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Monday, June 11, 2001
![]() U who? Barbara Elve of information and public affairs spotted this licence plate in parking lot L one day last week. |
It comes in a memo from Bud Walker, UW's director of business operations, in a memo introducing a new version of UW Policy 21. The policy, dealing with liquor licences and other alcohol issues, was given approval by executive council last week.
Says Walker: "Recently, in a multi-million dollar decision, the courts found an employer liable with regard to the actions of an employee who had been served alcohol at a company function." A goal of Policy 21 is to keep such a thing from ever happening at UW.
"I would encourage you to read the policy," says Walker's memo to department heads and student leaders. He stresses several points:
"With the exception of specific venues listed in the Policy (Fed Hall, the Bombshelter and the Grad House), only UW Catering is allowed to serve alcohol on campus. An event such as a wine and cheese reception not served by UW Catering is contrary to policy. If a civil action arose from such an event, the organizer and/or department Head could be found personally liable.
"Only two types of off-campus University events are permitted to have alcohol served: events in off-campus licensed premises, and events that are run by a licensed caterer such as UW Catering. Whenever possible, UW Catering should be retained.
"An event in your home, such as a reception for a UW department, is a private event. An event where you obtain a Special Occasion Permit to serve alcohol at a location outside your home is also a private event. As a private host, you assume personal responsibility for such events. Special Occasion Permits may not be issued in UW's name or in the name of a group or society that is part of the UW structure. Local liquor stores have been advised not to issue permits in the name of UW. Managing the service of alcohol at a private event that involves fellow employees, subordinates or students can sometimes present difficulties. UW Catering staff are trained in these matters and you may want to retain them for such occasions."
The new version of Policy 21 replaces one that has been in effect unchanged since 1996. The new text should be available on the web shortly.
The policy says firmly that alcohol can be served on campus only by UW Catering -- a branch of the food services department. The only exceptions are the Federation of Students pubs, the Graduate House, and the University Club, which all have their own management, and residence rooms "when the occupant and guest(s) are 19 years of age or older".
The policy insists that "the consumption of alcoholic beverages will not be the primary focus" of any UW-sponsored event, and that "alternatives to alcohol will be offered." It also sets up a Committee on Alcohol Use and Education, chaired by the director of university business operations and including people from the Federation of Students, food services, the UW police, the residences and other areas.
Continuing on the theme of awards: I noted last week that there were three UW-related nominees for National Magazine Awards this year. One of them, Margaret Sweatman's story "A Sketch of the Seventeenth Century", published in The New Quarterly, received a silver medal. Two other TNQ received honourable mentions. And Erin Bow, who works in UW's computer systems group, received an honourable mention for a group of poems published in The Malahat Review.
Robert André of UW's department of pure mathematics has established a web site promoting the idea of a French-language public school in Kitchener-Waterloo, something that now doesn't exist. He writes: "There is one elementary Catholic school for French speaking children in Kitchener-Waterloo. The Catholic school board will be opening another one in September. The one they already have has about 350 students and is overflowing. However, there is no elementary school for francophones who would prefer to send their children in a public school. Hence francophones who disagree with the idea of sending their children in religious oriented schools must either send their children to the Catholic school in spite of their reservations or send them to an immersion school. For myself (as well as others I am sure), these two choices are not satisfactory. Efforts that were made by the French public school division to share a building with the Catholic school board to reduce expenses were in vain. Establishing a French public elementary school thus seems to depend on a grassroots initiative. I am faced with the task of locating amongst roughly 2,000 francophone parents in the area about 30 parents who would be ready to sign a petition asking that the public school board open a school in the K-W area. I know these parents are there." He'd like to hear from them, at ext. 6812.
The applied health sciences faculty presents a talk tomorrow by Richard Alvarez, president of the Canadian Institute for Health Information. He'll speak on "The Future of Health Information in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities", at 11:00 tomorrow morning in the Clarica Auditorium, Lyle Hallman Institute.
Also tomorrow, the Institute for Computer Research presents a seminar on "Image-Based Reconstruction of Spatially Varying Materials", by Jan Kautz of the Max-Planck Institute for Computer Science and the University of Saarbrücken. He'll speak at 1:30 Tuesday in Davis Centre room 1304.
Later this week -- need I remind you -- come the five sessions of UW's spring convocation: applied health sciences, environmental studies and independent studies on Wednesday; arts on Thursday; science on Friday; math on Saturday morning; and engineering on Saturday afternoon. A number of seminars and other special events are scheduled involving the distinguished guests at convocation, and I'll be announcing those in the Bulletin over the next couple of days. Another special event will be Renison College's convocation ceremony, to be held Thursday morning in the Theatre of the Arts. I'm told that all the UW ceremonies will be webcast -- watch the UWinfo home page for a link to that site.
Eighth in an irregular series of how-to articles from the Electronic Workplace Group in the IST department |
Copying a URL: You can very quickly enter a URL into another document: click and drag the little chain link icon to the left of the Location box (in Netscape) or the fancy "e" to the left of the URL (in IE), and release the mouse button when you want to insert the URL, for example, in your email file or in a word processor file.
Getting the URL for a frame page: Have you ever been looking at a web page which appears to have several different windows on the same page? This is usually the result of something called "frames." Each "frame" is displayed in its own window and actually has a separate URL. The URL at the top of the page says one thing, but you want to know the URL of the page at the side. All you need do, if you're using Netscape, is place the mouse in the window (frame) of interest and click the right mouse button. Select Open Frame In New Window.
Setting a home page: By default, most web browsers set a home page to the company when they start up (i.e., Netscape goes to its web page and IE goes to Microsoft's web page). On campus the homepage is often set to the UW homepage. However, if you find you spend most of your day on your own favourite home page, or in your bookmark/favourite file, then maybe you should consider making a change.
Stopping the browser from continuing a search: Sometimes we click on a link and then change our mind. Clicking on the Stop button will stop the process. You can also stop the browser from completing the search for the link by simply pressing the Esc key on your keyboard.
Page-down shortcut key: Pressing the space bar on your keyboard acts as a Page-Down key, i.e., it will move you down the web page a screen at a time.
Converting bookmarks from one browser to another:
Just this page, please: How many times have you visited a web site and printed several pages when all you really wanted was the page you were looking at? To find out what page you want to print, click the File menu then select Print Preview and determine which page(s) you want to print. You can print a single page by going to the File menu and selecting Print or by pressing Ctrl-p. In the Print window, you will see an option to change the Print Range. You can choose to print all of the pages or a selection of pages. To print just page 10 you would select the Pages option and type 10 to 10 as the range in the corresponding boxes and click OK. There is a drawback to this system in that some printers output pages differently, depending on your screen resolution and your printer resolution. What you see on your screen might not look the same when printed.
Other tips: If you have a very specific problem using Netscape you can use their Knowledge Base to try to solve the problem. For additional assistance you could try the "The Netscape Unofficial FAQ" site. You can view Internet Explorer tips from the View menu, then Explorer Bar, and then Tip of the Day.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Friday's Bulletin
Copyright © 2001 University of Waterloo