Yesterday |
Thursday, May 22, 2003
Editor: Chris Redmond |
![]() Retiring: A reception will be held today to honour Bill Lennox, who is retiring after a lifetime at Waterloo. A student in the very first engineering class, Lennox went on to be a professor of civil engineering, served as dean of engineering 1982-1990, and has been director of first-year studies and an active promoter of women in engineering. Today's reception will be held in the Festival Room of South Campus Hall from 3 to 6 p.m. "The speeches start at 4:00," says Marguarite Knechtel in the civil engineering office (phone ext. 3985 for last-minute information). |
A small number of faculty members will qualify for one of the two new ranks, which will "recognize long and distinguished service", said the dean of mathematics, Alan George, at Monday's senate meeting.
Having such titles will put Waterloo "on the same playing field as other universities" that award similar recognition, said provost Amit Chakma, who told the senate that the plan was developed in deans' council, the committee of UW's top administrators, and has been aired in the faculty relations committee.
UW "has so many talented colleagues", said the provost, "and we want to bring in others." He hinted that the Research Chair title, in particular, is a way to encourage top faculty members to stay at Waterloo rather than moving to other universities under the Canada Research Chair program, which has led to inter-campus raids across the country.
University Research Chair status will carry an annual $10,000 stipend or a reduction in teaching load. There's no "tangible reward" attached to the other title, University Professor, and one senate member, Robert Le Roy of chemistry, proposed a teaching reduction for those VIPs as well, but his amendment was turned down by senate.
Some details:
"Not counting retirees, it is anticipated there will be 14 University Professorships at steady state, with at most two appointments each year. Such appointments are reported to Senate and to the Board of Governors in March and April respectively, and are recognized at Convocation.
"Annually, nominations will be sought from Deans, Directors and Chairs, as well as from the University community generally. A nominee shall have demonstrated exceptional scholarly achievement and international pre-eminence in a particular field or fields of knowledge. . . . The University Tenure and Promotion Committee will act as the selection committee; its decisions are final.
"A nomination must be supported by at least six signatures from at least two UW departments.
"The designation 'University Research Chair' . . . may be held for up to seven years, not renewable. . . . The University Research Chair title and benefits will be relinquished if a Canada Research Chair or other major research chair is awarded.
"It is anticipated that there will be a limited number of University Research Chairs; at steady state, the intention is to make at most five appointments each year. . . .
"A Faculty Dean may forward one [Applied Health Sciences, Environmental Studies] or two [Arts, Engineering, Mathematics, Science] nominations of CRC-eligible faculty members per calendar year to the Vice-President, Academic & Provost, who will make the final decision. . . . The Vice-President, Academic & Provost will consult with the President of the Faculty Association before announcing such appointments."
She'll be introduced at the association's annual meeting on June 2, when Chris Henderson of purchasing will be taking office as president for 2003-04. She succeeds Steve Breen of information systems and technology, who will become past president.
McVicar was unopposed for the presidential spot, which is the usual procedure in staff association elections. In fact none of the executive positions were contested this year, and one post as a director had to be filled by the executive for lack of nominations before the election deadline.
Leadership for the coming year will include Henderson as president, Breen as past president and McVicar as president-elect; Anne Jenson (electrical and computer engineering) as vice-president; Sue Fraser (kinesiology) as secretary; Dawn McCutcheon (applied health sciences) as treasurer; and four directors -- Stephen Markan (information systems and technology), Andy Newman (plant operations), Wendy Irving (chemical engineering), and and Dave Kibble (IST). Irving is on maternity leave until November, with Shannon Wagner (student awards) serving as an interim director while she's away.
The association's annual meeting will start at 11:45 (refreshments 11:30) on Monday, June 2, in Davis Centre room 1302.
There was indeed a weekly Positions Available list from human resources yesterday. It's available on the web until next Wednesday, and includes seven jobs, at classifications from USG 4 to USG 11.
The Waterloo County and Area Quilt Festival begins today, running through June 1, with events through and around Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph and Stratford. A central event during the festival is the 8th annual Ontario Juried Quilt Show, which this year is being held at the UW art gallery in South Campus Hall. The opening is tonight, 7 to 10 p.m., with "remarks" at 8:00. Admission to the event tonight is "by donation to the Amy Hallman Snyder Purchase Award Fund"; for the rest of the show, admission is $6.
Today brings a lunch meeting for the southern Ontario chapter of Xplor Canada, an association of people in the "document systems" business. UW hosts the meeting this month, with a presentation from Julie Bauer and Ian Read of UW Graphics under the title "Desperately Seeking Documents".
Here's a question for students with ambition: "Are You Prepared to Work Outside Canada?" An hour-long seminar at 3:30 today, part of the career development series, will discuss some of the issues. There's more information, and an opportunity to register, on the career services web site.
Finally, here's word that counselling services and the office for persons with disabilities will be co-sponsoring two workshops for students with disabilities: