Yesterday |
Friday July 25, 2003
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Awards for Midnight SunUW's Midnight Sun VII solar race car team received several awards following its third-place finish in the American Solar Challenge. Team member Greg Thompson received the award for the "spirit of the American Solar Challenge," and the UW team won the prestigious award for technical innovation. |
![]() Photo courtesy of SEDS
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, a recognized Federation of Students' club that now boasts more than 100 active members, has been able to check off a number of items from its original to-do list. These include having astronauts and members of the aerospace industry come to speak at UW, organizing a space-related conference, skydiving, taking tours of aerospace industry and "replacing the [UW] Swing Club in terms of coolness." They point to their recent mention in Maclean's magazine's "What's Hot" list as part of the criteria that shuttled them past the UW Swing and Social Dance Club in terms of popularity.
When asked about the decision to create SEDS, co-founder Martha Lenio recounted the club's main focus: "There's a large number of students at the university that are interested in space and aerospace engineering. There's no program for [either] at UW, so we wanted to give students an outlet for their interests in space-related topics."
"You'd be surprised at the number of people who aspire to become astronauts," she explained. "It's nice having the resources that help us to work towards that goal. It's also nice to be able to talk to people who are active in the space industry. It's been great."
SEDS has brought speakers to campus, including Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, and representatives from both the Mars Society of Canada and the Canadian Space Agency. Club members have also toured MD Robotics (formerly SPAR Aerospace, the company who built the Canadarm and Canadarm II), the York Human Performance Lab, and the University of Toronto Institute for Aeronautics and Space (UTIAS).
Among its future projects, SEDS hopes to host the Canadian Student Summit on Aerospace (CSSA) during the winter 2004 term. The CSSA conference would be only the second event of its kind in Canada, and may see former astronaut Roberta Bondar come to speak at UW. SEDS members are actively seeking volunteers and funding for the project.
For those interested, the cost of a SEDS membership is only $5 per space industry hopeful. For further information, contact SEDS at or call them at ext. 6836.
The institute is governed by a council of 20 members, 16 of whom are elected chartered accountants, and four of whom are public representatives appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. Barnett is director of the masters and professional programs, the Master of Taxation program and the Centre for Tax Education and Research in the school of accountancy.
Formerly a partner with Deloitte and Touche in London, he is the author of several publications on income tax, business transition planning and family businesses. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario is the governing body of the province's 33,000 chartered accountants and CA students.
Thousands of new students and their families will flock to campus tomorrow for Student Life 101. Now in its seventh year, the orientation event for new students will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow, and includes campus tours until 2:30 p.m. And a correction from yesterday's Bulletin: the "Student Life at UW" session will be held at noon for students in the faculties of students in Applied Health Sciences, Arts, Science and Software Engineering, and at 1 p.m. for students in Engineering, Mathematics and Environmental Studies.
A note from Bruce Uttley in IST regarding the interruption of voicemail service on Wednesday: "All read and unread messages in the campus voicemail system were lost on Wednesday evening. The database for the Meridian Mail system had been corrupted and the most recent uncorrupted backup that could be restored was from May 25. Voicemail boxes that were added and deleted since that date will be recovered from printed records. Campus voicemail was out of service from 5 p.m. Wednesday until 2:30 a.m. Thursday as unsuccessful attempts were made to restore more data. The voice menu systems that answer some departmental extensions were not recovered but will be restored as they were from printouts. Telephone Services in IST would like to apologize for the inconvenience."
A head's up from Keith Peck in the library for any users of PEBUQUILL -- the Québec counterpart of the Inter-University Transit System: "It is unofficial at present, but IUTS has informed us that PEBUQUILL has gone bankrupt and will cease to offer services until arrangements can be made for them to be replaced, or for another service to take over. All material for Québec destinations on the PEBUQUILL listing should be sent via Canada Post until further notice. All materials that are in the system, but not yet delivered, will be returned to the institution that sent them."