Yesterday |
Thursday, March 21, 2002
Editor: Chris Redmond |
Free events on Friday will celebrate the milestone. From noon until 6 p.m.,
a selection of CKMS programmers will be doing what they do best
-- playing music -- in the Student Life Centre great hall and the
Bombshelter pub. The station boasts an eclectic selection of music
programmers: everything from reggae to classical, hip hop, heavy metal,
indie pop, world music and multi-cultural programming.
The celebration will end with an evening performance by a selection of artists from the Toronto recording label Public Transit Recordings in the Bombshelter. Public Transit Recordings features such artists as LaL, Genetic and Monchrome. Performing on Friday night will be DJ Dialect and DJ Audix as Moonstarr, who recently released his debut CD "Dupont" to critical acclaim.
CKMS-FM has come a long way since it started as a closed-circuit station that was only broadcast on campus to today where it can be heard 24 hours a day, at 100.3 FM. This frequency provides a strong signal throughout Kitchener-Waterloo, and can be picked up as far away as Guelph and Drumbo. CKMS can also be heard at 95.5 on Rogers Grand River Cable (in Cambridge, Brantford, Shakespeare and Stratford), and now anywhere in the world through the webcast, which has been operating experimentally since last fall.
Most of CKMS's programming is produced by volunteers who are students, but a significant portion is produced by non-students from the Kitchener-Waterloo community. "The aim of the programming," a news release explains, "has always been to provide information, art and entertainment not generally available though the commercially driven media."
CKMS says credit for making the webcast possible goes to the anonymous donor of a computer; to the Federation of Students, "who let us use their offices to temporarily house the webcasting computer during testing", and Imprint, the student newspaper, which is now hosting the computer.
Among today's eventsIt's Customer Appreciation Day for the retail services stores, with special sales everywhere (and a "location sale" on computer science, physics and statistics books, in the Davis Centre lounge.Presentations of year-long design projects by systems design engineering students continue from 10:00 to 4:00 today and tomorrow in Davis Centre room 1302. (And my apologies for saying that there were also presentations yesterday; there weren't.) A music student recital is scheduled for 12:30 in the Conrad Grebel College chapel. Performing are Fiona So (piano), Dora-Marie Goulet (piano), and Carrie Schiel (mezzo), accompanied by Dominique Joseph. Admission is free. The joint health and safety committee will meet at 1:30 in Needles Hall room 3043. The awards presentation and end-of-term reception for religious studies students will be held today at 4:30 in the Renison College chapel lounge. Thomas Seebohm is the speaker this week in the school of architecture lecture series: "Digital Transformations", 7 p.m., Environmental Studies room 280. The second of two discussions about Ontario electricity deregulation starts at 7 p.m. at 70 King Street East, Kitchener, sponsored by the Civics Research Group. The drama department's production "The Crucible Project" continues tonight at 8:00 in the Theatre of the Arts. Jack Cooper, whose day job is in the IST department, reports that "there will be an open stage hosted by me" tonight at the Graduate Club. "Feel free to come out and bring an instrument, sing a song, tell a story or do whatever creative act falls within the law and/or bounds of common decency. There will be a keyboard set up, and there may be some floating jammers to add drums or other instruments if the performer so desires. The open stage starts at 9 p.m." |
The conference, which examines the social and health implications of time use, will be held at the Best Western St. Jacobs Country Inn, with sessions scheduled from Thursday through Saturday. Invited speakers will include a number of leading, internationally recognized, researchers.
"This conference will focus on the effects of current social-economic trends on time use, parent-child relationships, population well-being and health," said Jiri Zuzanek, of the department of recreation and leisure studies. "It will bring together researchers working in academic institutions, government organizations, and officials involved with population health, family policies and youth-related concerns."
On Thursday morning, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi will give the opening keynote speech, entitled "Time's Winged Chariot: Reflections on the Psychology of Time." One of the world's leading authorities on the psychology of creativity, he will discuss the psychological dimensions of time use at the dawn of the new millennium. His talk will take place at the Waterloo North Mennonite Church (next door to Best Western), beginning at 9 a.m. Csikszentmihalyi is the C. S. and D. J. Davidson Professor of Psychology at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University and director of the school's Quality of Life Research Center. He is also emeritus professor of human development at the University of Chicago.
