Monday, September 28, 1998
The proposed new Policy 36 and proposed revisions to Policy 18 are posted on the Web; paper copies are available from the university secretariat (phone ext. 2749).
Says a memo from Charlene Schumm, president of the staff association and this year's chair of the staff relations committee:
Consistent with established practice, the Staff Relations Committee is soliciting feedback from all staff members. . . . If you would like to submit comments for the Committee's consideration, please direct them to Dianne Scheifele, Secretary of the Committee, Secretariat, Needles Hall, or by e-mail: dscheif@secretariat, by Wednesday, October 14, 1998.Background and highlights of the changes follow:
Policy 36: The research conducted by the UWSA Task Force on staff grievances was used by the Staff Relations Subcommittee charged with reviewing the Staff Grievances Policy as a basis on which to generate revisions. Generally, the Policy now includes strengthened procedures for informal resolution to avoid the formal hearings, where possible, and to ensure the availability of information to staff so that they can more readily understand the process. Key to the process is a description of a staff member's rights in pursuing a resolution to a grievance; also, time lines have been added to emphasize the desire to resolve conflicts quickly.
Policy 18, Sections II.A, II.D and IV.B: In order to provide for a more timely and effective recruitment process, the Staff Relations Committee is proposing that internal candidates be subject to a 15 working day time frame for purposes of applying for a job vacancy as an internal applicant. Internal applicants who apply after the 15 working day limitation would compete on an equal basis with external applicants. Section IV.B has been revised to include this new internal applicant time line, and sections II.A and II.D have been revised to reflect the foregoing.
Ticket sales will end January 15. There will be twelve draws, starting with an "early bird" on December 16, worth $2,500. The January prize is another $2,500, and then it's $1,000 each month through November.
Just 1,200 tickets are available, at $60 a ticket. (Do the mathematics: the raffle should raise some $57,000 for scholarships.) "UW faces a real challenge in the competition for top academic performers," says Ian Williams, chair of the scholarships committee, "and I am convinced that scholarships play a vital role in attracting the best students to Waterloo. The need for additional scholarship funds is critical. Please join me in supporting Dollars for Scholars."
Ticket order forms have been sent across campus and can be returned with payment (cheque or credit card) to Meredith McGinnis in the development office. It's even possible to pay in installments. More information: ext. 2562.
The Putnam: This mathematical contest is written annually on the first Saturday in December, and last year attracted 2,510 students from 419 campuses in the United States and Canada. UW's team earned an honourable mention (and in 1996 the Waterloo team placed eighth).
A kick-off session to organize registration and coaching for the Putnam will be held at 7:00 tonight in Math and Computer room 5158, says the UW coach, Christopher Small of the statistics and actuarial science department. He can provide more information (e-mail, phone ext. 5541).
The ACM: A contest involving UW, Toronto and Ryerson will be held in October, followed by the East Central Regional contest, which UW will host this year November 13-14. Two or three teams will go on from that event to the international championships in Eindhoven, Netherlands, in April.
UW's team placed third in the world and first in North America last spring. "Only one of our team of three North American champions is still eligible," says coach Gordon Cormack, of the computer science department, so newcomers are much wanted.
An information session will be held at 4:30 today in Math and Computer room 4063. For more information, Cormack can be reached at ext. 4450, e-mail
Some sports scoresFootballWaterloo 54, York 3 Field hockey Waterloo 4, McGill 0 Waterloo 2, Queen's 0 Waterloo 5, Trent 1 Women's rugby Waterloo 10, McMaster 10 Men's soccer Western 3, Waterloo 2 Women's soccer Western 2, Waterloo 0 Source: Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Association |
The computer system for the libraries of UW, the University of Guelph and Wilfrid Laurier University, Trellis, is having an official launch today: reception at 3:30, "remarks" at 4:15, at McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph.
"A blockbuster lineup" is promised for the annual career fair tomorrow, sponsored by UW, Wilfrid Laurier University, Conestoga College and the University of Guelph. It'll be held at Bingeman Conference Centre on Victoria Street in Kitchener, and is, organizers say, "obviously the place to be for co-op students, regular students, and alumni from all programs". The fair runs from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. tomorrow; shuttle buses will run from UW's Student Life Centre. "Employer participation has already reached its maximum capacity of 217," a memo says.
![]() Doug Wright |
Starting this Thursday: a career planning workshop sponsored by the counselling services department. "This comprehensive career planning program," organizers say, "is designed for those who have not yet significantly explored their career options and developed a personal career goal. Participants will explore their personal interests, skills, and values and work towards developing a comprehensive career plan. This 4 week workshop will include interpretations of the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a comprehensive career planning workbook, as well as instruction, group exercises and discussion." It runs in four sessions, starting at 7:00 Thursday. There's a $20 fee for materials. Register at counselling services, Needles Hall room 2080, phone ext. 2655.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo |
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Friday's Bulletin
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