Ching Ming Festival |
Tuesday, April 6, 1999
Board meets todayThe UW board of governors will meet at 2:30 today in Needles Hall room 3001.Among the agenda items: formal approval of the staff salary increases that are to be effective May 1; a progress report on the north campus technology park; plans for $1.3 million worth of renovations to the Math and Computer building to make room for teaching more students, as enrolment in high-tech programs starts to rise this fall; a presentation and discussion about financial aid for students. And the board will be asked to approve tuition fee levels for 1999-2000, including the first "differential" fees at UW outside the school of optometry. The proposal, announced earlier, is to raise the fees for "regulated" programs by 9 per cent this year. Fees for "deregulated" programs -- computer science, engineering and optometry -- and the Master of Accountancy graduate program will go up by 19 per cent. |
Policy 33 needed an overhaul because the Memorandum of Agreement between UW and the faculty association, signed last year, set up new procedures that made the Ethics Committee redundant. It was eliminated as of June 1, 1998.
The revised policy, being presented to senate this month, sets out pretty much the same principles as the old document, which dates from 1990. It notes that UW intends to be "a just and supportive community based on equality and respect for individual differences" and that the university supports academic freedom and "the duty to use that freedom in a manner consistent with the scholarly obligation to base teaching and research on an honest and ethical quest for knowledge".
Individuals are forbidden to "unduly interfere with the study, work or working environment of other members of the University", and supervisors are expected to use their authority "solely for the purposes explicitly stated or implied in University policies" -- no sexual harassment, for example.
The main changes in the policy involve the way complaints and problems are to be dealt with. Excerpts:
Members of the University community have the right to lodge complaints and to participate in proceedings without reprisal or threat of reprisal for so doing. Those with supervisory authority (academic or employment) are expected to be proactive in promoting respect for the general principles articulated in Section I and, with assistance and guidance from the Office of Ethical Behaviour and Human Rights (OEBHR), are responsible for dealing with alleged violations of those principles. . . .Those who receive complaints or who perceive what they believe to be violations of this policy shall act promptly to notify an appropriate administrative officer, normally one's immediate supervisor, the Department Head, Chair or Director, to provide or initiate the appropriate remedial or disciplinary measures. If the complaint pertains to that individual, it should be directed to the next administrative level (Dean, Associate Provost, Vice-President). Those dealing with alleged violations of this policy shall be guided by principles of fairness and natural justice. Complaints that are found after investigation to be of a frivolous and/or vexatious nature will not be pursued.
Disciplinary measures resulting from alleged infringements of this policy may be appealed under the grievance policies for staff (Policy 36), students (Policies 70/71), faculty (Article 9 of the Memorandum of Agreement). Members of CUPE 793 should refer to Article 15 of their Collective Agreement.
Some seven math, engineering and science students plan to push off from Vancouver on May 1 and pedal their way back to UW in time for convocation in June, raising money to provide scholarships for students in Nicaragua and Guatemala along the way. They've dubbed the project Cycling for Opportunty.
With pledges for the trip and a series of fundraising events, they hope to reach the goal of $4,500 -- a dollar for every kilometer. Proceeds will go to the Fair Opportunities Group, a development organization founded by UW alumni, and Escuela de Espanol Pop Wuj, an educational organization in Guatemala.
The idea for the project originated from graduating math student Sarah Kamal's experiences working in Nicaragua and Guatemala, where underprivileged students in poverty-stricken neighbourhoods have few educational opportunities. When Phil Meyer, a classmate, described to her the fun he had on a bike trip to Vancouver, the two ideas seemed like the perfect match, and the tour was born.
A series of fundraising activities, including barbecues and dinners in Waterloo and Vancouver will also support the project. Today at 5 p.m., an end of term barbecue at the Grad House will help the cause with half of the $10 tickets going to Cycling for Opportunity. To reserve, notify Eric Hall at Cheques payable to Cycling for Opportunity can be sent to Cycling for Opportunity, c/o Veronica Chau, VP education (elect), at the Federation of Students, Student Life Centre. To make a pledge or to learn more, contact
In its letter to Pal, the institute describes the Fellowship as "a senior class of membership which recognizes outstanding major contributions to the science or to the profession of chemistry, chemical engineering or chemical technology. Fellows have the sole right to use the letter F.C.I.C. after their names."
Research papers were presented by 114 students at the conference, with 23 Waterloo undergrads presenting research results for their fourth year chemistry projects, a requirement of the UW chemistry degree.
UW winners were Tine Walma, 1st in biochemistry; Olof Johansson, 3rd in inorganic; Dave Tait, 2nd in physical/theoretical/analytical; Rachel Mainville, 1st in physical/theoretical/analytical; Matthew Heuft, 2nd in organic; and Steve Teertstra, 1st in polymer/materials science/environmental.
In addition to the three Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) postdoctoral fellowship recipients named in Monday's Daily Bulletin who will pursue their research at UW, three UW graduate students have been awarded fellowships in the 1999 competition to do postdoctoral research at other schools. Cameron Shelley will continue his work in the philosophy of science and technology at Columbia University; Lynda Hayward will do demography research at McMaster University; and Ian Newby-Clark will do his postdoc in psychology at Cornell University.
Tourism Studies: Practice, Pedagogy and Prospects is the subject of a tourism talk today at 2 p.m. in Environmental Studies 1 room 221 by Dr. Judith Cukier, University of Waikato, New Zealand. Everyone is welcome.
The Federation of Students is seeking a speaker and a recording secretary for the 1999-2000 year, beginning May 1. The speaker needs to have a thorough knowledge of Robert's Rules of Order, as well as Feds policies and procedures. For the recording secretary, excellent note taking and typing skills are required. Applications in writing may be sent to president-elect Christine Cheng, Federation of Students, Student Life Centre room 1102. For more information, contact or ext. 6781.
Plant operations will be painting tomorrow in Needles Hall rooms 1110, 2001 and 3021.
No preparation or experience is necessary to audition for the 11th edition of Single and Sexy on Wednesday starting at 2 p.m. in the Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages room 135. Students from all faculties, all races, all ethnic groups are welcome to try out for the three female and four male parts. Just wear comfortable clothes. Callbacks are on Thursday. For more information, contact stage manager Michael Haltrecht at
Barbara Elve
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
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