Zuzanek said the conference will include invited presentations on trends in work-family and parent-child relationships based on national time diary, population health, experience sampling, and other survey data collected over the past 15 to 20 years in Canada, Australia, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Britain, United States and other countries. The conference's 14 sessions will address issues such as: Time use and the gender gap; Trends in adolescent time use; Work-family interface; Methodological issues in time use research; Time pressure, stress and health; Determinants and implications of time pressure; Leisure, emotional well-being and health; Life cycle, life planning and occupational issues related to time use and time pressure.
The conference is organized by the UW Research Group for the Study of Time Use, Life Stress and Work-Family Interface, in cooperation with the International Association for Time Use Research, Policy Research Initiative (Ottawa), Health Canada, and Statistics Canada.
The combined impact of the double cohort, the baby boom echo and a higher percentage of high schoolers opting for university education is forcing government and post-secondary institutions to review their earlier estimates on how many additional students the province's university system would need to accommodate.
A government/university working group on capacity had estimated an additional 58,000 students but the actual crunch could be 13,000 higher. The squeeze is already having an impact on the Ontario university system and an even greater impact on U of T. For the upcoming fall, an additional 2,128 high school students more than last year applied to U of T as their first choice, an increase of almost 21 per cent. The systemwide increase is just over 15 per cent and that's one year before the double cohort of grades 12 and 13 graduating at the same time is officially under way.
"The increase is thought to be the result of a significant change in participation rates," said Professor Sheldon Levy, Toronto's vice president (government and institutional relations). "We are now in a new round of planning with the government for the double cohort, the echo boom and participation rate all folded in together."
For its part, the province concedes that the multi-year funding commitment it made for enrolment growth in the 2001 budget was based on the 58,000 figure and that it needs to take current estimates into account. The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities has provided targets for each university in accommodating new demand based on the 2001-02 enrolment figures. For U of T that translates into an additional 2,000 students over the initial plan.
"We're reviewing that target to determine whether we are able to meet it and if so, what are the resources we'll need," said Levy. "We have until the end of March to look at this and it will require extensive planning. We understand there is a problem and we are committed to accessibility but we can't do this on the cheap. We can't do it without additional capital support."
For months U of T and other Ontario universities have been making the case for increased capital funding and inflationary adjustments to operating grants. While the province is telling them they should plan on full average grant-per-student funding for new enrolments, it has remained silent on capital and inflation -- though acknowledging "there are other needs."
Levy remains optimistic that those other needs will be met -- particularly capital. "The larger number of students strengthens our case for increased capital," he said. "We can't stop making the case because thousands of students are at risk if we do."
Before the talk, Lapham will be meeting with a rhetoric and professional writing class in UW's English department, then having supper with invited guests at the University Club.
The lecture starts at 7:30 in the Humanities Theatre. "Although there are very few complimentary tickets to the lecture left," writes Graham Brown, principal of St. Paul's, "it has been our experience in the past that once those with tickets have been seated, there is still room in the theatre to admit those without tickets."
"Lewis Lapham will bring his usual mixture of non-conformist insight, opinion and wisdom to the 2002 Kerr Saltsman Lecture," says Brown. "His monthly essay entitled Notebook in Harper's garners the attention of politicians, business leaders, media moguls and thoughtful citizens. He certainly will provide a stimulating and provocative evening for those attending."
Tomorrow, he'll do much of it again, giving a similar talk at a luncheon for St. Paul's alumni at the King Edward Hotel in Toronto. Pamela Wallin, TV journalist and member of UW's board of governors, will lead a discussion afterwards.
Says a UW news release about the visit: "Author, columnist, editor, essayist, lecturer and commentator, Lapham brings a wealth of perspective and challenging ideas to all of his endeavours. He has been compared to H. L. Mencken, Montaigne and notably Mark Twain, and his formal credentials are equally impressive as he was educated at Hotchkiss School, Yale University and Cambridge.
