Yesterday |
Friday, April 16, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() Joy after the engineering convocation, June 2003. Photo from alumnus Stanley Fok. |
UW's 88th Convocation will be held in five sessions on the usual pattern: Thursday, June 16, for environmental studies, applied health sciences and independent studies; June 17 for arts; June 18 for science; Saturday, June 19, in the morning for mathematics; and Saturday afternoon for engineering.
Susan Brown of applied health sciences will be valedictorian on behalf of the Wednesday graduates. She is receiving a degree in kinesiology.
Julie Sperling has been named valedictorian for arts and will speak at the Thursday ceremony. She's receiving two degrees this spring: a BA in Spanish (translation option) and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies degree in environment and resource studies.
Bunmi Ogundimu will be valedictorian on behalf of science students. Receiving a degree in science and business (biochemistry), she'll speak at the Friday afternoon ceremony.
As planning for spring convocation moves ahead, there should be an announcement Monday, at the monthly meeting of the UW senate, about other honours to be presented at convocation, including honorary degree recipients and retired faculty members becoming "professor emeritus".
Guest speaker will be J. Newlson Kraybill of Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, with a message titled "Wherever the River Goes".
Grebel's Distinguished Alumni Service Award will be presented to Mark Yantzi, who was a Grebel "associate student" during his time at UW, which led to a A in sociology in 1969. His important memories, according to a news release from the college, included a course in "Christian Foundations" taught by Walter Klaassen of Grebel: "That course provided a vehicle for me to connect and revise my faith with a growing knowledge base that was changing in so many areas." He later earned a master's degree in human relations and counselling studies.
After graduation, Yantzi volunteered with Mennonite Central Committee in the Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program and became one of the founders of the "restorative justice" movement. He is now executive director of Community Justice Initiativse, based in Kitchener.
Sunday's ceremony will be followed by a reception at the college.
Says Salter: "Sheridan is now offering a number of applied degree programs in addition to joint-degree programs, and certificate and diploma programs. This newly created centre for curriculum and faculty development will provide the leadership for coordinating all new program development activities across the college to ensure adherence to provincial standards, oversee curriculum development and implementation of new programs, lead development in program delivery strategies and implementation of institutional e-learning initiative, supervise support to faculty in use of technology . . . so I will really be able to build upon the experiences that I have had here at Waterloo."
She also says: "I have thoroughly enjoyed my experiences of working with LT3 and with the faculty at Waterloo. However, the new challenges offer a very exciting opportunity for me in my professional growth, and also since I live in Oakville I will not have to contend with the commute. However, I'm hoping that I'll still have opportunities to visit and keep my UW connections alive.
"It has been a wonderful experience for me working at Waterloo both on campus and in the international workshops I've given. I've had such opportunities here, especially working with all the faculty I've met through the New Classroom Series. Over 200 faculty and staff have been through the series on campus and many of them I've also had a chance to work with following the series. I'm really going to miss everyone here -- but very excited at the prospect of the opportunities to be part of the growth of new initiatives at Sheridan."
The college's announcement of her appointment notes that Salter, whose PhD is in "applied cognitive science", has "over fourteen years' theoretical and practical experience in program development, program review and redesign, curriculum design, faculty development in learning and teaching and the design and delivery of alternative course delivery strategies."
Her teaching experience includes psychology courses at Sheridan from 1993 to 2002. She has also led faculty development workshops across Ontario and has worked with faculty at several Ontario colleges.
Used book sale sponsored by Canadian Federation of University
Women, today 10 to 9 and Saturday 9 to 1, First United Church,
King and William Streets.
Computational mathematics seminar, Martin Gander, McGill University, "Domain Decomposition Methods with Convergence Rates Faster than Multigrid", 3;30, Math and Computer room 5158. Federation Used Bookstore will be open Saturday noon to 6 p.m. for students to drop off textbooks no longer needed. 'Forward Into the Past', day of classes on everything mediaeval from armour to spinning, sponsored by Society for Creative Anachronism, Saturday, details online. Systems design engineering third annual alumni banquet, Saturday 6 p.m., South Campus Hall. Waterloo Community Arts Centre dinner-dance fundraiser and art exhibit, Saturday 6 p.m., information 886-4577. Earth Week April 19-22 with displays in the Davis Centre from UW Sustainability Project; Waterloo Park clean-up Thursday, April 22. Cancer and its effects, "lunch and learn" session at the office for persons with disabilities, Needles Hall, Monday 12 noon. Novelist Donna Morrissey, reading rescheduled for Tuesday 4 p.m., St. Jerome's University room 2009. |
This morning's professional development seminar for information technology staff deals with "VoIP", which means Voice over Internet Protocol -- talking through the computer network. "It was 2001 when we first deployed VoIP technology on this campus," says a note about this morning's talk (it started at 8:45 in the information systems and technology seminar room). "The School of Architecture will open in Cambridge next September and it will be an opportunity to enter the world of convergence where voice and data mix seamlessly on a common infrastructure. We'll explore alternatives and problems to arrive at our proposed solution to deliver reliable voice services in Cambridge without losing voicemail and directory features of the main campus." Bruce Uttley of IST is the main speaker.
A former UW faculty member is returning to Ontario as vice-president
(research) of the University of Windsor. Sociologist
Susan McDaniel (left), who left UW for the University of Alberta in
1989, will start at Windsor on July 1. McDaniel is a Fellow of the
Royal Society of Canada, winner of Alberta's University Cup for "research
and teaching excellence", and chair of the science and technology
advisory committee for Statistics Canada.
"We are running another session of our popular Project Management Applied Tools and Techniques course soon," writes Dean Perkins from UW's continuing education office, noting that the course might be of particular interest to people on campus. "In the past this course has been very well-received by internal and external participants; however, we do have space available for the session on April 26, 27 and 28. As always, full-time UW staff are eligible for a 50% reduction in the fee of $895 (plus GST). This course is designed to give new project managers and project team members the essential tools they need to deliver successful projects. The course covers the complete project life-cycle, from initial project proposal and definition, through project implementation and finally to the often neglected project completion phase." There's more information, of course, on the CE web site.
Finally . . . a note from the registrar's office includes several corrections to the "Important Dates" listing in the printed version of the undergraduate calendar for 2004-05. The dates listing appears on page 12, and has information that's wrong for some of the academic milestones in the winter 2005 term. For the record: the Drop, No Penalty Period ends January 24 (not 21); the Drop, Penalty 1 Period runs January 25 (not 22) through February 28 (not 25); and the Drop, Penalty 2 Period begins March 1 (not February 28).