At Saturday's open house
at St. Paul's United College, the institution's principal, Graham
Brown (left), shared a laugh with the chair of the board of governors,
Ken Summers. The hard hat represents plans for new residence
construction at St. Paul's, as part of
40th anniversary goals.
UW faces 'commuter challenge'
"We've been issued a challenge!" says Patti Cook, UW's waste
management coordinator -- and she's not one to turn down a
challenge, on the curling ice in winter or on Waterloo's sidewalks
in early summer.
Cook explains what's happening:
"The Region of Waterloo and the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Air
Quality have invited us to join the 4th annual Commuter Challenge in
Waterloo Region, a friendly competition between communities that
encourages individuals to take active and sustainable alternatives to
driving alone to work.
"The Challenge takes place Sunday, June 1, to Saturday, June 7,
including especially, Wednesday, June 4, Canada's Clean Air Day.
"Let's accept the challenge and demonstrate UW's environmental
leadership and commitment to sustainable transportation!
Winning organizations will receive a Commuter Challenge award at the
awards ceremony at the end of June, and all participating
organizations will be publicly congratulated. As well, we have some
draw prizes."
There's more information on
web site, and posters and sign-up sheets will be around campus in
the next few days.
People who want to accept the challenge can
up on-line.
"If you walk, bike, bus or carpool," says Cook, "don't forget to register!"
Reminder: pay information is online
coming up this week for faculty and most staff
members, here's a timely note from Sandie Hurlburt,
assistant director (information support systems) in the human
resources department:
"Please keep in mind that, as announced in public meetings last December,
printed pay advices will be discontinued over the next few months. Your pay
information for the current period (and the past year) is available on line
a secure
myHRinfo website.
You will be able to print your own pay advice when needed and you can also
view your benefits and biographic information on line.
"If you have trouble signing in, please send an e-mail to
or call Human Resources and someone will assist you.
"If you do not have access to a computer, you will be able to make a written
request to have your printed pay advices continue. Further communications
over the next few months will provide you with more details.
"Monthly and biweekly staff will be able to view pay information on line by
May 28, 2003, for the net pay amounts being deposited into bank
accounts Friday, May 30."
Faculty members are retiring
![[Larry Martin]](/images/2003/0526larrymartin.gif)
Faculty members from all corners of campus -- some who have been
part of UW's life for almost four decades -- will be retiring this summer, the
human resources department notes.
Here are some names of those whose retirements will be official on
July 1, and who haven't yet been mentioned in the Daily Bulletin:
- Bruce Torrie, a professor in physics since 1965.
- Fadle Naqib, in the economics department since 1980.
- Larry Martin (pictured at
right), professor in the planning school since 1969 (and a former
associate dean).
- Donald MacKay, faculty member in fine arts since 1970.
- Lloyd Heywood, faculty member in recreation and leisure studies
since 1976.
- Swani Vethamany-Globus, in the department of biology since
1987 (and at one time head of the committee on equal rights for
women and men).
Several faculty retirements earlier this year haven't been mentioned
either. These are among retirements that took effect January 1:
- Michael Lazarowich, of the school of planning, a faculty member
since 1975.
- Paul Beam, professor of English since 1966.
- Daniel Sahas, religious studies professor since 1969.
And effective May 1, 2003:
- Palaniappan Kannappan, of the pure mathematics department,
who has been at UW since 1968.
- John Lenard, mechanical engineering professor since 1989.
- Anu Banerji, a faculty member in the architecture school since
Other notes on a misty morning
A correction, first: I wrote yesterday that Janis Zimmer, who's
receiving the Governor General's Gold Medal this spring, had earned
her master's degree in civil engineering. In fact her degree --
an MSc
at last fall's convocation -- is from the department of biology, although
her supervisor,
Slawson, is based in civil.
There are some UW connections to the
Kitchener Rangers,
who won the Memorial Cup, Canada's junior hockey championship, over the
weekend. In particular, there's six-foot-two-inch right-winger Kevin
Hurley, who's entering his second year as a kinesiology student, and
working for the summer with the plant operations grounds crew. He is the
son of Sheila Hurley of the UW safety office. (Ranger defenceman Andre
Benoit is a part-time student, taking a UW computer science
Some things happening today:
- The continuing education program, naturally enough, continues --
today there's a day-long seminar under the title "Getting More Life
out of Your Time".
- In the career development workshop series: "Selling Your
Skills" at 3:30, "Starting Your Own Business" at 4:30 (details from the
career services department in the Tatham Centre).
- The joint health and safety committee, meeting at 2 p.m. in
Needles Hall room 3001.
- A session for students with disabilities, dealing with "Career
Planning and Disclosure Issues", 4 to 6 p.m. (details, ext. 2229).
- Two dozen top high school students, from as far away as Vancouver
and Edmonton, arrive for "Stage 2" of the UW-sponsored
Canadian Computing
Competition; they'll be in the Ron Eydt Village conference centre
until Saturday.
"All students expecting to graduate at the Spring 2003 Convocation,"
the registrar's office is still saying, "must
submit an Intention to Graduate form. Forms are available
undergraduate students and
graduate students.
Hard copy forms are available from the Registrar's Office, the Graduate
Studies Office, or department offices. If you submitted a form earlier in
the year for Spring 2003, you need not submit a new form. Address to which
Convocation information will be mailed is the mailing address recorded in
QUEST. Please note that this is the
address to which diplomas will be
mailed for students that do not attend the ceremony.
Spring 2003
Convocation dates are June 11, 2:00 p.m., Applied Health Sciences,
Environmental Studies, and Independent Studies; June 12, 2:00 p.m., Arts;
June 13, 2:00 p.m., Science; June 14, 10:00 a.m., Mathematics, June 14, 2:00
p.m., Engineering."
Road work is continuing on Columbia Street between Phillip
Street and the campus entrance, with traffic narrowing to one lane
to get around the heavy machinery. . . . Watch for 25th anniversary
celebrations June 20-22 for the student newspaper Imprint. . . .
And . . . there is still room to register for the
Annual Matthews Golf Classic being held on Monday, June 16, at
Grand Valley Golf and Country Club. "This fun event," says Jan
Willwerth, one of the organizers, "is for University of Waterloo staff,
faculty and retirees and a great way to meet new people associated with
the campus. Everyone
is welcome and because it is a scramble format, any level of golf
expertise is great. The final registration date is Friday, May 30."
Questions can be directed to Willwerth at ext. 2376 or
to Jason Greatrex at ext. 6494.
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004 |
Yesterday's Bulletin
Copyright © 2003 University of Waterloo