Yesterday |
Friday, January 16, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Of course it's been colder than this in Waterloo, lots colder. The authority on such matters is Weather and Climate in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, written by Marie Sanderson and published in 1996 by UW's department of geography as part of its monograph series.
Sanderson says the lowest temperature ever recorded in Kitchener-Waterloo was minus-33.9 Celsius, one February day in 1934. "The climatic record shows that the average number of cold days (below -20C) in one year is eight. . . . A temperature of -25C is classified as very cold, and such temperatures are not unusual in Kitchener-Waterloo." (It turns out that "not unusual" averages one day a year, mostly in January.)
The coldest winter on record here, Sanderson writes, was in 1976-77. But it might be a little comforting to know that K-W is "one of the warmer places in Canada", based on average year-round temperatures.
Sanderson was a geography professor at UW and then a professor emeritus. She's now based at the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Toronto, and still working on weather. In fact, a book on Climate and Weather in Southwestern Ontario is in preparation and will be published later this year by the UW geography department, as part of that same series. Meanwhile, the Kitchener-Waterloo book is still available from the geography department; it costs $16.
And another volume, Weather and Transportation in Canada, was published in the geography series just last year. It's edited by Jean Andrey of UW and Chris Knapper of Queen's University.
The money for the project has come from a commitment by UW students to pay a fee of $13.80 added to tuition charges, as part of the Campaign Waterloo fund-raising drive.
Students voted in a referendum in 2001 to support the Icefield initiative along with an expansion of the Student Life Centre over 25 years.
"This is another example of the contribution by our students," said Judy McCrae, director of athletics and recreational services. "For me, it's the issue of students knowing their physical well-being is very much part of their experience and success at UW."
The expansion includes much-needed recreational facilities, especially a 6,000-square-foot fitness room with top-of-the-line equipment costing about $200,000, including computerized bikes and rowing machines, dross-trainers and step machinery. There's also a third gymnasium. The Columbia Icefield facilities supplement those in the Physical Activities Complex, with both buildings open weekdays from 7 a.m. to midnight and on weekends from 9 a.m. to midnight -- "with full towel service", the athletics department boasts.
Today's ceremonies will include UW officials, federal and provincial politicians, and leaders of the Federation of Students.
Similar invitations have gone to leaders of student groups, as well as alumni representatives, members of UW's board of governors and others, the university secretariat says. And I've been asked to make the announcement publicly:
"As prescribed by Policy 50, a Presidential Nominating Committee has been established, with a mandate to solicit opinion with respect to President Johnston's reappointment. As part of this process which serves to benefit both the incumbent and the University, the Committee is seeking informed opinion of the President's performance from individuals inside and outside the University. Within UW, the Committee is extending an invitation directly to individuals and groups.
"The Committee is interested in knowing the campus community's views and would encourage submission of comments and opinions which should be submitted through the Secretary of the University, Lois Claxton, Needles Hall, Room 3060 on or before Friday, February 6, 2004. If you prefer to make your comments orally, please feel free to contact any member of the Committee."
David Johnston (left) became president of UW June 1, 1999, for a
term that runs through the end of June 2005.
According to UW's Policy 50, which deals with the president's duties and how a president is chosen, "The first charge to the nominating committee will be to solicit, with the prior knowledge of the incumbent and by whatever means it may decide, the opinion of the University community as a whole with respect to the reappointment of the incumbent. If the incumbent is found to be generally acceptable, the committee shall then determine the incumbent's willingness to accept reappointment. If the incumbent indicates willingness to accept, the committee shall recommend reappointment to the Senate and the Board of Governors without considering other candidates."
The letter to staff and faculty members, signed by UW chancellor Mike Lazaridis, notes that in assessing whether Johnston should be reappointed, "we are focussing on the challenges identified by the 1998 Presidential Nominating Committee." A list of those "challenges" is attached to the letter:
Sports this weekendThe men's basketball games against RMC and Queen's, noted in the main story, will each be preceded by a match for the respective women's teams, starting at 6 p.m. in the PAC.The women's hockey Warriors host Western tonight at 7:30 at the Icefield, then travel to Queen's for a Sunday game. The men's hockey team is at Western tonight, with a return match at 2 p.m. Sunday in the Icefield. The volleyball teams face Ryerson tomorrow afternoon in the PAC -- women at 1 p.m., men at 3 p.m. The Nordic skiers are in the OUA qualifying tournament at Deep River this morning (wind-chill forecast today, minus-41 Celsius). Track and field athletes are at a meet in Windsor today. The curling team is at Windsor tomorrow; the swimmers are at Niagara University, just across the New York border, tomorrow; and the squash team is at Ryerson tomorrow. |
The UW student station, CKMS-FM (100.3 FM, 95.5 on Cable) will carry the game, which can also be heard online.
The play-by-play announcer is Matt Armstrong, who spent five years as a football Warrior and was manager of the basketball team in 1993-94 and 1994-95. He now works as a lecturer and associate director of the UW software engineering program.
Armstrong says he raised the idea with CKMS station manager Heather Majaury. "She liked the demo tape that I did of UW against Laurentian on November 6," he says, and this weekend's two games could be followed by more if the broadcast is a success. "We found a sponsor," Armstrong adds, "Canadian Wireless and Data in the University Plaza. They are going to provide a cell phone, air time and two two-way radios for communication with the station studio."
Three student volunteers -- Chris Eagle, Danny Flood, and Adam Mak -- are helping with technical aspects of the broadcast.
"With the success of the team, there is a student market for this type of product," he says. "Basketball is a high-profile sport and thus people and students want to know about it. If the production is done well, then listeners will want to tune in on a regular basis."
CKMS carried games years ago, in the days when broadcasts could be heard only on the campus. Since a boost in power in 1992, the station can now be heard throughout Kitchener-Waterloo.
Computer science distinguished lecture by
Aho, Columbia University, 4:30, Davis Centre room 1350.
Deadline today for submitting external financial transactions such as invoices before the January 30 financial system shutdown. Mathematics Society election winds up, 8:30 to 5:30, Math and Computer third floor. Voting is for president and (note this clarification) vice-president, activities and services. Grad-Stock evening of music at the Graduate House, from 5 p.m., cover for non-members $5. Banff Festival of Mountain Films, Saturday 7 p.m., Humanities Theatre. Federation orientation committee meets for the first time this weekend, 40 student leaders making plans for September. Matthews Hall electricity shutdown Monday 6:30 to 7:30 a.m. -- computer users advised to shut down machines before leaving for the weekend. Blood donor clinic Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Student Life Centre. |
Founded in 1959 by Robert John Renison, former Archbishop of Moosonee, the college affiliated with UW in 1960. "Since that time," an anniversary announcement explains, "the College has maintained its distinctly Anglican character and has evolved into a vibrant and inclusive institution that offers a wide range of programming and specializations while continuing to advance the interests of scholarship and faith. Renison's East Asian Studies, English Language Studies, Arts, and Bachelor of Social Work programs offer progressive approaches to scholarship and connect Renison in increasingly meaningful ways to local and to global communities."
At the service, the title of Honorary Senior Fellow -- used to recognize service to the college, to the Anglican Church, or to Canada -- will be awarded to four people: Ian Campbell, former principal of the college; Marion Campbell; Desta Leavine; and Charles Ormston.
Keynote Address at the service will be given by Robert Bennett, suffragan (assistant) bishop of Huron, the Anglican diocese that includes Waterloo.