Yesterday |
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() Challenging Destiny -- a science fiction and fantasy short story magazine edited and published by computer science instructor Dave Switzer -- can be found front and centre in the magazine racks at the UW bookstore. Switzer's magazine, which features stories and illustrations from around the world, falls somewhere in the centre of the store's eclectic collection of titles. Issue 18 of Challenging Destiny will be out this month. Photo by Barb Elve. |
A total of 14 continuing education hours are offered during the two-day session, featuring relevant care for the growing population of patients with diabetes. Practitioners will be able to hear lectures that include updates on non-retinal complications of diabetes as well as new advances in diabetic care.
Included in the weekend are two formal lectures given in honour of early members of the optometry faculty. This year's Woodruff lecturer, Alan Cruess of Dalhousie University's department of ophthalmology, will speak on "Epidemiology and Public Health of Diabetes. John Lovasik of L'Ecole d'Optometrie, Université de Montréal, will give this year's Bobier lecture on vision.
The CE weekend will conclude on Saturday night with an evening of food and live entertainment for the registered optometrists and optometric assistants who are the weekend's audience. Last-minute information about the program is available from Elizabeth Reidt, professional services coordinator in the optometry school, e-mail, phone ext. 3177.
OCUFA president Michael Doucet said the study, titled Reaching for the Top, "documents a building consensus on the need for a major new infusion of public funds" as a task force headed by former premier Bob Rae begins work on a general study of post-secondary education in Ontario and how it's financed.
"This report shows what excellent results we could get by moving Ontario to a lead position among Canadian provinces," Doucet said in a news release as the report was issued yesterday. "Students, universities and all Ontarians would reap enormous returns from this investment."
OCUFA pointed out that Rae, whose appointment was announced in the May 18 provincial budget, "has said in interviews that he believes Premier Dalton McGuinty wants to see Ontario leading the pack in support for universities. Currently, Ontario is tenth and dead last among provinces in per-capita and per-student university funding."
The OCUFA study examines the projected cost of a series of proposed improvements in university education, including commitments made by McGuinty. It compares the totals with suggestions that provincial funding should rise at least to the national average (calculated to require $861 million more annually) or to the front of the pack (requiring at least $1.3 billion).
After reviewing the needs for additional undergraduate and graduate spaces, smaller class sizes, lower tuition fees, improved student aid, better library resources and special funds for Northern institutions, "the study finds," says OCUFA, "that strong results could be achieved by making Ontario universities the best-funded in Canada, while settling for the national average would stop deterioration and allow some improvements."
I'll award pairs of tickets for the best answers to this question: What's the most interesting thing happening on this campus that hasn't yet been reported in the Daily Bulletin? It doesn't have to be "news", although that's okay too. It can be a note on a class project, a cultural phenomenon, an achievement, sports, wildlife, fashion -- anything. (It has to be true, and not defame anybody or invade anyone's privacy.)
Only undergraduate students are eligible (because the Federation of the sponsor). To enter, send me an e-mail message ( with the subject line "Summerfest". In the e-mail, please list
The winning entries, and maybe some others, will appear in Friday's Daily Bulletin.
Senate undergraduate council, 12 noon, Needles Hall room 3004.
Credit union seminar, "The Truth About 0% Auto Financing", Vaughn Sauve, Waterloo County Education Credit Union, 12:15, Davis Centre room 1302. Engineering alumni networking and pub night in Toronto, 6 p.m., Frog and Firkin, 4854 Yonge Street. Traces Steel Drum Band free concert at Student Life Centre, Wednesday 12 noon. Tropical lunch specials available at Bombshelter. Board of governors summer meeting, Wednesday 2:30, Needles Hall room 3001. 'Studio Virgins' CD release party sponsored by CKMS radio, four local bands, Wednesday 7 p.m., Starlight Lounge, King Street North. ACM programming contest Saturday from 10:30 a.m., details online. |
Saturday was billed as "UW Day" to future students and their families -- particularly the students who have just received offers of admission to UW and have to decide by June 14 whether to say yes. Expecting a few hundred people, the staff of the visitors' centre ended up welcoming 1,200 visitors to speak with academic advisors, take campus tours and visit the residences. "Their primary goal was to determine if the University of Waterloo was the place for them," says visitors' centre manager Heather Read. "Our primary goal was to increase the number of accepted offers. For many of the visitors, this was their first time to the campus and they were making their decisions practically on the spot." And, she says, the decision was often yes, judging from the number of people who wanted to know whether they could hand in their acceptance forms while they were here. "We regularly have campus tours on Saturday afternoons," says Read, "and at the end of May and the first two weeks of June, these tours are popular." Last Saturday tour of the year will be this Saturday afternoon, June 12.
Hundreds more of the new first-year students will be on campus July 24 for the annual Student Life 101 open house. "Volunteers are needed to help with this event," writes Laura Henderson, a science student who's working on the project. People are wanted, she says, "to help out with many aspects of the day, including directing visitors around campus, ushering into and out of presentations, helping with parking, as well as set-up and clean-up for the day." People are needed from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. that Saturday, "with a volunteers' reception to follow". There's an information and training session on July 22, but organizers would like to hear from volunteers now -- e-mail or call ext. 6993.
Marsha Wendell writes from the office of UW's Arts Computer Experience Camp: "ACE is looking for donations of used musical instruments for our campers to experiment with during the music portion of our program. If you have any instruments collecting dust in your attic that you would like to donate, please call ext. 5939. We are also looking for a karaoke machine if someone has one to donate or to sell at a reasonable price."
The UW bookstore has a Summer Book Sale in the South Campus Hall concourse today, tomorrow and Thursday. . . . A three-day course in "Project Management: Applied Tools and Techniques" is on the schedule for the continuing education program starting June 16. . . . Raul Valenzuela, a UW custodian since February 1989, officially retired as of June 1. . . .