Elmira Maple Syrup Festival |
Friday, March 26, 1999
UW French studies and Jewish studies professor Paul Socken and faculty of arts dean Brian Hendley signed the agreement during a recent visit to Hebrew University, where they met with faculties and administration and toured the campus. "We were warmly received," said Socken. "Hebrew University is the premier university in Israel, and has exchanges with a number of Canadian universities.
Jewish studies at Waterloo is planning fundraising to provide an endowment to facilitate the exchange of faculty and graduate students between the two schools.
As well, the Canadian Friends of Hebrew University is establishing a fund to help underwrite some of the costs for UW undergrads to attend the Rothberg School. The opportunity to participate in the English language program at the school is open to all arts faculty students at UW, he added. Students will be able to take courses in a wide range of topics in the arts, and to have the credits count on their transcripts from UW.
Socken hopes to have the paperwork in place to allow students to apply to the Rothberg program for the fall 1999 term. Students have the option of studying at the school for up to one year.
Sponsored by Operation 2000, the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) and Global Community Centre in Waterloo, the event will bring to campus Maude Barlow, Council of Canadians; Joel Harden, Canadian Federation of Students; and Buzz Hargrove, Canadian Auto Workers, for a panel discussion tonight.
The teach-in begins at 7 p.m. tonight with an introduction by Tony Clarke of the Polaris Institute and last year's Stanley Knowles visiting professor at UW. On Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., participants -- including representatives from a wide range of government and non-governmental organizations -- will engage in a series of workshops and roundtable discussions.
The $10 registration fee includes lunch on Saturday, and subsidies are available. For more information or to register, contact WPIRG at ext. 4882.
Arts Computer Experience (ACE) ACE is a summer day camp for children, ages seven to 12 years, where the emphasis is on learning while having fun. ACE offers instruction in art, computers, drama and music combined with outdoor games, activities and swimming. The camp runs four two-week sessions throughout July and August, 8:30 - 4:30 daily. Cost is $280 for sessions I, II and IV and $260 for session III (shortened by the Civic holiday). Program begins July 6. Contact: Mary Varcoe 888-4567, ext. 5939.
Engineering Science Quest (ESQ) Engineering Science Quest is a member of YES-VACC of Canada, winner of the Michael Smith Award for excellence for the promotion of science to young people across Canada. This student-run program explores new horizons in engineering and science by giving children an opportunity to see, touch, invent, design, create, and experiment in six distinct camps for children in grades 1-12. New this season is a camp for children entering grades 1 and 2. Two ExXtreme Camping! programs, for senior elementary and high school students, focus on the world of computers and technology. Camps have a camper/instructor ratio of five campers per instructor, except the ExXtreme Camping! programs which have a ratio of three campers per instructor. Camps run weekly from July 5 to August 27 at $150 per five-day week and $200 per five-day week for the ExXtreme Camping! program. Contact Bill Baer or Cindy Zeto at 888-4567, ext. 5239 or at http://esq.uwaterloo.ca or directors@esq.uwaterloo.ca.
Hildegard Marsden Day Nursery Summer Camp A program of fun-filled indoor and outdoor activities emphasizes the intellectual, physical, social and emotional growth of young children ages 2 1/2 to six years. Activities include science projects, swimming, large and fine motor activities, songs, co-operative games, field trips and more. The child-staff ratio is eight campers for each childhood educator, with a maximum of 16 weekly campers. Each week offers different trips and activities. Minimum weekly sessions are offered for July and August. Cost is $125 per five-day week; $115 for the four-day week. Programs begin on June 28. Contact: Alicia Smith or Tracy Recoskie, 888-4567, ext. 5437.
Klemmer Farmhouse Co-operative Nursery Summer Program A fun-filled weekly program for children ages 2 1/2 years to six years involves crafts, water play, music and games combined with field trips and outdoor play programs. Children may register for one or more weeks. Hot lunch and snacks are provided. The child-staff ratio is eight children for each ECE teacher. Cost is $120 per five-day week and $100 for the four-day week. Contact: Melodie Lee 885-5181.
Ontario Mennonite Music Camp (OMMC) Are you looking for an exciting camping experience? Then join us for 12 fun-filled days of Music Camp. We welcome boys and girls ages 12 to 16 years with a love for music and some basic music training. Create lifetime friendships as you participate in choir, instrumental music, private coaching, a musical theatre production, crazy outdoor activities, campfires, field trips, camper planned chapels, concerts by professional artists, and a concert for family and friends. Now in our 16th year, OMMC gladly receives campers from many Christian denominations. Campers and university-trained counselors are housed in the UW dormitory rooms of Conrad Grebel College. Aug. 15-27. Cost is $475, plus non-refundable deposit of $50. Contact Julia Richards, 885-0220, ext. 226.
Architecture students are reminded to hand in 10 resume copies along with a completed continuous phase registration form today at the co-op department.
University of Calgary professor Donald Getz will examine Issues in Tourism Planning today as part of the Contemporary Perspectives on Tourism lecture series at 9:30 a.m. in the Mutual Auditorium, Burt Matthews Hall.
To Be a Computationalist or Not To Be a Computationalist: What are the Questions? is the topic of a colloquium by UW philosophy professor Charles Wallis today at 3:30 p.m. in Hagey Hall room 373.
There are still some tickets available for the final two performances of Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), the UW drama department's production of Ann-Marie MacDonald's award-winning Shakespearean parody. Show time tonight and Saturday is at 8 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall. To reserve a seat, phone the box office at ext. 4908.
The World Vision 30-hour Famine gets underway today at Conrad Grebel College. The annual event raises funds for World Vision's emergency relief, health, agriculture, reforestation, training, education and counselling programs around the world. To find out more, phone Amy Rideout at 725-8172.
Family Business 102: Next Generation Perspectives is the focus of a Centre for Family Business seminar Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at Conrad Grebel College. Aimed at young adults (ages 17 to 30), the seminar will examine "managing intergenerational conflict and working in sibling/cousin teams." For information, phone the centre at 886-0910.
Muslims at UW will mark Waqfa-al-Arafat Saturday by fasting and praying that they may one year perform Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mekka. Sunday is Eid-ul-Adha, a day to commemorate the obedience of Prophet Abrahim and his son Ishmael in following God's instructions. "The day is filled with praying, slaughtering sheep and sharing its meat with the needy, visits to family and friends, and thanking the Creator for all the blessings."
All members of the university community are invited to the 490s Fair Monday, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in ES1 room 221. Graduating students in environment and resource studies will present their honours thesis projects and answer questions about their work. Visitors are welcome to drop by for even a short period of time.
On Monday through Thursday next week, a blood donor clinic will be held at the Student Life Centre from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Appointments may be booked at the Turnkey desk with photo/signature identification.
The Volunteer Action Centre has opportunities to lend a hand in the community by providing emotional support for people facing life-threatening illness through the Hospice of Waterloo Region, by helping seniors shop for groceries through the City of Waterloo, and by offering friendship to recent immigrants and refugees through the YMCA Host Program. Phone the centre at 742-8610 to learn more.
Barbara Elve
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@uwaterloo.ca | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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