Skate Canada |
Friday, November 6, 1998
![]() Cleanup in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, after the hurricane (Associated Press photo) |
One of those alumni is her brother, Ramin Kamal, who graduated from UW in computer science and applied math in 1994, and has been working in Nicaragua for the past year. He was planning to return to Canada this week, but opted to stay and try to help after the hurricane hit.
His latest e-mail missive, dated November 1 and distributed on the newsgroup uw.general by his sister this week, paints a graphic picture of the devastation and its impact on his friends in Santa Rosa, and pleads for aid: "People in Santa Rosa and elsewhere in Nicaragua have suffered plenty already. . . . Please, please, if you can spare something, make some donations to an appropriate organization. Each of us can make a personal donation, each of us can collect donations from others at our place of work, in their neighbourhood, at their school at church, or any place where we have friends. Real families are dying or have suffered a great setback in a country where any advancement is extremely difficult."
Donations to help the victims can be made through such disaster relief organizations as the Canadian Red Cross or Oxfam Canada.
![]() The Battle of Waterloo was fought June 18, 1815, near a Belgian village called Waterloo. The French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte (pictured), was decisively beaten by British and Prussian troops commanded by Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington -- all of which explains place names in western Ontario such as Arthur, Wellesley, Wellington, and Waterloo. |
And hockey and volleyballThe Battle of Waterloo is being fought on other fronts this week too. UW and WLU faced off on the hockey rink last night and played to a 2-2 tie. The teams will meet again at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Columbia Icefield.Meanwhile, there's other sports action, particularly the Warrior Classic, a tournament featuring five men's volleyball teams that will run all weekend in the Physical Activities Complex. Games start at 10, noon, 2:30, 5:00 and 7:00 today and tomorrow, 11:00 and 1:00 Sunday. UW's Black Plague will play in the noon and 7:00 games today, 2:30 and 7:00 tomorrow -- and presumably the gold medal match on Sunday afternoon. The men's basketball team is in a tournament at Brock University this weekend; the women's basketball team is in a tournament at Guelph; the swimmers are also at Guelph. |
The Rogers news release sums up the excitement nicely:
"Saturday's contest is considered the 'rubber match' of the 90s with split decisions the last two times these Titans of football clashed in semi-final play. In 1994, the Golden Hawks defeated the Warriors 29-26 at SkyDome in OT; fast forward to 1996 when the Warriors fought back to win a 26-23 white-knuckle nail-biter with double overtime.
"Peter Barnsley, media relations for Ontario University Athletics, is excited: 'Laurier and Waterloo have provided one of the greatest rivalries in OUA football in the 90s, with six wins apiece, one tie and some of the largest crowds on record.'"
Oh yes: when UW and Laurier met in mid-September, the Warriors won the game 33-14. The Warriors were 7-1 in regular season play, the Hawks 5-3.
Each team has seven players on the OUA all-star team, announced Wednesday. Warriors to make the first team were Mike Bradley, Chris Amey, Paul Sguigna, Dan Sendecki, Daryl Tharby, Jason Tibbits and Ted Siountres.
Tomorrow's game starts at 1:00 at University Stadium. It's a home game for Waterloo. Tickets are on sale today at the stadium or at the UW athletics department, and because it's a playoff game it's not included in season tickets. Students pay $5, others $8.
If you have pre-registered for the winter term, and you are on campus in the fall term and you will be full-time in the winter term, your schedule and fee statement will be available for pick-up, second floor, Needles Hall, starting the week of November 16. Some exceptions: engineering students get their documents from department offices; optometry students, from their mailboxes in the Optometry building; students based at Renison and St. Jerome's, from their colleges. If you are a part-time student or an independent studies student, your schedule and fee statement will be mailed to you.
Next step: pay your fees before the end of the fall term. Beginning November 16, the university will accept post-dated cheques dated no later than December 23. A copy of the OSAP Notice of Assessment or a copy of the letter confirming a scholarship or bursary is acceptable for a fee arrangement and can be used to arrange fees by mail.
Q: What is the most convenient way to pay my fees? A: Send a cheque for the full amount listed on your fee statement along with both copies of your fee statement. . . . We are sorry that we do not accept Visa and/or MasterCard for payment of tuition. The Cashier's Office, first floor, Needles Hall, is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for those who want to pay fees by debit card (Interac). |
You will receive your receipt and validation stickers by mail if you pay before December 15. If you are a full-time student and you submit your payment after December 15, you can pick up your receipt and validation stickers on campus. If you are a part-time student, your receipt and validation stickers will be mailed.
If you applied for Ontario Student Assistance Program funds by October 15, you will have the OSAP Notice of Assessment in sufficient time to arrange fees by mail by December 23. The Notice of Assessment confirms the amount of OSAP assistance. Enclose a copy of this form with the fee statement. Signing the promissory note on the fee statement and returning it before December 23 will satisfy your registration requirements until you are able to pick up your OSAP loan documents. If you apply for OSAP after October 15, we cannot guarantee that your Notice of Assessment will be produced in time to arrange fees by mail. Late fees will not be waived if you apply late for OSAP.
Tuition fee payment must be received in the cashier's office by December 23, 1998. Late fees will be assessed starting January 4, 1999. Late fees will not be waived if you delay selecting courses until January. Late fees begin at $50 for full-time students ($20 for part-time students) in the first week of January and rise week by week.
The final registration deadline is January 29, when all fees, including accumulated late fees, are due. A withdrawal service charge of $50 will be applied to all students who withdraw during the first three weeks of term.
The teaching resource office presents a session today about Critical Analysis, "a multimedia software model to help students in creating response papers, i.e. a critical analysis of the argument made by the author of specific articles in their disciplines". Mieke Delfgaauw of the environment and resource studies department, content author for CA, and Antonia Palmer, graduate student in systems design engineering who was the module designer and implementer, will speak, and Tom Carey of teaching resources will talk about opportunities for other faculty members to build on their work. The session starts at 12:30 in Math and Computer room 5158.
The Arriscraft Lectures in the school of architecture continue with a talk tonight (7 p.m., "green room" in Environmental Studies II) by Helsinki architect Juhani Pallasmaa. His topic: "Twelve Themes in My Work".
"There will be an overnight trip this weekend going up north for some brisk hiking," writes David Kidston of the Outers Club, "and I do mean brisk -- brr! It will most likely be in the Beaver Valley near the U of T Outings Club cabin (assuming we can find it)."
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo | (519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Yesterday's Bulletin
Copyright © 1998 University of Waterloo