Tuesday, March 10, 1998
![]() Lecture tonight on NietzscheJacob Golomb of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will deliver this year's Spinoza-Meir Lecture tonight, speaking on "Nietzsche and Jewish Culture." The lecture begins in 8 p.m. at Needles Hall room 3001.Golomb is the author of Nietzsche's Enticing Psychology of Power (1989) and In Search of Authenticity from Kierkegaard to Camus (1995) as well as other books about the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, best known for his concept of the Ubermensch, or superman. The Spinoza-Meir Lecture, on some aspect of Holocaust and Jewish scholarship, is presented each year by UW's Committee for Holocaust and Jewish Studies. Other sponsors this year are the Canada-Israel Foundation for Academic Exchange, UW's dean of arts, the departments of Germanic and Slavic languages, history, philosophy, political science, religious studies and Spanish, Conrad Grebel College, Renison College, St. Jerome's University and St. Paul's United College. Tax-deductible contributions are welcome to the Spinoza-Meir Lecture Fund at UW. |
Approval was given by the minister of education on February 25 to change the name from "the University of St. Jerome's College" to "St. Jerome's University", says Letson. "The change in name has now been officially registered."
He notes that "There is no change in our arrangement with the University of Waterloo in any way." St. Jerome's, which was founded in 1865, became a "federated college" of UW in 1960.
Commenting on the change, Letson noted that to many people "college" means one of the Ontario community colleges or some other institution -- a residence such as Resurrection College, or even a secondary school. "We have encountered a persistent confusion over our identity," he says, "a matter which is especially problematic from a recruitment perspective." The word "University" was used in the Act that establishes the college as long ago as 1959, he added.
St. Jerome's is one of UW's four "church colleges", more formally called "federated and affiliated colleges", which I notice have had the label "university colleges" in student recruitment contexts lately.
Things start at 10:20 tomorrow in the multipurpose room of the Student Life Centre, with "introduction and brainstorming" about "What are the important environmental initiatives on campus? What are important environmental concerns on campus?" Results of the discussion will be posted for comment, and meanwhile, at 12 noon, there will be talks by UW waste management coordinator Patti Cook and by James Kay of the environment and resource studies department.
General discussion resumes at 12:45: "What are possible solutions to the top five environmental concerns on campus?" Results will be presented in a final session from 1:45 to 2:50.
"The talks are open to all UW faculty, staff and students," says Jeremy Steffler of the Fed commission. "Please feel free to attend as many sessions as your schedule allows. The day's events will be informal."
Looking ahead to Saturday, there will be another event with a somewhat similar format and a related topic. It's a forum on "UW and the public interest", sponsored by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group, and will run from 1 to 4 p.m. in Math and Computer room 4045.
"Against the best competitors from the other regional competitions, Waterloo students won eight of the possible 21 awards at the national competition," says John McPhee of systems design engineering, who is faculty advisor for the UW team. "No other Canadian university did nearly so well. They succeeded in winning an amazing number of awards, including the prestigious W.R. Petrie Award and first place in three of the six competition categories."
Fifteen UW students qualified for the Canadian competition after placing in first or second place in the various contest categories of the Ontario Engineering Competition.
Here are the UW winners in the national contest:
"I'm a pretty happy camper," Mitchell was saying yesterday. He remarked that he hadn't really known any of his Waterloo teammates before, as they come from a range of departments and years, but was "very impressed with everyone".
Dave Johnson, Minister of Education and Training, and Al Palladini, Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism, launched today the first series of Youth Opportunities Ontario advertisements at Bedford Furniture Industries, a firm which has trained and hired 11 employees under Job Connect, a service provided by the Ministry of Education and Training."Since last February, Ontario gained 29,400 new jobs for young people," Johnson said. "While there are positive signs, there are still too many young people unemployed or underemployed. Ontario has a broad range of services to help young people train for jobs, or create their own job, and with today's launch we are committing ourselves to better inform young people about the resources available to them to help them find work."
Youth Opportunities Ontario will coordinate promotion of all of Ontario's major youth training and employment initiatives. The initial campaign includes promotion of the Ministry of Education and Training's Job Connect and the Young Entrepreneurs Program, which is a partnership between the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism and the Royal Bank. The Ontario government continues to call on the Federal government to eliminate Employment Insurance premiums for young Canadians to encourage job creation for youth, and is considering the results of a consultation with people in rural Ontario on ways to help young people in rural areas find work.
In coming weeks, additional campaigns will be launched to inform young people about services such as Ontario Summer Jobs, 1998 and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.
The co-op process continues, with the beginning of interviews for architecture students looking for spring term jobs. Students in other fields who got jobs with yesterday's matches should be having "acceptance meetings" today and tomorrow; those who didn't should be scrutinizing continuous phase posting #2, which goes up at noon today, for more job possibilities.
The Films for Awareness series continues at Conrad Grebel College. Today at noon: "The Gods of Our Fathers", in the great hall.
The actuarial science club hosts a talk and demonstration today about Mathcad, descried as "the new math software package that is becoming increasingly popular in the actuarial profession". The event starts at 4:30 in Math and Computer room 1078.
The annual series of St. Bede Lectures, offered during the Christian season of Lent, is under way at Renison College. This evening: Kenneth Hull of neighbouring Conrad Grebel College, on "Common Praise" (7:30, St. Bede's chapel).
The career development seminar series continues tomorrow with "Choose Your Own Adventure: The Entrepreneurial Advantage", at 1:30 p.m. in Needles Hall room 1020.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin: Chris Redmond
and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
credmond@uwaterloo.ca |
(519) 888-4567 ext. 3004
Yesterday's Bulletin
Copyright © 1998 University of Waterloo