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Tuesday, January 2, 2001
Here's a scorecard on the upheaval in Waterloo's senior management, as the result of retirement, death, reorganization, and the end of a term appointment.
Alan George (left), dean of mathematics, becomes acting vice-president (academic) and provost, following the retirement of Jim Kalbfleisch, provost since 1993. George will serve until a new VP (academic) and provost -- the university's chief operating officer -- is chosen by the search committee that's now at work.
It's the second stint in Needles Hall for George, who was at work bright and early this morning, though the books in his office are still in cartons. He previously was provost from 1988 to 1993. While he's serving as acting VP, Mary Thompson of the department of statistics and actuarial science will be acting dean of math.
Paul Guild (left) becomes vice-president (university research)
for a five-year term. Guild,
a professor
of management sciences, takes over from Carolyn Hansson of
mechanical engineering, who ended her vice-presidential term December 31.
Dennis Huber (right), previously associate provost (general services and finance), becomes vice-president (administration and finance), a new post that includes his old responsibilities and some new ones -- among them plant operations, the finance office, and business operations.
James Downey, former president of UW, continues as vice-president (university relations), while a search committee looks for a permanent successor to Ian Lithgow, vice-president from August 1997 until his death last October.
David Johnston is still president of the university.
Starting next fall, first-year students will be guaranteed a place in
residence -- thanks in part to the completion of the new Mackenzie King
Village complex (right), with 320 beds and eight don suites.
The new residence plan will also see 560 spaces reserved for upper-year undergraduate students. For the balance of the 5,000 units, priority will be given to full-time graduate students, exchange students and transfer students who are beginning their studies at UW.
"We're trying to give a landing place to students coming into the area," says Bud Walker, director of business services. For those new students -- especially for graduate students with children -- finding off-campus housing in a new community can be difficult, he adds.
While UW Place, the housing complex on University Avenue to the east of the campus, was originally designed for students with families, the human rights code now prevents the university from giving preferential treatment based on marital status or place of origin. Walker sees the new housing priority guidelines as accomplishing similar goals in a non-discriminatory way.
Under the new plan, first-year students will be given priority for beds in the Villages and the Columbia Lake Townhouses. First-time grad students will have first crack at spaces in UW Place, and Minota Hagey Residence will continue to be reserved exclusively for grad students. An additional 100 units will be kept for exchange students, and 40 spaces for transfer students. International students will also be considered "first-time" to UW.
Renovations to UW Place will help ensure those rooms are available. Work in the North Court, now renamed Wellesley Court, is starting this month. In the former East Tower, now Beck Hall, 120 one-bedroom apartments have already been converted to single rooms, and similar work on the former West Tower, now Eby Tower, is scheduled for 2002. The other three low-rise courts will continue to be apartment housing.
Parental leaveDavid Dietrich of the human resources department sends this advisory about maternity leave provisions at UW: "Policy 14 is under review due to legislative changes effective January 1, 2001, in federal Employment Insurance and in provincial Employment Standards. Any required changes in Policy 14 and union contract language will be made when the actual wording of the new legislation is available."In the meantime, eligible employees who are parents of children born or adopted on or after December 31, 2000 will be entitled to up to 37 weeks of job protected parental leave for new parents (natural or adoptive), and up to 52 weeks (17 of maternity, 35 of parental) of job protected pregnancy and parental leave for a birth mother. Pregnancy and parental leaves are unpaid UW leaves except to the extent indicated in the current Policy 14." Anyone with questions can direct them to Glenda Rutledge in the HR department, phone ext. 6120. Tax changesFederal income tax rates dropped substantially as of January 1, and Ontario taxes go down in tandem with them -- an adjustment that will help increase take-home pay from its level at the end of 2000.Also as of January 1, Employment Insurance premiums went down, while Canada Pension Plan premiums went up. The net effect on take-home pay for individuals can vary widely. |
Extended health benefit maxima and the out-of-pocket cap are subject to an annual cost-of-living adjustment. For the calendar year 2001, extended health benefits will be paid at 80 per cent up to an out-of-pocket cap of $109 single or $218 family. Thereafter, they will be reimbursed at 100 per cent. The cap applies to prescription drugs and paramedicals combined.
"Another way to phrase this is that the plan pays 80 per cent of the first $545 of eligible expenses for single coverage or 80 per cent of the first $1,090 of eligible expenses for family coverage (leaving the employee to pay $109 single or $218 family).
"Please remember to submit your completed extended health plan claim form and supporting original receipts on an on-going basis to Great-West Life Health Claims, 255 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario, N6A 4K1. The helpline number is 1-800-263-5742.
"All claims with a service date in one year must be submitted to the carrier by the end of the subsequent year. For example, all 2000 bills must be in by the end of 2001.
"On any occasion when a significant expense is expected, you should submit a cost estimate/treatment plan to Great-West Life to confirm coverage. This could apply to an expensive prescription drug, prescribed piece of medical equipment, or supplies like custom-made orthopaedic footwear."
Maxima for eligible expenses for 2001 per person are as follows:
Eligible dental benefits for services in 2001 will be reimbursed based on the 1999 Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide as follows:
"Please remember to submit your dental claims directly to Manulife Financial, P.O. Box 1654, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 3W2."
Sports resultsWaterloo lost a nail-biter to the Queen's Golden Gaels 65-63 in the bronze medal game of the Christmas Shoot-Out women's basketball tournament, played in UW's PAC at the very end of the old year.The Warriors defeated Concordia 61-58 in their opening game of the tournament, but faced the York Yeowomen -- a power in the OUA league -- in their second game and lost 84-68. York would eventually go on to win the tournament championship. Meanwhile, the men's hockey team was taking part in the Gryphon Invitational Hockey Tournament last week and lost their opening game to Toronto 3-2 in an overtime shoot-out. Later scores should be available this morning. |
A timely note from the distance and continuing education office: "Having difficulties with your schedule this term? Consider UW's distance education courses. Our staff will be in the registrar's office from January 3-12 to hand out calendars, answer your questions and take in course registration forms. Call distance education at ext. 5797 for further information."
The key control office will be open during the lunch hour, as well as its regular daily hours, from today through January 12, to help the many people who need new keys at the beginning of term.
The executive committee of the UW senate will meet at 3:30 today (Needles Hall room 3004) to set the agenda for the January 15 meeting of the full senate. Items tentatively listed include a progress report on the 1997 "Building on Accomplishment" long-range plan; "academic priorities" for the coming capital fund campaign; and appointments to this year's selection committee for two sets of distinguished teacher awards.
A note from Diane Cleasby-Bandura in the school of optometry: "For the week of January 2 to 5, the Centre for Contact Lens Research will have an information table set up in the Student Life Centre to attract volunteers who are interested in participating in various studies. Interested individuals will be asked to complete a prescreening questionnaire, after which they will be contacted by a member of the CCLR. The CCLR, which is located in the school of optometry, conducts clinical research on all aspects of contact lens wear."
The University Club is closed this week, which gives the plant operations department a chance to install a new hot water heater. The club will be reopening next Monday, January 8.
Tomorrow brings the first UW surplus sale of the century. The sale will run from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at central stores, East Campus Hall (off Phillip Street).
Finally, quick notes about two UW staff who are moving to new jobs
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Last Bulletin of 2000
Copyright © 2001 University of Waterloo