"Lapham is the author of several books of essays, including The Wish for Kings, Money and Class in America, Fortune's Child, Imperial Masquerade, Hotel America and Waiting for Barbarians. He has been a reporter with the San Francisco Examiner and the New York Herald Tribune, and is a syndicated columnist for many U.S., British and Canadian newspapers and magazines. Lapham has been the editor at Harper's Magazine since 1983, a publication that has been contributing to the political, social economic and cultural landscape since 1850."
As Lapham himself puts it, Harper's Magazine tells "the story of restless people fond of journeys and experiment . . . (it is) an historical narrative." Under his leadership, the news release goes on, the magazine has grown its reputation for head-turning and respected commentary and journalism. A panel of judges who awarded Lapham the 1995 National Magazine Award for his essays in Harper's called his work "an exhilarating point of view in an age of conformity."
Launched in 1996, the Stanley Knowles Visiting Professorship in Canadian Studies is named after the late Stanley Knowles for his 41 years of service as a federal parliamentarian. Advancing the standard of living and security of Canadian workers and pensioners were his major parliamentary accomplishments. Knowles was also a United Church minister for more than 30 years. The professorship includes an annual lecture named after sponsor Robert Kerr, co-founder of Imax Corp., and the late MP Max Saltsman, who represented Waterloo South in the House of Commons for 15 years.
Says UW's news release: "Many of the courses taught at St. Paul's are through the lens of social conscience, including the interdisciplinary Canadian Studies Program, which emphasizes concern for social issues -- many of the issues that have been on the back burner during the past decade in Canada."
"Cultural Caravan" comes to the Student Life Centre today from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. -- a good opportunity for supper, in other words, as groups of students from around the world will show off homeland cuisine as well as entertainment, costumes and other aspects of culture. The show, and it should be quite a show, is free; there's a small charge for most of the good, says Federation of Students clubs director Ryan Eagles.
An exhibition about the life of Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin continues in the Modern Languages gallery, and today Valery Nazarenko of the Russian embassy will visit the show and give a talk on "Russian-Canadian Relations Today". His talk, at 4:30 in Arts Lecture Hall room 208, will be followed by a reception in the Modern Languages building foyer.
A team of seven engineering students -- accompanied by Roydon Fraser of the mechanical engineering department -- are somewhere on the highway today, en route from Waterloo to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. They'll be taking part in this year's Clean Snowmobile Competition, March 23 through 29. "They hope to get there by Friday," writes Anita Fonn from the mech eng department. Watch for news on this competition, in which last year's Waterloo team placed first.
The University Cup national hockey championships get under way today at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. UW is again one of the co-hosts for the tournament, and it's the turn of Judy McCrae, UW director of athletics, to be chair of the organizing committee. One of the host universities gets its team into the six-team competition: this year, the University of Guelph Gryphons made it, and will face the University of Alberta Golden Bears in the tournament's first game this afternoon.
The election for a full-time arts undergraduate representative on the UW senate closed on Tuesday, the university secretariat reports. Jesse Helmer (English language and literature) was elected, with 60 votes; Andrew Dilts (arts non-major) received 52 votes.
"We have a special three-part colloquium coming up," writes Peter Goldsworthy of the Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology. "The first is really soon, on March 27, featuring Dr. Terry Anderson of the University of Athabasca, Canada Research Chair in distance education. He will be speaking on the topic of 'Educational Objects, Human and Agent Interaction on the Semantic Web'. Subsequent speakers are Jonathan Darby of Oxford ("Beyond the Horseless Carriage: 2nd and 3rd Generational Models for e-Learning"), on April 5, and Tony Bates of the University of British Columbia ("The Impact of Technology on the University of the Future"), on April 16. There's more information about these events on the LT3 web site, and I'll be saying more about them as the time gets closer.
And the busyness just keeps buzzing: Tomorrow at noon Renison College breaks ground for its new residence wing . . . tomorrow night the UW stage band gives its end-of-term jazz concert at Conrad Grebel University College . . .
TODAY IN UW HISTORYMarch 21, 1988: The university senate rejects the provost's 1988-89 budget by a 25-22 vote after objections to the proposed increase in the student co-op fee. |