Yesterday |
Friday, July 30, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
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And before you know it, the fall term will begin and we'll start all over again. Open enrolment for fall undergraduate courses is under way now on Quest (it started Monday). Fee billings went into the mail last week, and fees are payable August 30 by cheque or September 8 by bank payment. Fall classes start on Monday, September 13.
Some students won't be back on campus in the fall because they're going on co-op work terms, and others will be gone because they're finally graduating at October 23 convocation ceremonies. The official deadline for filing an Intention to Graduate form for this fall is August 1, the registrar's office says.
About Monday's holiday: Monday, August 2, is Civic Holiday in Ontario. UW offices and most services will be closed, but the Dana Porter Library will be open at 8 a.m. as it continues with those special exam-season hours. In operation 24 hours a day, as always, are the UW Police (888-4911); the Student Life Centre (888-4434); and the central plant (888-4567 ext. 3793), where maintenance emergencies can be reported.
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The athletics department described the new coach in a news release: "Fernando comes to Waterloo with a wealth of volleyball experience from the college, university, and professional ranks. Fernando was Head Coach of the Men's Volleyball Program at the University of Lethbridge (1991-1992) and was an assistant coach with the Lethbridge Women's Volleyball team for three seasons (1990-1993).
"Fernando moved on to become Head Coach of Keyano College Men's Volleyball program in Alberta in 1998-2000. During the 2000 season, Fernando took on the responsibility of the women's program. He also served as Associate Athletic Director of the College during his three year tenure at Keyano. Fernando gained professional coaching experience as an assistant with the Bayer semi-pro team in Puerto Rico in 1998."
Says Judy McCrae, director of athletics: "We are looking forward to Fernando joining the coaching ranks at the University of Waterloo. He is re-entering the coaching field and is excited about it. His background in volleyball and sport administration will provide the framework for a successful program at Waterloo. Fernando places a high value on education and will be a great fit for our student-athletes."
She said Pardo will work half-time for the Warrior program, and "will have other unrelated athletic jobs that he does in his own business time." He has operated sports camps for CF Sports in southern Alberta and British Columbia for a number of years.
He has an undergraduate degree from the University of Lethbridge and a graduate degree from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, in sports administration and athletics.
The men's volleyball season will begin October 16 with a visit from the Guelph Gryphons. The first sport to get going this fall will be football: the Warriors play at the University of Ottawa on September 5, the Sunday of Labour Day weekend.
Check out the man in the picture at left -- smiling although he's halfway
through a marathon (26.2 miles) and has already swum 2.4 miles and biked
112 miles. He's Ron McCarville, faculty member in recreation and
leisure studies, who completed the Lake Placid Ironman race on
Sunday in a time of 13 hours 47 minutes 18 seconds. Thanks to Owen
Clements, graduate student in chemistry, for the photo.
Other finishers of the Lake Placid competition included kinesiology
graduate student Tyandra Fielder, in 12:51:40.
Some 300 young people from the Coptic Orthodox Church in Canada will hold a convention on campus over the long weekend. . . . A number of Daily Bulletin readers were amused by this week's Positions Available item asking for a "large truck driver", with one of them asking me whether the criterion is "merely size, or does muscle mass count more than fat?" . . . Hannelore Gendron of the distance education office, who's been working at UW since 1979, officially retired July 1. . . .
With things slowing down in the gap between the spring term and the September rush, services will be reduced here and there on campus. I'll have some notes Tuesday on food outlets that are, and aren't, open during August. Meanwhile, a note arrives about the Computer Help and Information Place, or CHIP, in the Math and Computer building. It will have reduced hours during August, being open from 8:30 to noon and 1:00 to 4:30, Monday to Friday.
Andrew Teminski, who retired in 1979 after fifteen years as a UW custodian, died July 10. . . . The international student office is advertising for volunteers to serve as "shadows" for new foreign students this fall, and as English tutors. . . . The copy centres in the CEIT building and the Dana Porter Library (Carbon Copy and Express Copy respectively) will close early today, at 3:50, with Pixel Planet in Math and Computer remaining open. . . .