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Friday, January 14, 2000
Starting this week, the Bombshelter in the Student Life Centre offers smoke-free evenings. A smoking section -- about 40 per cent of the seating -- is open every day at the Bomber until 7 p.m. At Federation Hall, smoking is being allowed on Thursday evenings, the busiest night at the pub, for a two-week trial period. All other nights are non-smoking
"During the trial period we will be polling students there to see what option they would prefer," says Joshua Doig, Federation of Students vice-president (administration and finance), who suggested there is a possibility of creating a smoking section in the upstairs portion of Fed Hall if students wish.
In the wake of the January 1 Waterloo region bylaw prohibiting smoking in
public spaces, the Feds applied for the bylaw exemption available to
non-profit organizations which have a paid membership, a constitution and
an elected executive body. The exemption was granted last week.
Doig saw the exemption application as an effort "to protect minority opinion on campus," and noted he was pleased with the compromises reached by the Feds and by the ad hoc smoking committee formed to deal with the issue. "If you tell everybody ahead of time which nights are smoking, it allows students the freedom to make a decision rather than being subjected to second-hand smoke every time they attend," he said.
While Doig admitted that Feds' income could drop if smokers were barred from campus pubs and the bylaw was not enforced off campus, "most members were adamant that income considerations not be taken into account" in the discussions.
Only one of the 30 students who sit on students' council smokes, he added, and there are no smokers on the six-member ad hoc smoking committee which he chairs.
UW's food services, including catering services, and the University Club are now non-smoking. The Grad House, operated by the Graduate Student Association, has applied for a bylaw exemption to allow smoking on the premises.
That's the bottom line -- literally -- on a new sheet of "Guidelines for supervisors re harassment and discrimination", sent to department heads by the provost, with a request that they be distributed to all managers. The Guidelines come from UW's Office of Ethical Behaviour and Human Rights, "to assist those dealing with an initial human rights complaint".
Says the provost's memo to department heads: "Because managers/supervisors rarely are forewarned of such concerns prior to an initial meeting, and because these issues can be complex and serious, these Guidelines focus on that initial meeting where managers and supervisors are 'on their own' to respond.
"After that initial encounter, managers are directed to consult a number of resources on campus (OEBHR, Human Resources, Counselling Services and Health Services).
"I urge you all to take a moment to review these Guidelines. Where the initial complaint is handled well with sensitivity and understanding, the potential for a successful resolution increases dramatically."
The Guidelines, along with information on the "New Workplace" training program sexual harassment, human rights and diversity, offered by the OEBHR and the human resources department, are can be found on the web. Printed copies of the Guidelines are available from OEBHR, phone ext. 3765.
Excerpts from the Guidelines:
When problems related to harassment and discrimination arise, you may be the first person, in an official capacity, called upon to respond. You are required under University Ethical Behaviour policy (#33) and provincial human rights legislation to respond in a timely and sensitive manner; to take steps to stop improper behaviour; and to take whatever action (including disciplinary and/or educational) seems appropriate.For most individuals, the decision to come forward with their concerns has been difficult. Providing the individual with privacy, your total attention, and adequate time to explain his or her concerns will help. These actions indicate that you care and provide a basis for trust. If trust and rapport cannot be established, the individual will likely drop the matter or go elsewhere.
Maintain appropriate level of eye contact. Avoiding eye contact can send the message that you would rather be elsewhere. Try to "feedback" the substance and the emotional content of what the person is telling you, if appropriate (e.g. "It sounds as though you were very uncomfortable when those remarks were made to you"). This allows you to check for understanding and also lets the person know that you have heard him or her.
Individuals sometimes believe that if they disclose their concerns they may ‘lose control' (i.e. the University will take over their complaint). Indicate that you are there to ‘help work towards’ a resolution.
Inform the individual that he or she will not face reprisal or be disadvantaged by coming to you for assistance.
Explain the options: These may include informal options (e.g. mediation), or more formal options such as an internal investigation, or filing a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission, or the University of Waterloo Police.
