Friday |
Monday, January 26, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
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The new agreement, retroactive to September 1, 2003, replaces a licence that began in 1999.
Susan Saunders Bellingham of the library staff, who's in charge of copyright matters for UW, explains: "The licence gives UW permission to make copies of many copyright-protected works for use by students, faculty and staff within certain limits. The licence primarily gives permission for paper-to-paper copying, although certain other technologies are also specified. It gives UW the authority to make copies beyond the 'fair dealing' rights that exist for all users under copyright law, and provides appropriate clearances for copying done by certain campus units including Courseware, Library Reserves, and Interlibrary Loan."
The UW licence is based on a model licence negotiated with Access Copyright by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada. It's effective through August 31, 2007. The full text of the licence is available on the library web site.
Bellingham said the copyright fee paid by each student -- currently $3 a year for full-timers -- will go up to $3.07 in the current year and $3.38 by the fourth year of the licence. The per-page copying fee goes up from six cents this year to 10 cents by 2007.
The challenge, sponsored by the Canadian Securities Institute, allows thousands of Canadian students to experiment with different investment strategies by trading equities and options listed on all major exchanges. Mimicking the daily operations of online brokerage firms, over 650 student teams managed fantasy $100,000 online brokerage accounts and experienced the markets just like they would with real accounts. The competition was held last fall, with the results just announced.
UW's triumphant student team was made up of Henry Ho (computer science), Herman Leung (science) and Daniel Reiter (English language and literature). They shared a $1,000 prize. The UW students proved their worth by taking $100,000 and transforming it into about $160,000 over the nine-week period.
Another UW team placed second in the competition. It consisted of Helen Chow (accounting and financial management), Morgan Rubes (environment and business), Mohammad Yousafzai (environment and business) and Santhosh Sivamoorthy (environment and business).
"The University of Waterloo is proud of the outstanding quality of its students, and this successful run at the Investment Challenge simulation demonstrates their abilities," said Grant Russell, director of the Accounting and Financial Management Program and instructor of the Accounting 131 course in which the competition was held.
As part of the competition, the student competitors also tried their hand at purchasing on margin, trading puts and calls and short selling. The challenge also included commission schedules, dividends and stock splits.
The Foundation funding of $31,500 provided scholarships of $2,000 to $4,000 for upper-year students in Earth Sciences and Geological Engineering. This year's scholarship recipients included Jeffrey Beirnes, Steven Berg, Benjamin Cottrell, Janet Daly, Ashley Smyth, and Simon Thuss, and more scholarships will be awarded in the coming year.
Part of the grant is also helping to offset student costs including transportation and accommodation for a field study course in Québec. The course focuses on the tectonics, structure, and mineral deposits in the Appalachians. A total of 23 Earth Science and Geological Engineering students will benefit from this trip.
Established through Mr. Bickell's will in 1951, the J. P. Bickell Foundation has provided continuing support for The Hospital for Sick Children, medical research, many educational institutions, and a wide range of charitable agencies, social, and cultural organizations.
A brilliant financier and businessman, John Paris Bickell had several successful careers. For many years, he served as president and later chairman of the board of McIntyre-Porcupine Mines Ltd. His Foundation represents his belief that philanthropy should be an active effort to enrich society and serve the community.
Climate change lecture for Geography 475, "Canada
Indicators" by Linda Mortsch, 10:30, Arts Lecture Hall room 124.
'Car Window Geology', talk by Ted Appleyard, earth sciences, at Kitchener Public Library, 12 noon. Engineers Without Borders talk by former volunteer Avi Caplan about his internship in Uganda with Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief, 5:30, Davis Centre room 1302. Hong Kong, CUHK, and information engineering: Four graduate students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong talk about their home city, university and department. Question period, souvenirs. 7 p.m., Davis Centre room 1302. Cindy and Craig Corrie, parents of Rachel Corrie, American activist killed by an Israeli bulldozer, speak at 7 p.m., Rod Coutts Engineering Lecture Hall room 101. UW alumni in Calgary, reception 6 p.m., Devonian Gardens -- details online. 'Managing New Product Development', seminar by Murray Gamble of the C3 Group of Companies, sponsored by Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology, Wednesday 12 noon, reservations ext. 7167 today. Smarter health seminar: Terry Peters, Robarts Research Institute, "30 Years of Computers in Medical Imaging", Wednesday 3 p.m., Davis Centre room 1302. |
Something new called Alternative Work Experience International, or AWE, will hold its first meeting tonight. The goal, say co-founders Chris Lau and Yollanda Zhang, "is to connect Canadian students who have done international work experiences with those who want to do one. Our focus is on work with social impact." More than 50 students expressed interest at the recent Clubs Days. Agenda for today's meeting, according to the new group's web site: "Yollanda will speak about her China experience teaching English. Chris will speak about his France experience in a community for people with handicaps. And Jose Ramirez will be speaking about a project in El Salvador, where he needs people this summer! Definitely cool, so come out!" The meeting starts at 5:30 in the multipurpose room of the Student Life Centre.
Here's a note currently appearing on the Federation of Students web site: "President David Johnston began a six-year term as President of UW on June 1, 1999. As prescribed by university policy, a Presidential Nominating Committee has been formed, with a mandate to solicit opinion with respect to President Johnston's reappointment. As part of this process which serves to benefit from the incumbent and the University, the Committee is seeking informed opinion of the President's performance from individuals both inside and outside the University. Feds President Chris Edey has been asked to submit his thoughts. Before doing so, he wants to solicit student opinion on this matter. President Edey will submitting written comments and will participate in an interview with the committee near the end of the month. If you have any ideas, opinions or thoughts that you would like him to consider in formulating a 'student's review' of President Johnston's performance, please send them to or by phone at (519) 888-4567 ex. 2478."
Maureen Jones (right) has been named acting director of student
awards and student financial aid, the registrar announced late last week.
(Joanne Wade, who has held the director's position for some years now,
is on sick leave.) "Maureen worked in Student Awards a number of
years ago and understands the challenges that we face," says a memo from
registrar Ken Lavigne. She's currently manager of continuing education in
the distance and continuing education office.
Here's a memo from the staff association: "Each term, an award of $500 is provided to a deserving full-or part-time undergraduate student in a degree program at the University of Waterloo. The student must be a member of the Staff Association or be the spouse, child, grandchild or dependent of a Staff Association member. The student must demonstrate involvement with (a) volunteer organization(s) or extra-curricular activities. The student must also have a good academic standing. Financial need may be considered. The student may only receive this award once within an academic year. This award may not be held in conjunction with another award valued at $500 or more for the same study period. As well, we are delighted that, for each of the next three terms, beginning Spring 2003, the Education Credit Union will match the $500 UWSA Award. The next three Award recipients will receive $1,000. Applications are available from the Staff Association Office, DC 3603, ext. 3566, or from the SA web site. Application deadline for Winter 2004 term: January 30, 2004."
And . . . indications are that there's a good-sized winter storm on the way. If something big does hit, UW will follow the usual procedure: the university is closed if, but only if, the Waterloo Region District School Board closes all its schools.