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Friday, April 23, 1999

  • Future students 'change the world'
  • Faraway students support UW
  • Local volunteers are wanted
  • On the last day of exams

Future students 'change the world'

Fee payment deadlines

Spring term: Monday, April 26 (undergraduates); Friday, April 30 (graduate students)
Fall term: Tuesday, August 31
"The university most likely to produce the leaders of tomorrow is already producing the leaders of today," says UW president James Downey in a letter to the students of tomorrow. His words are part of a spectacular round poster-brochure that was mailed last week to applicants for next fall's first-year class.

"Think one person can change the world?" the outside of the golden-brown mailing asks. "So do we." Through Downey's words, and brief interviews with a dozen current students, it tries to tell 18-year-olds just how exciting a place Waterloo is.

One of the twelve

The brochure interviews, along with 11 others, David Vu, third-year student: "How did a Science and Business student get involved with a dragon boat? Dragon boat races were started 2000 years ago in China by a group of superstitious people who thought that the races would bring them wealth and abundant crops. Today, it's an international festival that brings together many people -- including students from Waterloo's Science and Business program. David co-founded the dragon boat team because he believes that the race captures the essence of what students are achieving in Science and Business. . . ."
"We're really pleased with the outcome -- we pulled the piece together in under one month," says Tina Roberts, director of undergraduate recruitment. "The brochure targets three issues -- our reputation, the success of our students, the success of our grads -- three areas in terms of how Waterloo differs from other schools.

"We hope this brochure leaves a lasting impression with the type of student that will succeed at Waterloo. We also hope it counteracts our inability to offer guaranteed residence to all students that would like to live in residence and the lack of a competitive scholarship program in some programs."

Downey's five-paragraph message introduces the brochure, and emphasizes the reputation of UW for producing "leaders of tomorrow" as assessed by Maclean's magazine year after year. He writes of "the quality and maturity of our students and the achievement of our graduates." Downey also observes that "Nowhere do students have such an articulate and respected voice in the decisions that affect them and in the quality of education they receive."

The "change the world" poster was sent to everyone who's applied to first-year programs for next fall. Many of those students are living in suspense right now: although "some" offers of admission have already been made, Roberts says, "The majority will be made on May 18," announced earlier as the date high schoolers should circle on their calendars. "Students have until June 1 to confirm where they will attend."

Faraway students support UW

Waterloo students in Toronto, Vancouver and Iqaluit will be sitting down to face exam papers tomorrow, as their winter term courses come to an end. Exams in "distance education" (formerly "correspondence") courses are all written on a single day, at exam centres across Canada or under the supervision of individual proctors for students who can't get to an exam centre.

Some of them have never set eyes on the UW campus, but distance students are strong supporters of Waterloo anyway, the latest issue of their newsletter, the UW Correspondent, suggests:

Our thanks to all those who supported the second annual fundraising appeal of students enrolled in distance education courses. Over the past two years we have received almost $45,000 in gifts and pledges. With close to $15,000 raised this year, our expectations have been exceeded two years in a row!
The newsletter says the money donated by those students "has a direct impact on distance learning opportunities". For example, some of it is being used to pay for preparation of "German for the Workplace" (German 305) by correspondence, to be offered for the first time in the winter term 2000. Also being funded with help from student donations: "Introduction to Cartography and Remote Sensing" (Geography 165) and "General Life Insurance" (Math Elective 305A).

The newsletter also tells distance students to plan ahead for Saturday, September 25, when the annual open house will be held ("a great opportunity for you to chat with students, instructors, and UW staff"). And it notes that the UW library has introduced a new web site with tools and information for use by faraway students.

Local volunteers are wanted

The local Volunteer Action Centre has issued its weekly list of help wanted, along these lines:
Become a special friend to a gentleman in need of friendly, caring attention. A volunteer with a caring, upbeat personality, experience with seniors, and enthusiasm would be the perfect fit for this position. This gentleman has recently moved into a seniors home and is in need of assistance with this transition. He is very friendly and rode a Harley Davidson in his youth and would enjoy reminiscing.

Be a role model! Waterloo Minor Hockey Association is already searching for Representative and Recreational coaches for the 99-00 season. Knowledge of hockey and a willingness to attend level 1 Coach Certification are necessary. The cost of the certification program is covered. This is an excellent opportunity for college and university students who have patience, communication skills and a positive attitude. If you are 19 or older, please call for more details.

Golf season is here, so the Food Bank of Waterloo Region is holding its Golf Tournament on May 26, 1999 to raise funds! Volunteers are needed to assist with the details prior to the tournament and on the day of the event as well. Some tasks include compiling lists, updating databases, making phone calls, picking up prizes and so on. Volunteers will help set up at the tournament itself. People with good clerical skills, who wish to work in a friendly, busy environment, will enjoy this position. More information is available when you call.

Horse and rider volunteers needed. Central Ontario Developmental Riding Program offers therapeutic horseback riding lessons to children, teens and adults with disabilities. They are in need of volunteers during the day for the next several weeks to assist with their spring session. Experience with horses is not necessary; they provide training.

For more information, the VAC can be reached at 742-8610.

On the last day of exams

The philosophy department hosts a colloquium this afternoon at 3:30 in Humanities room 373. James Robert Brown of the University of Toronto will speak on "Who Is to Rule? From Snow's 'Two Cultures' to Sokal and the Science Wars".

A "Rhythm Dance Festival" has the Humanities Theatre rented this afternoon and evening, and all day Saturday and Sunday.

The UW libraries will close at their normal hours tonight (Dana Porter 10:00, Davis Centre 11:00) and will be entirely closed Saturday and Sunday. Next week, the libraries will close at 6 p.m. Normal hours will resume when the spring term begins on May 3. And a reminder: the Trellis computer system, including the on-line catalogue, will be out of operation for at least a day, starting at 6 p.m. Sunday.

An announcement from Jeff Stewart, manager of the Math C&D (that is to say, the Mathematics Society's coffee-and-doughnut stand on the third floor of the Math and Computer building): "The Math C&D will remain open throughout April to serve the staff, faculty and remaining students on campus. Our store hours will be Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Breakast, lunch and dinner options will be available in addition to our wide selection of drinks and snacks." He thinks Math is the only student-run food outlet that'll be open next week (and a number of the food services department's sales points will close too until the spring term begins).

The April draw in the Dollars for Scholars raffle was held Tuesday. Sharing in this month's prize: Murray Haight of the faculty of environmental studies and Drew Knight of the office of research.

Two repair projects will get started early next week, and that's in addition to the work now under way at South Campus Hall, which has closed the main entrance to that building. Plant operations sends word that the southeast stairwell of the Physics building (the side facing the Grad Club) will be closed next week, and the north entrance to the Health Services building will be closed starting Tuesday.


Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@uwaterloo.ca | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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Copyright © 1999 University of Waterloo