Yesterday |
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Editor: Chris Redmond |
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"Our email servers were flooded with spam yesterday afternoon, which caused delays in email delivery. The backlog was resolved by 7 p.m. last night. A problem still exists for off-campus email addresses listed in UWdir.
"We would like to advise those users who have modified their UWdir email entry with an off-campus email account (e.g. that these emails may be blocked. The most notable problem exists with Hotmail. Efforts are underway to resolve this situation with Microsoft.
"In the meantime, to avoid this problem we encourage all UWdir email entries to display the assigned University of Waterloo email address and not an off-campus account. Please visit the UWdir and Authentication webpage and select Update Your UWdir Data link to make the necessary change. (You will be prompted for your UWdir/Quest userid and password.)"
Positions availableThe weekly job list from the human resources department includes these staff positions:
More information about the jobs can be found on the HR web site. |
Students who began their UW careers in September 2003, arriving from Ontario secondary schools, had an average mark of 85.3, says the report, issued jointly by Peter Burroughs, director of admissions, and Tina Roberts, director of marketing and undergraduate recruitment. In September 2002, the figure was 85.5.
"There was a slight increase in most Faculties," says the report. "The overall decrease was mainly due to the relatively large numbers of OSS applicants admitted to Science in the mid to high 70% range." Science had an unexpectedly large number of first-year students last fall, more than 200 over target.
Averages by faculty in September 2003: software engineering, 91.4; engineering, 91.2; math, 88.3; applied health sciences, 82.5; science and arts, both 82.2; environmental studies, 82.1.
Some other points from the report on September's admissions:
"The overall institutional year one target was set at 5,350 compared to 4,765 in 2002 -- an increase of 12.3%. By November, when the official enrolment report was submitted to the MTCU for funding purposes, there were 5,476 year one students registered. . . .
"In total, the increase in applications from all sources was 11,969 or 43% compared to 2002. In order to meet our increased admission and registration targets for 2003, it was necessary to make considerably larger number of offers of admission. . . . 21,676 offers of admission were made. . . .
"Research continues to show that a lack of a competitive scholarship program, concern about co-op jobs for some co-op-only programs, and fragmented communication efforts (when offers are sent out, what is sent to the students, how quickly we respond to inquiries) are key reasons why Waterloo is losing high-quality students. . . .
"The percentage of Ontario Scholars (minimum final admission average of 80) for UW was 77.8 compared to 73.6 in 2002. This increase was largely due to the significant increase in the Faculty of Arts where 66.3% of their year one students were Ontario Scholars compared to 48.5% in 2002. . . .
"The ratios of male to female applicants, acceptances and confirmations are 54/46, 47/53 and 53/47 respectively. These data are very similar to those of previous years."
Euclid math contest for students in grade 12, sponsored by
UW's Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing.
'Rate Your Plate' nutrition seminar, Linda Brogden and Megan Lindsay of health services, 12 noon, Davis Centre room 1302, sponsored by Employee Assistance Program. Senate scholarships and student aid committee, 3 p.m., Needles Hall room 3004. Alumni reception in Montréal, 6 to 8 p.m., Thompson House, McGill University. Used book sale sponsored by Canadian Federation of University Women, Friday 10 to 9 and Saturday 9 to 1, First United Church, King and William Streets. Get Up! Clean Up! Neighbourhood cleanup day sponsored by Federation of Students, Friday, details on Feds web site. |
The symposium attracted over 120 participants from 16 different municipalities across Ontario, from a range of organizations including municipal councillors, planning, building, fire prevention and bylaw enforcement staff, university administrators, student associations, neighbourhood associations, police, legal counsel, and others.
"We know that Waterloo is not alone in seeking solutions and better ways to manage growing university populations, while fostering positive community relations. Waterloo should be proud of the role it has taken in forming a network of individuals and associations that can take on these challenges," said Kathy Mortimer, policy planner and symposium organizer.
Symposium participants identified barriers to best practices in operations, development and social aspects of student accommodation, many of which were identified at a Town & Gown Symposium in Waterloo in 1989. Participants noted that more cooperation is needed to resolve outstanding issues, including regulation for inspection of rental accommodation, lack of funding for affordable student housing, and the need for community approaches to resolve problems associated with housing large student populations living in communities, Participants called for improved organizational structures that will permit this diverse network of actors to exchange information and best practices.
Over twenty best practices are included in this report that are useful to any municipality hosting a college or university.
The next Town & Gown Symposium will take place on May 19-20 in Hamilton, announced Hamilton councillor Brian McHattie. The Hamilton Symposium will develop an action plan to overcome the barriers identified in Waterloo, as well as continue best practice sharing. A national conference will be hosted by Brock University in June 2005, announced Bradley Clarke, off-campus housing officer at Brock.
"Clearly there is a great deal of interest in pursuing solutions to Town & Gown issues collectively, with partners across the province as well as across the country," said Kaye Crawford, Community Development for the City of Waterloo.