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Friday, May 21, 1999
Computing interruptionsHere's a notice of some importance from the information systems and technology department:"As announced in the Gazette of April 14, new classrooms and labs for students will require a re-construction of the Main Computer Room. In order for this construction to take place, IST will be removing all equipment from MC1061, between May 24 and June 21. Our proposal is to schedule service shutdowns as much as possible in the evenings, early mornings and weekends. Users should check email and Daily Bulletin for notification of interruptions. Please contact Steve Breen, Manager of Operations (x2686), if you believe this p proposal is going to cause a great impact on your work. "Our first interruptions will be on Sunday May 23 and Monday May 24, Sunday May 30 and Saturday June 12. On these dates no VM services will be available." |
Once the SCH job is finished, Churchill adds, the kiosk in the middle of the University Avenue entrance road will be removed. It hasn't been in regular use since the redesign of parking lot H two years ago; the security department now provides visitor information from the new kiosk at H lot rather than the old one opposite SCH.
Another of the season's big projects has already been announced and will start shortly, says Churchill. That's the work on the two-storey "Red Room" at the heart of the Math and Computer building; a floor is being added, and much of the space will be converted to classrooms and a lecture theatre. "This will create disruptions after 4:30 p.m. during the summer," says Churchill. "Occupancy is scheduled for January 2000."
Other work on campus as spring turns into summer includes paving at the Village I cul-de-sac and at the UW Apartments entrance from University Avenue. "We will be repaving the ring road from Physical Activities to the Student Life Centre," Churchill adds.
"The pedestrian overpass and Village I great hall and areas of East Campus Hall and the University Club will be re-roofed, and the slabs on the Engineering Lecture Hall roof will be lifted to clean and recoat the roof under it.
"There will be some minor brick, mortar and caulking repairs and replacement at the Library, PAC, Optometry, ES II, University Club, General Services Complex, Modern Languages, Physics and Ron Eydt Village."
She says short-term stress can show up as aches and pains, fatigue, migraine headache, insomnia, high blood pressure or excessive weight gain or loss, while research has shown that long-term stress can lead to disease or illness by depressing the body's natural immune response.
Stress also affects thinking abilities. "When under stress, you may find it difficult to organize your thoughts, to pay attention, or to remember accurately."
Stress has an expensive price tag. Like concentric circles, its ripples affect the individual, their family, the workplace and society through physical illness, family discord, marital breakup, reduced productivity, absenteeism or sick leave, and high health insurance and health-care costs.
To help people handle the stresses and demands of their lives more effectively, Dimeck developed a comprehensive course that combines the latest information about stress management with very specific techniques and coping strategies. "Instead of waiting until we need time off work or medical treatment, we need to pay more attention to taking care of ourselves, and to coping more effectively with stress," she says. Most insurance companies with a referral from a doctor or an employee benefits program will cover the cost of her 10-week course.
She says preserving the well-being of employees at any corporate level is important to a company's competitiveness and the payback can cover the cost of a stress management course for many years.
"At the perception of stress, many kinds of neurochemical reactions take place in the body," she says. "The well known 'flight or fight' response is the body's way of preparing to deal with a perceived threat or attack. Although in today's complex world, fighting or fleeing are not very effective way of dealing with stresses such as workplace demands or financial pressures, this stress reaction still occurs unless we can learn more effective ways of responding."
Her course helps participants to evaluate the sources of stress in their lives, to refocus perceptions, and to break the stress response through practical relaxation techniques. "During each 90-minute session, participants learn new information, practise new techniques, share in group discussions at their comfort level, participate in relaxation training and take home practical exercises to carry out."
The Computing Help and Information Place will be closed all weekend, from tonight at 5 until Tuesday morning at 8. Over the weekend, says the department of information systems and technology, major outages of the campus computer network can be reported to ext. 4357 (888-4357) and will be addressed if possible.
The libraries will be open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, and closed entirely on Monday.
Food services says
Mudie's, at Village I, will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. all
weekend. All other outlets will have regular hours Friday (Brubakers
in the Student Life Centre is open until
7 p.m.), but will be closed on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Graphics Express in the Dana Porter Library will be open Saturday from noon to 4 p.m., closed Monday. The Davis Centre copy centre will be closed all weekend.
Some key services continue as always, 24 hours a day:
The TriUniversity Group of Libraries (TUG) is completing an upgrade of the TRELLIS system software. The first step was done in late April. The second step will begin on Sunday evening, May 23 and continue through Tuesday, May 25.At approximately 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 23, the TRELLIS system will be shut down and will remain down until the upgrade has been completed.
All UW Libraries are closed on Sunday evening and all day Monday. On Tuesday, library services will be maintained at as near a normal level as possible. In the Libraries, many circulation services will be offered but self-charge will not be available.
Web services (e.g. journal indexes, electronic journals, ILL forms, subject-based web sources) which are accessed from the TUG web page should not be affected. Course Reserve information will be available via the TRELLIS page on the TUG web. If you require other TRELLIS information while the system is down, please contact an Information Desk in one of the Libraries on campus and staff will try to help you.
TRELLIS should be available for use again on Wednesday, May 26.
Staff members' ballots in the referendum about changing from once-a-month pay to twice-a-month are due back to the university secretariat by 3 p.m. today.
Jan Willwerth in the information systems and technology department, phone ext. 2376, will be glad to hear from staff and faculty members interested in the Matthews Golf Classic, this year scheduled for Monday, June 21.
The Ontario Folk Dance Camp will bring approximately 100 participants to UW's Ron Eydt Conference Centre over the holiday weekend.
I didn't receive the regular Positions Available list this week, which is why it didn't appear in Wednesday's Bulletin, but it is available on the Web.
The winner in this month's draw in the Dollars for Scholars raffle was Anne Wagland of the office of the vice-president (academic) and provost.
The bookstore is planning a strawberry social for midday on Tuesday, June 1, to celebrate the opening of the renovated Techworx stationery shop and Double U's coffee shop (more details next week).
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Yesterday's Bulletin
Copyright © 1999 University of Waterloo