomorrow, again from 6 to 8, the party is in New York, at the Canadian Club, and alumni there will get to meet Bill Pulleyblank, former UW researcher and now with IBM's Watson Research Centre. (At last count, 65 alumni from Boston had signed up to attend tonight's event, and 55 from New York had registered for tomorrow's, the UW alumni office says.)
Two staff representatives are needed for UW's joint health and safety committee, for a three-year term beginning May 1. The staff association nominating committee is taking applications; Steve Breen in information systems and technology (srbreen@ist) has more information.
A memo is at hand announcing this year's holder of the Humphrey Professorship in Feminist Philosophy -- or, as she is to be called hereafter, "Humphrey Professor of Feminist Philosophy II". She is Marilyn Frye of Michigan State University, who will be here for the spring term, teaching a senior and graduate course on "Modern Feminism" and a reading course, and giving two public lectures. The professorship was established by Anne (Humphrey) Minas, a retired UW faculty member, in memory of her parents and grandparents.
The UW library announces in its electronic newsletter that is is now "conducting the second stage in an assessment of our Reserves service. In fall 2003, we published Faculty Perspectives on Reserves with findings and recommendations from a survey of faculty. This next stage is to find out how well our current service is meeting the needs of students. A random sample of 5,000 undergraduate students will be invited to complete the web-based survey over a two-week period beginning February 25. The results will help us understand the future of paper and electronic reserves."
It's Wednesday, which is Positions Available day. This week's list from the human resources department includes these positions offered to internal applicants:
Finally, a quick advance note that this weekend is going to be a busy one on campus. It's a Warrior Weekend, with activities on Friday and Saturday nights including karaoke in the Student Life Centre; the 12th annual UW Juggling Festival promises "two days of juggling fun"; and the annual Black Forest Coffee House is happening at St. Paul's United College. More information on all these things over the next couple of days.