Suggest other resources: Including Counselling Services, Health Services, the Employee Assistance Program, and the Resolution Support Program (accessed though the OEBHR, it provides complainants and respondents ongoing support services as they resolve their concerns).
Either during the meeting, or immediately following; notes are critical if the complaint proceeds externally.
Get help immediately from the OEBHR (ext. 3765) and/or Human Resources (ext. 2524).
Remember: listen and get help.
The college's first home, in a house on Albert Street, was a far cry
from the buildings pictured here, which rose in 1962 on one of the
four church college sites west of Laurel Creek. Operated by the
Anglican Church of Canada, the college now has residences for
men and women, an academic program, and the Renison Institute of
Ministry, headed by a retired bishop.
Renison is the base for UW's East Asian studies program -- with courses in Japanese, Chinese and Korean, and a growing emphasis on international trade. It's also home for the social development studies program and a new degree program in social work.
The college was named in honour of Rev. Robert John Renison, who had been archbishop of Moosonee and primate of Canada, and it adopted his personal motto, Sed coelum solum -- "One sky over all" -- or, as it has been freely interpreted, "We seek to develop an empowering, co-operative and harmonious spirit."
Error! Alan McLachlin was principal of St. Paul's United College, not Renison. A correction appeared Monday, January 17. |
The Founders Day formalities on Sunday begin at 3 p.m. with Evensong at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in downtown Kitchener, the "pro-Cathedral" for Anglicans in this area. UW president David Johnston, himself an Anglican, will speak.
![]() Squirrels are being blamed for a Thursday afternoon crash on the ring road just east of Federation Hall in which an environmental studies van carrying students went out of control, climbed an embankment, became airborne, and landed on a car in a parking lot. Witnesses found a trail of pine cones leading to the crash site, and a preliminary check revealed a stash of cones tightly packed inside the engine. Other vehicles in the parking lot were also damaged, but no injuries were reported. ![]() |
The psychology department presents a talk today by George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University. He'll speak (3:30 p.m., PAS room 2083) on "Hot/Cold Empathy Gaps".
The Graduate Student Association will be holding a Mixer at the Grad House tonight, from 8:00 until 2 a.m. "The purpose of this event," writes GSA vice-president Stephanie Faint, "is to welcome new graduate students to the campus, but of course all grads are encouraged to attend! There will be a DJ, games and prizes. It will also be a great opportunity to meet people. Admission is free to all GSA members and affiliate members of the Graduate House. So come on out for a great time."
The Kiwanis travelogue series has its monthly presentation tonight in the Humanities Theatre, starting at 8:00.
Looking to tomorrow night, the Student Life Centre gets taken over by "The Big Chill", a three-storey party sponsored by the Federation of Students and promising "music for all tastes".
Looks like a big weekend for Warrior teams. Tonight, the
swimmers compete here in the UW and University of Guelph Invitational,
starting at 6:30. (The event continues tomorrow at Guelph.)
Saturday afternoon brings two
basketball games against Windsor: the men's teams play at 2 p.m.,
the women's teams at 4 p.m., in the PAC main gymnasium. UW also hosts
a squash tournament and "designated race I" for the Nordic skiing
teams, both Saturday and Sunday. Away from UW, the hockey Warriors
play at York on Saturday afternoon and at Laurentian on Sunday.
Track and field athletes are in Windsor for the Can-Am Classic, today
and tomorrow.
And the men's volleyball team is at Windsor on Sunday afternoon.
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![]() Penelope is a keen reader of the Daily Bulletin, judging from this photo, taken by my colleague Barbara Elve. |
The CSC is holding a membership drive just now, which perhaps explains why more than just Penelope's intimate friends are being invited to her party. Celebrations run from 5:30 to midnight tonight in the "comfy lounge" on the third floor of the Math and Computer building. "Admission is free for CSC members. Memberships are only $2."
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@uwaterloo.ca | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Yesterday's Bulletin
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